What do you do at Lion Brand?
I am a Pattern Support Specialist. When you get stuck or have a question about a pattern you can call or write to us and I’ll help you get through it.
When did you start working at Lion Brand?
October 2009.
What is your favorite thing about working at Lion Brand?
I really enjoy chatting with the knitters and crocheters that are our customers. It’s great to hear the stories they have about the product, and to be able to help them solve whatever dilemma they’re calling or emailing with.
What do you do when you’re not working at Lion Brand?
I am very polycraftual, so I spend a lot of time doing various fiber arts, making jewelry, painting, and bookmaking. I’m also a tremendous geek, and spend a lot of time playing video games, reading sci-fi and fantasy books, watching movies and TV, and playing on the internet.
What is your earliest yarn memory?
A few years before I learned to knit or crochet, my Aunt Valda took my mom and me to a huge yarn store to look for yarn for some holiday project she was working on – I think I was about nine. I remember being thrilled and overwhelmed by all the colors and fibers and projects. I didn’t know it then, but that was the beginning of a life-long love affair with fiber and yarn.
What kind of yarn-crafter are you? What do you like to make? Why do you knit and/or crochet?
I knit, crochet, spin, weave, felt…really, if it involves fiber or yarn, I do it. You will most often find me with knitting in my hands, because it’s portable and circular needles are harder to lose than crochet hooks. I love the way fiber feels in my hands as I work with it, and the process of turning thread into cloth.
Be inspired; inspire others! Share your yarn creations on our community gallery with the hashtag #lionbrandyarn on Instagram, Twitter, or our website.
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