Category Page

Cool Cotton Baby Dress

The warmer spring months are the perfect time to try cottons and cotton-blends. Yarns like LB Collection Cotton Bamboo, Cotton-Ease, and Nature’s Choice Organic Cotton are breathable and cool, making them ideal to wear all spring and summer. A great way to experience new yarns is by making smaller items, such as baby sweaters, booties,…

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Spring 2010 Crochet-Along Vote

It’s time for another Crochet-Along, where crocheters from around the world gather to work on the same project.  With the help of our leader and the virtual community, you’ll be able to finish a project that pushes your skills to the next level. Before we can get started on the next Crochet-Along, YOU need to vote…

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Needle Craft at the Theater

You never know where you will see knitted and crocheted items. Last week I went to an off-Broadway show and found a small café section that had tables and chairs that were all crocheted with vibrant geometric designs. This made my night even more enjoyable. The level of creativity and cleverness that people have never…

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Celebrate National Craft Month!

March is National Craft Month! Everyone is celebrating in different ways: learning a new technique, teaching others how to knit or crochet, finishing old projects, or crafting for charity.  Many craft stores are doing free demos and classes, so be sure to check out what your local stores are doing.  On Saturday March 6, Michaels…

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Seen in the Yarniverse: Crochet Megadoily

Surfing around my favorite design blogs and websites, I sometimes stumble upon some really unique ways in which designers are using knitting and crocheting to get inspired and to make out-of-the-box projects, and today’s blog post is another great example of that. We often think of knitting and crocheting as crafts to make small wearable…

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Increases: The More the Merrier

One of the many things I enjoy about both knitting and crocheting is that they both tend to be fairly straightforward. You start with X number of stitches, work them in stitch pattern Y, and when you’re done, you have project Z completed. Except sometimes, it’s not all that straightforward. There are increases and decreases…

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Design 101: Creating Your Own Color Combination

Have you ever seen a pattern you like but hesitated to use it because of the colors?   We’d like to help you get started as a designer with some simple steps to choosing the color combinations you prefer. Today we’ll work with the Mulberry Afghan, #90310.  Think about what colors you would like to…

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Turquoise: Color of the Year

Every year, color authority Pantone reports on color trends. This year, it has revealed turquoise as its color of the year. This cheerful shade of blue is popping up everywhere, from home decor to clothing and accessories. Turquoise is versatile because it can be bright and bold or calm and soothing. Here are some turquoise-inspired…

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Don’t Panic: A List of Resources

I thought long and hard about whether I wanted to write this particular post. You see, I really, really like talking to you all and helping you with your knitting and crochet questions. I like hearing about the project you’re making for your son on the East Coast, or your daughter in the Coast Guard.…

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Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation…and Knitting!

A site we like called Everyday Health, promotes knitting and crocheting for health reasons alongside some better-known stress reduction techniques.  This article talks about the health benefits of the crafts that we love. Here is another article that points to the impact of expressing your creativity on your health and also mentions knitting and crocheting.…

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