How will you be keeping warm this winter? Will you be cozy by the fireside? Will you be wrapped up in your afghan on the couch? Afghans and lapghans are a great way to stay warm and snuggly at home or in the car. While you’re relaxing with your lapghan/afghan, you might as well think…
Read MoreWith Hanukkah starting this evening and Christmas this weekend, it might feel like you’re down to the wire, but with the right project, I’m telling you there’s still time to squeeze out one more project! Just remember the 3 secrets of a fast gift project: thick yarn or multiple strands of yarn, easy stitches, accessory…
Read MoreIt’s a joy to give and receive handmade gifts for holidays, birthdays, and special occasions. However, once that gift leaves your hands, it’s the recipient’s responsibility to care for the garment. With these 5 easy tips, all of the people on your gifting list will be able to keep their presents in tip-top condition. 1.…
Read MoreIf you look around at the winter accessories and knitwear in the stores right now, you’ll probably notice a lot of faux fur. Faux fur is a big trend for this winter season, and lucky for you, you can knit or crochet the beautiful items you see in the stores. Faux fur designs are stylish,…
Read MoreThis is a guest post from Patrice of Yarn Over, Pull Through: The Heart and Soul of Crochet It’s time to start getting serious about crocheting and knitting hand-made gifts for friends, family, and loved ones. If you’re ready to begin but are stumped about what to make, consider crocheting and knitting scarves and cowls.…
Read MoreIn our NJ office, we have a big mural that says, “You never forget the person who taught you to knit.” It’s really true. I know that personally I am so grateful to my mom for teaching me to crochet and my friend Essy for teaching me to knit, because each of them gave me…
Read MoreNow that the Thanksgiving and Autumn decor has been taken down and placed in storage, it’s time to gear up for more holiday celebrating and decorating, and we’ve got some great ideas to help get you started! Take a look at the patterns below to see how you can incorporate yarn crafting into your home…
Read MoreHow exciting to be nearing the finish on this project! I’m thrilled with the finished bags I’ve seen so far, and very happy people are succeeding with this project. Today I’d like to discuss making the flap for the handle, attaching the handle to the bag, and then joining the front and back with a…
Read MoreThis is a guest post from Jen Geigley. She’s a graphic designer, knitter, blogger, and maker. She documents her crafting and life at Simple definitely doesn’t have to be boring, and there’s no need for chunky to be frumpy. Chic, modern chunky knits are everywhere this season. Bulky scarves, hats, cowls and shawls are…
Read MoreYarncrafting inspiration can come from many places. For some, it comes from a particular silhouette or the style of a particular period. For others, it’s color or texture. Recently, we’ve been seeing all kinds of amazing designs inspired by the world of Jane Austen, and our friends at Running Press Book Publishers have shared with…
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