Fun & Fashion at Stitches West

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Fun & Fashion at Stitches West

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A few weeks ago, Lindsey, Kendra, and I attended Stitches West, one of the four fantastic Stitches yarn conventions that happen around the country*. It was my second time at the Santa Clara, CA show, and we had a blast!

Of course the great gang from XRX/Knitter’s Magazine was there, as well as the awesome crew from Ravelry, along with many of our great designer friends. Over at the booth, I interviewed designers Lily Chin, Edie Eckman, and Candice Eisner Strick–a sort of “live and in person” version of what I do twice a month on our podcast, YarnCraft–in addition to meeting hundreds of Lion Brand fans who came to check out the latest in yarns and designs. A couple of Lion Brand even lovers brought their projects to show off! Here are photos of one woman’s cowl made in Amazing:

woman's cowl woman's cowl project

For a similar cowl pattern on, click here.

In the big fashion show, we had several garments made in our LB Collection yarns–these are luxe yarns available only on, through our catalog, and in our NYC store–including the Sunset Raglan Tee, Lace Crochet Bolero, and the Chevron Tank Tunic. You can see photos of the bolero in the show from XRX/Knitter’s Magazine here and here.

Another highlight of the show was hanging out with Heatherly (that’s designer YarnYenta, for you sock lovers)and her daughters. (Often, in the yarn community, you only run into your yarn-crafting friends a few times a year at these sorts of shows!). Here is teenage Tirzah in the cropped cardigan she knit in Vanna’s Choice!


As always, we love seeing you live and in person, and of course, we love seeing your projects! Keep an eye on the blog for announcements of other shows we’re going to be attending this year!

*If someone asks you what a yarn convention is like, just tell them it’s like “Comic Con” (the hugely popular comic/gaming/sci-fi convention) but for people who love yarn. Both have a lot of people who dress up specially for the occasion, geek out on “celebrities” that are only really famous in that circle, and tons of cool booths to check out. I find this explanation works particularly well on guys.

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  • Yes a yarn convention is definitly like “Comic Con” or a Star Wars convention.

  • Looks like a great event.
    I didn’t know that Lion Brand had a blog until Knit Purl Girl sent me.

  • KnitPurlGurl sent me and I’m glad I came!

  • I just absolutely love Lion Brand as I use it for 99% of my projects. KnitPurlGurl sent me.

  • I must this Newsletter Issue from Lion Brand about all the events has been most interesting. I also enjoyed seeing what Martha Stewart has going on as well. Unfortunately here in Vancouver,BC Canada we have yet to see Martha’s New Yarns.. I keep asking at Michael’s Craft store, and all they had was a Cotton.
    No Alpaca or Merino yarn.. which is so disappointing to be sure.

    I was just reading the little article from Michelle.. She’s so sweet.. I would love to find the Pattern and the yarn for her lovely little Shawlette she had over her shoulders? I don’t know where to look to find it?
    Hope someone will reply to let me know.. It is just perfect..

    If I could make a wish it would be to have a little Lions Brand shop here in Vancouver,BC.. I am sure the response would be great..

    Thank you once again.. Keep up the good work and wishing you all Happy Knitting & Crocheting.
    Sandra Balla
    North Vancouver,BC.

    •  Hi there, if you’re referring to one of the items shown in the blog post about this year’s Stitches West, we only have patterns for the items specifically named in the slideshow. But if you’re referring to the shawl in the first photo, pictured on Lion Brand fan, Grace, we do have a similar pattern on–click here to view it. Hope that helps!

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