Hi Fiber Friends! While the knitters among you have been gearing up for Liza’s knit-along on the Lion Brand Notebook, we are pleased to announce that fan favorite Kristy Glass is planning a CROCHET-ALONG for you!
What’s a crochet-along? It’s a group activity, in which participants work on the same crochet project, while discussing progress and questions on our blog. Sounds like something you want to join in? Well, first, we want YOU to tell us which pattern should be featured!
You can vote for one of the three patterns below by heading to the survey here. And don’t forget to join our Ravelry group!
You must be <a href="https://blog.lionbrand.com/wp-login.php?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.lionbrand.com%2Fvote-fall-2016-crochet-along%2F">logged in</a> to post a comment.
Stephanie Miller
I vote for Provincetown Pullover.
Provincetown Pullover!