A Gift Just Because: Knit Compact Car Blanket

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A Gift Just Because: Knit Compact Car Blanket

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This story is from our newsletter called Pattern Journal which brings a warm-hearted, wholesome story to your inbox to read every month. We’re sharing the most recent story here in the blog. If you enjoy it and would like to subscribe, click here.

Because you were there from the start—changing diapers, giving bottles, soothing us while we cried and cried. (Your twin challenges, you’ve always said.)

Because coming home from work, you stooped down with your arms open, and we ran to you, shouting “Daddy! Daddy!” for the world’s biggest hugs. And then you carried us, one twin per arm.

Because you took us camping and taught us about nature. Because you showed us how to play baseball and swim underwater.

Because you said you loved the blobby art we made at school. Because you always read us bedtime stories, and now that we can read ourselves, you still read us stories sometimes—just because…

Because you showed us how to make kites and fly them. Because you took us to the beach on windy days to fly our kites, and afterwards got us ice cream.

Because you like teaching us to fix leaky faucets and squeaky doors, and showing us the best tools for fix-it jobs.

Because you always call us your girls…including Mom.

That’s why we knitted you this blanket. The three of us, taking turns! It’s in your favorite colors. Mom’s stripes are white, Becky’s blue, and Jenny’s green. It’s for keeping in your car—because you spend a lot of time waiting for us in parking lots, while we’re at ballet and piano lessons, soccer practice, the movies, the mall. Because we know it’s often chilly out there, while you wait.

Because you never complain about getting chilly out there.

Because we love you, Daddy.

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Selma Moss-Ward is a freelance writer who combines her love of writing and of knitting in her columns, stories, and blog posts. Selma is also an active classical musician and the caretaker of five wonderful pets. She lives with them and her husband in Rhode Island.

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