How to Make the “Lush Plush Arm Knit Cowl”

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How to Make the “Lush Plush Arm Knit Cowl”

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Shira shows you how to get the look of this Lush Plush Arm Knit Cowl without using needles! Using the simple technique of arm knitting, you can make this scarf in just half an hour!

Shop for Homespun® Thick & Quick® here.

Update: if you’re unsure of how to seam the piece, we have a pictorial walkthrough for you.

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  • Oh, PLEASE! Can we do away with this ridiculous “arm knit” fad already? It does not result in an attractive finished product, and it insulting to anyone that has ever actually KNITTED a garment. Put it in the trash bin along with the Pet Rock!

    • My daughter and her teenage friends love the look of them and I know someone who does this along with knitting with needles, my daugther saw the finished product and liked it. So, please don’t insult something that others do like. My son’s girlfriend also liked the way it looked. And according to them, you cannot have enough scarves, since they are now worn as an accessory, more than function

    • I agree. It looks sloppy and ugly to me. It’s like knitting, but for lazy people. I know that many people who do it aren’t lazy, but I can’t help but think that whenever I see a bunch of loose yarn hanging on someone’s neck. Each to their own and all that though. I just personally find it sloppy looking.

  • It was very confusing I did one and it took me an hour and still did not know what to do with the end knots the yarn needs to be told so we know what to buy she was very confusing do another and slower so we can do it with her I love you stuff but this one was way too fast and you can’t stop and go back

  • I agree, the video was too fast, not enough detail, and information to join the end pieces. I am an experienced knitter and found it to be confusing. I figured it out myself and liked the end result in homespun (two skeins knitted together). I will try it again in a heavier yarn.

  • there are already enough scarves, cowls, etc. So many new yarns are being made and the only purpose for them is yet another scarf. I have two dozen already I do not need another. My family cringes when they see me coming with yet another scarf.

  • Alright haters. Enough already. Arm knitting is an easy intro into knitting. All you professional cable/fair isle knitters should just relax and leave these projects to the folks that might enjoy them. I work in special education and this is a project that some of the kids would be delighted to learn. It’s simple enough and doesn’t require the dexterity that needles do. And a scarf will take approximately 30 minutes from start to finish, or 1 class period.

    • Just because I don’t like it personally, does not mean I want to deprive others of their right to enjoy it. We’re entitled to voice our opinions, same as you. It’s a bit sloppy looking for my tastes. I think it’s a great thing to teach kids, but I just don’t personally like the finished product. Not everyone is going to like it. That’s life. It’s awesome that people are being introduced to crafts though. That’s one benefit that I see from it.

  • If you don’t like the project, or the results, DON’T do it! It’s obviously not intended for people who already knit with needles. While I am an expert in crocheting, I don’t knit except with the various types of looms. I have a special needs grandchild and some younger grandchildren that feel “big” and “loved” because Grandma thought they were smart and big enough to teach how to make their own scarves. It didn’t “insult” anyone for them to learn. So, get over the selfish attitude that if it isn’t right for you it isn’t right for anyone.

    • I have been doing arm knitting (and both finger knitting and crocheting, as well as crocheting) since the 60’s and there is nothing more rewarding than teaching “special needs” and “intellectually challenged” individuals how to do this. I was taught a different way to start (which is easier for those that are challenged)…and some of the people I taught even made afghans. My starting method is making a chain of stitches (like in crocheting) and then start knitting by pulling the yarn through the chains. It gives it a finished edge that you don’t have to weave ends into and you can use that “tail” to jion the edges of the scarf together for the cowl or just leave it so (cutting off the tail) for a scarf.

  • Fun! I’m always in the market for alternative knitting styles and methods to keep me on my toes! What a neat challenge to set for myself this week. Thank you for introducing me to this.

  • One Ball Wonder Cowl Scarf

    […] t enough detail, and information to join the end pieces. I am an experienced kni […]

  • Part of the reason for the negative comments is that when a fad like this strikes, all of a sudden it seems like almost every thing written about knitting or crochet is written about this “new” technique. And in this particular technique, for some of us with fears of past abuse, the sight of people tangled up in something can be very very uncomfortable as well. It is not because I am a moderately skilled knitter that I cringe at seeing all this stuff. I have bought and tried a few types of knitting looms for example and I am sure that I will try others from time to time, even though so far I return every time to knitting on needles. I am curious about new techniques and willing to try them out.

    But arm knitting makes me cringe. I will be very glad when it is no longer posted in almost every knitting website and ad. I have no problem with pictures of the finished products, although I have no interest in making them. But pictures of pretty young women with their hands wrapped in thick ropes of yarn just look too much like bondage pictures for my comfort, and I will be very glad when I don’t see them plastered prominently on so many knitting sites. I know that the resemblence is unintentional, and not something most people will associate with the pictures. But for other people it can be extremely unpleasant. Yuck!

    • Exactly. I’m seeing it everywhere and it’s getting a little annoying. I’m very happy to hear that special needs children and arthritic elderly are learning a new craft. That’s really great. However, I don’t see why it has to be all over knitting sites and magazines. It’s a fad in the knitting world and it’s being paid too much attention. So, I’ll be happy when it goes away. I personally find it sloppy and messy looking. It is far too amateurish to be showcased in knitting forums, sites, and magazines so ubiquitously.

  • I understand some people must make derivative comments about almost any and everything! But isn’t it great that my Grand daughter now has a want to learn how to knit and crochet… and it all started with arm knitting with my 81 year old mother at her 1st Chemo treatment! Sorry your feelings can’t be more positive… I am really glad this was out there. To entertain my mother, my daughters and my Grand daughters too!

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