Video Knit-Alongs on the Lion Brand YouTube Channel

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Video Knit-Alongs on the Lion Brand YouTube Channel

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Recently, I shared the fun news that I’ll be leading 3 knit-alongs on Knitting Daily TV this season, focused on fun projects that introduce you to new skills — we’re happy to announce that these segments will be available to watch on the Lion Brand YouTube channel!

The first one is the Fallen Leaves Scarf, which introduces seed stitch, a basket weave pattern, and slip stitch color work. There are 3 short segments to get you on your way as you knit this sampler scarf project. Watch them now and get started!

[Click below to play them all one after the other below; if you’re viewing this blog post in your e-mail, you will need to click on the title of the blog post to view it online and see the videos.]

You can also check out my blog posts each Tuesday on, where I elaborate on some of the techniques discussed in each episode.

Are you knitting along? Tell us about yourself, the colors you’ve chosen, and what you hope to get out of this knit-along!

Don’t get Knitting Daily TV on your local public television station? Well, you will be able to see all of these knit-along segments on the Lion Brand YouTube Channel! (You can also contact your local station and tell them you want Knitting Daily TV in your area!)
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  • I will join this knit along because I’ve never done two color knitting successfully. I look forward to it.

    I look forward to trying two color knitting. I’ve never been involved in a KAL before and hope I can keep up as I work Full Time as well as doing an Individual Study program for my career advancement.

  • Enjoyed the videos, but have a question on the two-color drop stitch. You show everything except the actual drop stitch that’s done in row 5 of this patterning. I haven’t had a chance to try this yet, but I’m sure newbies would love to SEE it done. Thanks…….

    Zontee says: Hi Gail, as these segments were filmed for television, we only have a set amount of time that the segment is allotted and we can’t show every single skill in a pattern. Line 5 is still based on slipping and bringing the yarn back and forth. The trick in this line is that the idea when you pick up the long loop is to create an inverted V of yarn with that picked up section. You’ll want to pick it all the way up onto your needle so that it lies flush with the fabric, and then you’ll continue to work the row. Once you get it, the rest of the row should go pretty quickly.

  • That is great news because I don’t have a DVR and I would love to follow along with the videos!

  • I’m with Gail. I’d love to see line 5 as I am completely confused as to how to do this. Do you pick up only one long loop (looks as though I have two) and put it on the left needle then knit it together with the next stitch?

    Zontee says: Hi Jackie, yes, you pick up one long loop from front to back–putting the needle through from BELOW the loop. But you don’t knit it together with the next stitch; what you should do is then knit the next stitch regularly, and then the point of your needle back down and out of the loop, so that the loop is brought OVER the stitch to look like an inverted V with the knitted stitch at the point of the inverted stitch. Hope that helps!

  • I’m making this scarf in V’sC colors Honey and Rust for the color work section; Mustard and Purple for the rest of the scarf. I’m really excited at how the color work is coming along.

  • Zontee – Thanks for clarifying exactly how to handle the long loop in step 5 of the slip stitch pattern. I too was confused and was knitting the look and next stitch together at first. I’m going to try again now and see how it goes. I’m using a nice chocolate brown for the A color and gold for the B color…

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