Tassel dolls are the perfect way to make fun toys without knitting or crocheting. This octopus tassel doll only requires you to count to 8 and braid!
To make it, you’ll need some yarn (any weight, color, or texture), a pair of scissors, and something to wrap your yarn around. We used a binder, but you can use a notebook, a tissuebox, a DVD case, or whatever else is handy.
Step 1: Wrap your yarn around the binder. The more times you wrap, the thicker the octopus will be.
Step 2: When you’re finished wrapping, clip your working yarn. Carefully slide your loops off of the binder.
Step 3: Clip a small length of yarn (a few inches long will do). Put this through your loops and tie to secure. This forms the top of a tassel.
Step 4: Pinch your tassel a few inches down to form the head. Tie with another short length of yarn.
Step 5: Cut the bottom loops to form the bottom of the tassel.
Step 6: Separate the yarn pieces into 8 sections of roughly similar size. Braid each section.
That’s all it takes to make this fun and easy octopus! Want more ideas of what you can make with tassels? Click here to see all of our tassel patterns.
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Leslie Avila Rudden
Oh my gosh! I still remember making these as a kid back in the day when ALL yarn came on twisted skeins. We just opened up the skein, stuck a styrofoam ball in the top and covered it with yarn, tying it around the neck. Then we cut the bottom and braided the legs. Such fun! Thanks for the great memory!
Joy Jaramillo
Thank you! I had this really thick nylon yarn that I wanted to use to make a toy for my dog and this was great. He loves to chew it and the nylon yarn lasts longer! He loves to play fetch with it.