Q – I’ve heard about blocking, but I’m not sure what it is and what it’s for. Can you explain?
A – Blocking refers to the process of stretching and shaping a finished piece to ensure it is the proper size and shape. It can be used to finish any item and even out stitches. When choosing a blocking method, keep in mind your yarn’s care instructions. As acrylics are sensitive to heat, they should not be steam blocked.
Note the measurements of your garment and wash according to yarn label instructions. Lay your garment flat on a clean towel and roll the towel, pressing out as much water as possible. Repeat this with other towels until the item is mostly dry. On a flat, clean surface, such as a towel or blocking board, lay out your item and pull it into the desired shape. Pin to a blocking board if desired. Let the garment air dry.
Lay your item on a clean, dry towel on a flat surface. Place a cool wet washcloth over your item. After heating your iron to the appropriate setting for your fiber, press the iron on your washcloth for a few seconds. This will create steam. Repeat as necessary, rewetting your washcloth as needed. You’re your item into the proper shape while steaming. Afterward, allow your item to air dry. Pin to a blocking board if desired.
Lay your item on a dry towel on a flat surface. Mist with a spray bottle of room-temperature water. Pull the item into the desired shape. Pin if desired. Let the piece air dry.
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Tabby P.
This was really helpful! I was overwhelmed by the thought of blocking and completely ignored it by not doing projects that required blocking (and I’ve been crocheting for 6 years) until one of my blocking required projects didn’t look quite right when I was finished and I got discouraged. I’m printing this off and keeping it in my “crochet binder.” Thanks again!