All of us at Lion Brand want to wish you a Happy New Year!
While most resolutions revolve around good health, life, and a better you, we wonder what your yarncrafting resolutions will be for 2014? Are you looking to learn a stitch or try a new pattern or will you finally organize your yarn stash?
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To knit more sweaters!
To find a cure for startitis
To learn more about color work in knitting. And to crochet my first sweater: The Top Down Cardigan, which I really love.
My sister and I are going to enter the state fair with an afghan and a sweater.
That’s great! We wish you both good luck!
Be more on target in competing my projects. 25 scheduled so far for 2014 and NOT to add more projects until some are completed
Fantastic resolution! I would like to be like you. 😉
Ruth anne
My plan for the new year is to crochet scarves and helmet liners for troops in Afghanistan.
I want to learn fair isle knitting. Finish a prayer shawl and make a gypsycream bear. Foremost I need to start Christmas projects earlier.
June Christian
OMG I hear you. I was finishing my last Christmas project only two hours before guests arrived!
I started knitting a pair of socks for a gift for next Christmas two days ago! There’s never enough time! And if you do start early, you’ll just think of more things you could make, and run out of time anyway.
To work my way through the wonderful yarns I have accumulated before buying any more!!!!
Julie Hulten
Currently working through a huge bag of yarn accumulated over the years …leftovers from other projects and projects never begun = scarves for donation! Baby it’s COLD out there!
My resolution too! My family is rebelling over the huge stash all over the house and I need to get it under control before they start a bonfire! Here’s to many, many completed projects! No more UFOs (unfinished objects)!!!
I have never sold the things I created at a craft show. This year’s resolution is to make enough items to sell at our local Christmas craft show this coming December. I have all year. Hope I make it!
Rhonda Baird
I’ve always made doll clothes because I can get it done quickly. I’m a little ADD…My goal is to challenge myself and make clothes for humans. I’ve started with some scarves and hats, but I would like to make a blanket, some socks and attempt a sweater…
I make clothes for dolls but never for me, because I keep changing sizes but the dolls in my collection at least stay the same size!
Happy NewYear!
To wind my polyester ribbon yarn without loosing my cool, and to remember to use rubber bands to secure the ball from time to time, as I patiently go.
Mary Aubuchon
I am not going to buy any more yarn until I have finished at least 5 projects. And that doesn’t mean a single sock. Have to make a whole pair to count. Oh, but the yarn I got with Christmas money doesn’t count.
Tracy Nickels
I want to try making dolls of yarn or critters. I do cloth dolls and give as gifts for holiday decorating.
It will be a challenge and a new thing to do.
Sherry J Weaver
I want to knit everyday. My life gets so hectic that I don’t knit for weeks. Even if I knit for a few minutes it will be a wonderful day 🙂
Sherry Weaver
Knit for myself & my husband; learn to crochet!
To spend more time with all my lovely fibers!
Our Linus Project chapter has closed BUT I found a pay it forward place that makes shawls for organ recipients called Threads of Compassion. I also make prayer shawls for my cancer victims. I use your Homespun yarn cause of it’s softness and warmth. 🙂
knitting mom
learn and knit lots of amigurumi
My 2014 yarn craft resolutions are as follows: 1. finish up all of my outstanding projects; 2. organize my stash; 3. craft seasonal decorations.
This year I WILL finally make a floral afghan for myself. It took me till October of 2023 to finally find the pattern on the internet of an afghan that I made years ago as a gift and enjoyed making. Now, after making different afghans for several other people, I’m finally making this floral one again, but this time, its for me. That is, unless my nephew has another daughter… then it will be hers. …Sigh….
Like so many others, I have collected so many skeins of yarn and saved too many half completed projects due to the need to make a special gift or fulfill a special request. This year I will finish all of my works in progress, create new projects using the yarns in my collection and make scrap projects from all of the left overs…that is unless there is a special gift or request to interrupt my plans. The scrap projects when completed always look so colorful and fun.
to finish more projects than I start!
To knit and crochet as much as possible in between classes for my two new grandbabies!
Nancy M-L
Buy all the yarn ON SALE now, then start my winter and Christmas projects early, like NOW!
To use up more yarn than I purchase!
That sounds like me. I always buy yarn when I see it because “I may not be able to find it when I need it” Then it just sits there wondering when I will “need it” LOL
To knit the perfect men’s scarf for myself, no matter how long it takes!
Organize all yarn in my craft room….start crocheting and knitting for Christmas Shows and for charity…and buy more LB yarn on the shop list…thanks again for great yarns….and fab patterns…
I want to learn how to cable knit….I keep saying ill take a class but I plan on doing it for sure this year
We offer a Craftsy class on cable knitting, if you’d like to check that out.
Knit/crochet more, Pin less, lol!!
I am making my first sweater, a raglan sleeve pullover in eggplant Wool Ease. I started the gauge swatch today.
My resolution is to make a knitted sweater, but I hope to make more than one. The sweater patterns look so interesting to make and so cozy to wear. But since I am just starting my first one today, and haven’t finished the gauge swatch yet, my resolution is just to finish the first sweater. I have knit lots of scarves, several hats, one sock (maybe it is really a small Christmas stocking?), and one vest, so I think I am ready to tackle a sweater now.
Rebecca Davis
To finish projects instead of starting something new in the middle of a project
To finish the projects I have bought yarn for, but at the same time giving myself permission to not do projects I no longer like, and donate that yarn to others for their crafting. To give myself permission to make things for myself. It seems everything I make is given to others.
Too finish a blanket for myself , I always give everything away 🙂 maybe a sweater
I plan on filling up a container with different crocheted patterns to give away. I love learning new stitchs and giving ithe product away!
I want to learn how to knit the European method (after 50 years of knitting the American method) and learn to knit with beads. Happy new year.
lickle picker
My resolution is to complete 1 project a day (can you say washcloth???), to learn a more efficient style of knitting (40 years of laboriously picking up the yarn and wrapping it around for each purl (as shown in the pamphlet from which I learned) is going to be hard to change), to knit the Sylvi and the Silver Belle, to organize THE room (someone is bound to call for an intervention if I don’t…they just don’t understand…LOL!), to find other knitters in the area that would like to get together on a regular basis to knit, crochet, sew, or some other craft…there’s fun in sharing!
Exploring and sourcing 100% natural fibers to knit and crochet with. Join me in saying “NO! ” to synthetics, and “YES! ” to wool, angora, alpaca, and cotton, preferably grown and produced here in the USA. Do your part to keep America green and at work.
To not make afghans for everyone. To make sweaters or other things like really nice scarves and hats instead.
I want to learn how the knit with double pointed needles. I have tried a few times on my own but I loose track of where I am and get totally confused, I am also planning on doing the 2014 craft fairs this fall. I need to get a lot items made.
I want to learn how to knit.
I live in CA but I knit 45 afghans for my niece who teaches learning disabled children in TN, so I have to find a new charity closer to home (postage is out of control). I was very lucky I had excellent teachers as a young child so I can basically knit anything, Also I am a fool for 40% . and 50% discounts at my 2 favorite shops, but I really have to get my purchases under control.
Litle Bits 2013
My resolution is to raise my level of difficulty…..tired of scarves and hats (have done a few little animals for grandchildren as well.)
I want to raise level to ‘advanced intermediate’ or higher….to tackle a sweater or vest.
I also want to ‘re-learn’ knitting, as I’ve been crocheting for a while (probably would be called ‘advanced beginner at this point.)
With all the help available here at Lion Brand and other You Tube videos, etc…..I hope to tackle my first sweater this month.
Finish my unfinished project!
finish the 3 projects that I have started and use the yarn that I have before buying any mor. (Good Luck to Me?)
Lou Ann Beck
Lou Ann – resolution: to finish a UFO in between each new project.
Collette Griffith
That’s a good one! Think I’ll try to do that also! That way, you can satisfy both wants and needs!!!
Last year, I designed and crocheted 20 outfits for teddy bears for needy children and this year, my resolution is to “dress” 40 bears.
I learned it is better NOT to make any resolutions, because then I don’t feel GUILTY because I broke one that I had made….LOL
to finish projects and use up odd balls of yarn looking for baby cardigan to one year size to use up odd balls
Grandma Rain
To work on more knitting projects to improve my abilities.
Hilary Green
After falling in love with all kinds of crafts in 2013, I want to knit, crochet, patchwork and applique (among other things) for family, friends and if I can, for a craft stall at the local farmers market.
Tazangel in Brooklyn
To use up the many tubs of yarn bought on sale to do the many projects not started yet. To try more challenging patterns and get our of my comfort zone of baby blankets and afghans and shawls.
Erin Wright
Theres so much I want to do and try, but most importantly, I hope to finish all projects that I start this year. I tend to pick up several at a time and not finish what I’ve started for months on end. So thats my resolution…to COMPLETE my crochet and knitting projects!
Erin Wright
…also, I’d like to FINALLY post one of my own patterns!
To learn many new techniques and stitches, so I can crochet even more exciting items in the future
I will FINISH many projects I already have started. For each new project, I will finish an old one as well!
I am working on opening a new shop with my crocheted creations! Here’s to a bright, colorful, WONDERFUL year ahead for all!
Nancy Lee
To improve my skills, try new patterns without fear, and new yarns too. Also make lots more baby clothes for Stitches from the Heart.
knitting 50 bunnies to send to Bolivia next Oct. i am just finishing number 16
Resolutions? Actually I need to finish a cozy rabbit, some pockets with numbers, a chubby Santa Claus and I need to sew some knitted pencil cases and clutches. Wow! A lot of stuff.
I also would like to knit a sweater for a baby due to May, as a great friend of mine will be grandma.
Lois the knitter
I am going to “try to” finish one project before starting a new one!!!!LOL
Pamela Kirschman
I’m going to knit a pair of socks per week. 52 pairs!! (in 2013 I did 50 pairs, so I’m pushing myself just a little more)
What an impressive goal. I wish you luck.
Start my Christmas knitting much, much earlier! like now!
I’m going to learn to knit from my 86 yr old grandma. I’ve been crocheting for 31 yrs… you would think knitting would come easy. lol
I hope to make more blankets for the Linus Project and love the comment by Deebee – find a cure for startitis!
Erin Smith
My resolution is to learn to knit socks and to knit a sweter for myself. I’ve made 2 baby sweaters for my niece, now I want to try something new!
Collette Griffith
I plan to find some new patterns for things to make for our Crafts Shows this coming Fall. I teach a crochet class at our local Senior Center and we send afghans to Veterans’ hospitals, Prayer Shawls to our local Hospice, and hats to various Children’s hospitals. Since we are non-profit, we sell our crocheted items to make money for yarn and postage.
To make a complete wardrobe for my granddaughter’s 18″ doll. And learn how to knit, finally!
Planning on a really big, and yet fun adventure. I have been very involved in crocheting projects as gifts for mostly family and very close friends for the last 25 or more years. I learned the craft my Grandmother and took to it right away it turned out to be a real gift to myself and a blessing during my challenging times of being a Mom, etc. and yet, also I found I could really be happy, especially for holidays like Christmas and birthdays and just special days. In any event, this year, I want to start my own 1 or 2 days a week (2-3 hours each) crochet group for advanced and beginner crocheters. Over the years I have collected an amazing amount of patterns, lots of them purchased and some free patterns available from places like JoAnn’s and Michael’s. I have taught small groups how to crochet and have done classes for a local church group.
So now I want to share my knowledge with others and have a group starting in my home for local individuals from the community in my immediate area. I have pictures of what I have crocheted over time, so I will put these together for sharing, etc, I think it would be fun to pick one project type (light newborn beanies or bibs), and set a goal to donate to a local pediatric hospital with a SPECIAL NEWBORN BABY Nursery (preemies and other medically challenged infants) a portion of what myself or the group makes after a month of fun times, sharing, visiting and learning the skill.
It could turn into something bigger and that is fine with me, I know there are definite benefits for each person who learns this skill and enjoys doing it as well. It is a great take-along craft for trips and makes each trip I have done this on that much more fun and special.
I am open to suggestions from others, as I really want to be up and running with this group no later than March, 2014.
I have a big family (my mom has just her parents, her brother, and his wife, but my dad has nine siblings, with five of them married, and many cousins and second cousins. Plus, I have my sister and four dogs.) So my New Year’s Resolution is to make everyone in my family a gift.
To find more time to crochet and to try to sell a few for a little extra income.