Christmas in July Day 10: Deck the Halls with these Stockings!

Home/Pattern RecommendationsChristmas in July Day 10: Deck the Halls with these Stockings!

Christmas in July Day 10: Deck the Halls with these Stockings!

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Do you have some free time this summer? In our Christmas in July series, we’ll be rounding-up our favorite gifts to make and give, including ones you can get started on now. Trust us – you’ll be thanking yourself between holiday parties when you’ve got all your gifts blocked and wrapped.

For those who love the winter holidays, there always seems to be a few decoration items they treasure the most. Among mine are a vintage tree topper — which has continued to survive winter after winter since the early ’80s — and a glittery monogrammed stocking from the year I was born. Though I may not remember that Christmas as vividly as my parents do, it’s heartwarming to have a tangible way to reconnect with memories of Christmases past.

Stockings aren’t exactly gifts (they’re more like gift holders), but they’re a piece of the holidays that can be passed down from one generation to the next. A handmade stocking is a true treasure and can be personalized to reflect your family’s memories.

These stockings range from traditional to more modern — make a few to match your holiday decorations, or have fun mixing your family’s favorite colors into individual stockings!

festive_tree pop_felted festive_snowflake
Knit Festive Tree Stocking
Make one with WoolSpun®
Knit Pop Felted Stocking made with Pelt, Fishermen’s Wool®, and Bonbons Knit Festive Snowflake Stocking
Make one with WoolSpun®
striped_colorburst snowflake_stocking sparkly_stocking
Crochet Striped Colorburst Stocking made with Vanna’s Choice®, Bonbons and Romance® Crochet Snowflake Holiday Stocking made with Fun Fur® and Vanna’s Choice® Crochet Sparkly Stocking made with  Vanna’s Choice®, Bonbons and Romance®
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