Hello fellow yarn crafters! My name is Vanessa, and I will be your host for this Crochet-Along. I am one of the store associates at the Lion Brand Yarn Studio, Lion Brand’s store and education center in NYC. I have a degree in fashion design, and I have been knitting for fifteen years and crocheting…
Read MoreTired of weaving in ends whenever you reach a new skein in your crochet project? Avoiding crochet colorwork project because there are too many ends? Try crocheting over your ends! This easy technique allows you to keep on crocheting so that the end you have to weave in is the very last one. Here’s how…
Read MoreSince we’re celebrating May Flowers Month, today, I’ve gathered 6 adorable accessory patterns that are fast to crochet. They’re just right for making multiples and sharing! Crochet Baby Hat with Flower Just adorable, this little hat features a gently scalloped edge and is finished off with a little flower. It’s a perfect pattern for those charity…
Read MoreEach season we host a crochet- or knit-along, a virtual event in which yarncrafters come together here online to work on one pattern together, share their experiences, and to learn together. There’s no need to sign up! Simply follow along with the blog posts at your own pace as you crochet your project, and feel…
Read MoreAs mentioned in Zontee’s post earlier this month, we will be featuring flower patterns for the month of May, and this week, I’m sharing some patterns for flowers you will most likely find in your own garden and at the floral shop. Knit and crochet flowers are so fun because you can take the traditional…
Read MoreI admit it: I used to cheat at gauge swatches. I would cast on, work a few rows, then assume I was good to go. Of course, my projects never came out the right size (and I have the ill-fitting sweaters to prove it)! Since then, I’ve decided that I prefer sweaters that fit, so…
Read MoreJust as there are many different variations of yarns, there are types of needles and hooks to choose from as well. Hooks and needles come in different shapes, sizes, and textures to help you achieve your best results when yarncrafting. They even come in fun colors and designs, allowing you to add a personal touch…
Read MoreSpring has sprung, and our crochet hooks are itching for a new project. That means it’s time for a new crochet-along! Before we get started, we need your help to choose the next project. Clockwise from left: Glittery Shrug, Temair Throw, Tunisian Throw Have you picked your favorite? Click here to submit your vote. We’ll…
Read MoreLooking for some great project ideas for beginners? Whether you are a novice knitter or crochet OR you’re teaching someone in your life to knit or crochet, an exciting project can be the key to getting you excited about these wonderful crafts. Join me as I show you how to go beyond the scarf, and…
Read MoreAbout two weeks ago, I had the great pleasure of attending SNAP!, a three day conference held at Thanksgiving Point, Utah which brought together hundreds of amazing D.I.Y, crafting, and home decor bloggers. I was surrounded by creative women who have a passion for sharing things like photos, projects, recipes, and parenting tips online; you…
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