From Jack: The Woodlands Visits the Outlet

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From Jack: The Woodlands Visits the Outlet

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The Woodlands School Visits the Outlet

Last week I had the privilege of hosting a group of middle school children and two of their teachers at the Lion Brand Outlet Store. The Woodlands School in Westchester, New York, recently received a grant to introduce knitting to the classroom. Lion Brand was honored to be their yarn of choice for this new venture. The Woodlands Knitting Club has been meeting at school where they first learned to cast on and work up a few stiches. They joined us for a tour of our corporate office and an exclusive class with our education director, Gretchen Fancher, to develop their skills.

Woodlands Knitting Club

Students from The Woodlands work with Gretchen on their crafting skills.

When they asked me if I had any advice for them, I told them to follow their passion. As we all know, if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life. I also told them the importance of giving your all at every job you do. There is no shame in starting at the bottom and working your way up if the payoff is working in the industry you are passionate about.

Woodlands School Student

A student from The Woodlands shows off her crafty tee!

It was great to see the younger generation showing an interest in crafting. These kids have received a gift in learning a skill that they can use for the rest of your life. There is a reason you never forget the person who taught you how to knit or crochet. I hope to see many more schools offering these types of programs in the future!

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