Great Projects for Variegated Yarns

Home/Pattern RecommendationsGreat Projects for Variegated Yarns

Great Projects for Variegated Yarns

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Variegated yarns, like our Shawl in a Ball®, Scarfie, and Color Waves, can make stunning pieces with stripes (sometimes they’re called self-striping) or splashes of color. But they can also be tricky — what project is best for them? How can you show off the yarn while still making something interesting?

In the case of these yarns, simpler is generally better. While lace, cables, and texture are wonderful, they can sometimes detract from the beauty of variegated yarns. Using a basic stitch, like stockinette if you’re knitting, is generally best. It allows the hues of the yarn to truly shine through and be the star of the project. We’ve gathered a handful of patterns — including a couple of our super scarves — that call for variegated yarns.

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1 Comment

  • I bought shawl in a ball at Kroger’s here in Newport, Oregon. The wrapper said to go to your website for Inst ructions. Can not get it. Help please! Thank you. Linda

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