In 2003, Colette Smith was told by a doctor that due to the pain in her hands, she would need eight hours of surgery and she would never be able to knit again. But for Colette, knitting is an essential part of her life. She is a fiber artist and designer and simply loves to knit. When she heard those words from her doctor, she took matters into her own hands (literally) and decided to find a way to heal her hand pain without surgery. Today she is pain free and knits eight to fifteen hours a day – you read that right – she knits 8-15 HOURS A DAY!
If you’re a knitter or crocheter with hand pain, Colette has some great advice based on her own research and experience. Here’s her story, plus suggestions for those of you who have hand pain, including some surprising tips about how to sit, how to sleep and exercises that could make help you continue to enjoy the crafts you love so much.
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My advice (from a knitter with a metal plate in her wrist) – slow down! Knitting or crocheting isn’t a 10K or sprint to the finish line. Always trying to knit or crochet at top speed can be stressful to your body. If you start to hurt, stop for the day and give your body 24 hours to recover.
Don’t do knitting or crochet marathons. Knit or crochet more frequently, but for shorter periods of time. If you must knit or crochet for hours on end, set a timer so that you periodically put down your work, stand up, do stretches, and move around (brew a cup of tea, play with the dog or cat, etc.).
Spending too much uninterrupted time hunched over knitting or crocheting is just as bad for our bodies as spending too many hours hunched over in front of a computer.
My chiropractor said the same thing–no knitting marathons! He suggested setting a timer for 2hrs, then put it down, do something else for a little while, stretch, then set the timer again. The first time I went to him with soreness in my wrist, he said, “What in the world have you been doing??!” He couldn’t figure out why I was developing repetitive motion injury…..but the expression on his face while checking my wrist was priceless! After that visit, he checked my wrists every visit….and the right wrist “told” on me every time if I had been marathoning again!
Thank you so much for the helpful advice! I’ve been noticing hand pain starting lately. My chiropractor already gave me similar advice for my back, but I’ll be putting the rest of this to use right away. I’m so happy for you, too, that you’ve been able to continue doing what you love and now you’re helping others do the same.
Janice Garner
Some good advise. Thank you!
Marion Tinney
Is there a book or pamphlet with this information in it? if so I would like one.
Yes! Is there another way to access the information? The video was blocked on my computer.
She posted a PDF on her site at
Ricki Koppel
Would love to get copies of the exercise sheets she was handing out in the video… this possible?
Posted at
I would be interested in the booklet as well. I don’t currently have pain, but wouldn’t mind taking steps to try to prevent it.
Found it at
My grandmother had terrible arthritis in her fingers.She crocheted beautiful tablecloths and trims to keep her hands moving.She passed her advise on to me as well as some of her work.A day doesn’t go by when I don’t knit or crochet and not only do I LOVE the craft but thank her daily for the advise that has kept my arthritis from getting the best of me.She passed away at the age of 92 and I miss her.How could I forget.I’m also named after her.Thank you Grandma!!!
sadly, her exercises will only help if it is

muscular. I haven’t crocheted for two years. Three weeks ago I had thumb
arthroplasty (joint replacement) due to bone on bone arthritis with
displacement. Looking forward to crocheting again in about six months to a year
I have a lot of nerve ending pain due to Lyme Disease. I find that the gentle movements of kniting and crocheting HELP! I do try to work somewhat slowly and recently took the Improve Your Knitting class on That’s a great class. I learned how to switch from holding the yarn in the right hand to holding it in the left (for knitting). This technique prevents fatigue from repetitive motions.
I found the pamphlet….