How Did You Learn to Knit or Crochet?

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How Did You Learn to Knit or Crochet?

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A few weeks ago, we asked what the first thing you ever made was, and today we have a related question for you:

How did you learn to knit or crochet?

learn knit stitch

Some of us use books or online tutorials, others take classes, and still others are taught by friends or family. Which one are you? And if you knew someone who wanted to learn, would you recommend that method to them?

Leave a comment and tell us your learning-to-craft story!

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  • I learned to Knit, Crochet, Embroider, and Macrame in a class titled “Creative Stitchery” in High School. It was a fill in class that continued when Driver’s Ed was over. It was by far the most useful class I ever took in High School. I’ve used the skills I learned in that class over and over through the years. We had to swatch common stitches and variations (cables in knitting, shells in crochet) in each of the disciplines, as well as do a project for each. My final project for the class was granny square hot pants with an overall bib. Ha! It was the 70’s! I know they don’t have classes like this any more-but they should!

  • I learned to crochet and all manner of sewing skills from my beloved Grandma Betty. I learned to knit in a class at Joann’s fabrics, where I had an incredible instructor, as well as multiple classes at a now-closed LYS called Knitty Cat. Oh I miss that store…

  • I learned to knit when my 5th grade teacher gave us lessons over the winter months during our inside Recess time, I’m now 63 & have been knitting ever since.

  • I learned to crochet at the age of 7 from a coworker of my mother. She taught both of us at the same time. She also taught us to knit. I tried my best to knit but couldn’t keep my stitches even in tension. Finally in my late 20’s I received a birthday gift from a friend “I Taught Myself To Knit” kit and I can do both but I have much more confidence in crocheting than in knitting.

  • I went to a class at adult education. Now I learn from crochet blogs and videos

  • I was about 5 years old when my mother started teaching me to knit, crochet and do embroidery. Then she taught my sister, my brother and my youngest sister. Mom was what we call today, a Fiber Artist. She learned the magic of stitching in Norway as a girl. My grandmother was also a Fiber Artist!! I was taught the Continental Method, and have taught many people how to do it. I am told it does less damage to the hands and nerves. I still have some of the garments my grandmother made for me. I guess I have been doing needle work for almost 70 years and still going strong. I have tried all kinds of yarns and stitches. I enjoy making chemo caps for cancer patients, children’s toys, sweaters, hats, gloves, socks, ski masks……..

  • As a young girl, I watched my mother crochet so many beautiful things. I was only five when she taught me the chain stitch, and I made chains a mile long. I was just learning single crochet when she died. Many years later, I was sitting on my back porch stairs,
    all her crochet hooks and leftover yarn scattered around me, and four months pregnant with my first child. I was determined to make my baby a crocheted blanket from my mother’s yarn and with her hooks. This was way back before computers, so YouTube and the Internet weren’t an option, no one in the neighborhood or at church crocheted, so I had to figure it out on my own using very old and very vague memories, but I did it. I made the blanket out of several different yarns, only doing single crochet. Some time later at a church flea market, someone was selling old leaflets of crochet patterns that including basic instructions for other stitches, and I was on my way. I now have five children, eight grandchildren with one on the way, and have crocheted every kind of item with just about every kind of yarn and with any new stitch I can find. I know Mom’s proud.

  • I learned how to knit in 7th grade from my math teacher. I was watching her knit and I was intrigued about it and I asked her if she could teach me. That was 36 years ago and I’m still enjoying every minute of it.

  • I am a self taught knitter of 50 years. My dear Mom was an expert crocheter, knitter and craft person. In my youth I didn’t want to sit and k1, p1. When I married, it dawned on me that life was more than dating, dancing and play. Being an avid reader, I decided one day to teach myself how to knit. Dear ole Mom was close at hand by phone and visits to help me. My first project – a sweater for my husband with cabled pockets…..looked great when finished, except the arms were long enough to fit an orangutan. How we laughed. I spent many wonderful hours with my Mom, sometimes in silence….well not really, needles click you know.

  • My stepmom taught me some thirty years ago. We shared this passion over the years and now that she is suffering with dementia, every time I pick up my needles or hook I think of those good times and cherish each memory.

  • I learned to crochet from my mother , when I was sevenyears old . I learned to knit from my fifth grade teacher , when I was nine. I made a sweater. I am now 64 yrs.old and love it with the same excitement now as I had in the very begining. Carolyn Broadrick

  • My mother taught me to knit. I could knit before starting kindergarten ( age 4, when I went to kindergarten). In high school, I just started crochet. I’d watched my mother and grandmother crochet up to that point. They didn’t have to show me, I just did.

  • Mom was a fantastic knitter. She taught me how to knit. My first project was a sweater. I was doing great until I dropped a stitch and didn’t know how to fix it. Had to wait for Mom to come home from work and she fixed it. Finished the sweater and decided that crochet would me my forte. She taught me crochet and I’ve been an avid crocheter since then, My aunt was a sewer. I was very heavyset and there wasn’t much in the stores for “big” women. So she taught me how to sew pants. It was so simple. And it was so nice to have nice looking pants for a change. Both were great pastry cooks. I still have some of their recipes. I am so blessed!

  • My grandmother taught me how to knit and crochet when I was very young. The knitting needles were very long that I would tuck them under my armpits with the ends sticking out the back. Crocheting in the Philippines was done with only white cotton thread and fine hooks. My crochet chain was very long with large, uneven stitches. I also recall sitting beside her at the veranda; she crocheted a tablecloth and I worked on my project while it rained outside. Fond memories.

  • My auntie taught me to knit but she couldn’t teach me to crochet, :(, because she was left handed.

  • I self-taught myself with a book when I was 20 years old (over 40 years ago). I had a sister-in-law who was an excellent knitter but I lived in OH and she in DC but I was inspired to learn. My first project was a very wonky (uneven edges and missed/added) neck scarf. My second project was a beautiful pull over sweater with raglan sleeves and a picked up V-neck opening. It turned out absolutely beautiful. Not knowing how to care for wool yarn, my hubby machine washed it and it was so small after that we gave it to a son of a friend. I am still avid about knitting and plan to do it as long as I can.

  • My initial teacher was my Italian grandmother. I was the oldest of four grandchildren and the oldest girl. When I was nine or 10 she taught me to knit and crochet. I don’t recall being much interested in either at the time.

    When I was 15, my mother’s aunt invited me to visit one Sunday after church, and she had more of my interest. I was unable to crochet a straight row, so she made the scarf with reverse loops (she referred to it as a reverse Chinese loop stitch) and I made the matching hat. I still have both items. The yarn had a silver metallic thread in it, making it sparkle. This was around 1971 or ’72.

    In 1974 or ’75, a co-worker re-wrote instructions and I made a Granny Square skirt. My next project was a circular placemat, and I made MANY of them once I got the hang of it. I’ve made even more since then.

  • When I was a child my grandmother tried to teach me to crochet and knit but I never really took to it then. Later on about 15 or 20 years I decided that I wanted to know how to crochet. So I got a DVDRom that was called “Crochet Made Easy” and taught myself to crochet. I’ve been crocheting ever since and pretty good at it. I did the same for knitting but didn’t take to knitting as well. Learned most of my crochet from books and internet the rest came from practice.

  • 5h Grade–4-H. That leader certainly had a lot of patience with me!! The rest I learned by trial and error and by actually trusting the pattern. And now I am helping several teachers teach fifth graders to knit at school. They come during their lunchtime and many stay in from recess to knit. They make preemie hats for the NICU and donate every single one of then to the hospital. There are so many students who want to do this, they have to pull names from a hat!

  • My mom, Mae, taught me to knit when I was in high school. I knit 3 sweaters when I was in high school. She also taught me how to sew starting at age 8. She taught me how to crochet first but I had trouble with consistent gage and I liked knitting better.

  • Self taught with a knit magazine it was easy like my brain just clicked with the instructions and eye and hand coordination. I Love love to Knit. Self taught crochet and can do basics, it does not give me as much joy as knitting but I use it mostly for borders and edges on my knitting projects when I want something fancy.

  • My grandmother taught me to knit when I was seven. My mother didn’t knit at the time. My daughter wasn’t interested, but I have taught my two granddaughters to knit. In our family it seems to skip a generation.

  • I learned to crochet simple stitches (sc, dc) as a child from my mother. I made scarfs and hats. It kept me busy in the waiting room when my grandfather was dying of cancer.

    I didn’t crochet again until 2015. My friend Margie taught me to crochet after I had an accident in 2013 that caused a traumatic brain injury. It took me a few weeks to learn the basics, but once I got it, I really got it! I still have trouble understanding patterns sometimes, but with help from YouTube or Margie, I find my way.

    I’ve crocheted nearly every day since then, starting with a baby blanket for my daughter’s best friend. Since I cannot work, I have time to make baby blankets for the Linus Project, in addition to making clothing, afghans, and other items for family and friends. Crocheting keeps me calm and helps me feel productive again.

  • My Mother taught me to crochet when I was about 8 years old. I had found some baby yarn, knitting needles and steel crochet hooks in her hope chest, and asked about them. She taught me the basic chain and single crochet. I made lots of yarn bridles for my toy horses, and then blankets for them out of rug yarn (Aunt Lydia’s was 25 cents a skein back then).
    As for knitting, I taught myself how to do the knit stitch when I was a senior in high school, and had to ask my Home Ec teacher how to purl as it didn’t make sense to me. After that learning that stitch I started on a sweater from a teen magazine pattern. It was knit side to side (not top or bottom starting). It had a V neck and when I got the front done I was so disappointed in it that I tore it out and made a granny square afghan from the colors instead. I still have the afghan as a reminder that I don’t like making sweaters. 🙂
    My Grandmother could knit and crochet, so I guess I wanted to do both like she did. I even learned to figure out patterns so I could help her decipher an “easy” pattern for a layette sweater that her Pastor’s wife had written out (it was confusing, but I figured it out and re-wrote it for Grandma to use). Since then I’ve been teaching others how to knit and crochet. I enjoy passing along the information on these needle crafts.

  • My Grandmother taught me how to knit when I was 8 years old. I knit with a friend in High School. I knit for my babies when they were born. But didn’t knit for years. Since I’ve been retired I’ve been knitting continually and have participated in local craft shows for about 5 years now. I’ve taught myself how to crochet from a book but I’m much better at knitting. It’s fun to try different types of yarns. Also, I look at videos on YouTube to learn a particular pattern. My Grandmother was from Lithuania so I learned the European way to knit which seems backwards from the American way.

  • My mom taught me when I was 4 years old. It was a way to pass time in the Doctors Office. My younger brother had been ill and I spent a lot of time waiting. Knitting has been my Zen ever since. I make over 30 Christmas Gifts for just my family every year!

  • I learned to knit from my mother when I was about 6 yrs. old with plastic needles and I think I still have one of them.
    With crochet it’s a funny story. In my late teens, when I was already working, someone at work was making an afghan and I asked her how to do it. She said to buy wool and yarn. Then to stand behind her and do what she was doing. Okay, I did that and learned how to crochet and from then on it was a love affair with crochet. Now I’ve been teaching my granddaughters to do the same and can’t wait to teach the great, grandchildren soon. The only think I discovered many years after learning to crochet from this woman was that I was doing it the right-handed way and I’m a lefty! Once while teaching, I had a left-handed woman who needed help and I had to teach myself how to help her. My granddaughters can’t understand how I do it right handed when they are left handed. They want me to show them the left way and I can’t – I guess I could but it would take too much time that I haven’t got.

  • I learned by doing it with my grandma. I relearned it after stopping for a long time at church prayer shawl meetings. I find it helpful and relaxing. A lot of people appreciate a handmade item as a gift. It is a nice skill to learn.

  • I was raised on a farm next door to my grandma. When I was about 5 she started to teach me how to knit and crochet. I am now 63 and still do both crafts. When I had to do a oral presentation to get into grad school I talked about her teaching me to knit and how it has helped me in life. I even brought samples of things I had made and that she had made for me.

  • I don’t know how old I was when I learned to knit, my Mum taught me but I remember knitting a cable jumper (sweater) when I was 11 for a school outing to Sydney, my grandfather taught me to embroider, he learned from the RedCross ladies when in an army hospital,in Britain during ww1
    Both my Mum and Grandma couldn’t crochet, so I taught myself at about 12 from pictures in one magazine and instructions in another magazine,I have been enjoying it all for many years, I now knit lots of socks with 2.5 dpns and 4 ply yarn, to try to keep arthritis in my knuckles at bay.

  • My Nana taught me to knit sitting out under the big tree in her backyard back about 1962. I was 11 and used this great old pair of wooden needles with blue tops. She was the most patient person in the world. I still treasure the one needle that I have. At 66 I outlived her by 3 years and yes I am teaching my granddaughter to knit and also taught her mother, my daughter. Sometimes time goes by without me knitting as anything but I still always drift back again.

  • I learned from a booklet, the “LEARN HOW” by Coats and Clark. No one taught me but I wish I asked my grandmother how to while she were still alive.

  • I remember sitting around the dining room table with Mom and some of my friends when I was in the fourth grade as she taught us how to knit. That first swatches terrible, split stitches gave it undulating edges and Mom had to help me with starting new rows. I taught myself how to crochet from the old Coats & Clark “Learn How Book” (I also taught myself tatting from that booklet). Fast forward about 50 years and I still knit — mostly for charity — and occasionally crochet. I think i prefer knitting because when I knit, I’m still with Mom, but when I crochet, I’m alone.

  • I learned to knit mittens on 4 needles around the age of 15 years old from a neighbor lady and have knitted almost every since. To this day I prefer to knit on 4 needs.

  • I learned to knit in grade 3 in primary school in the Netherlands. It took a while to pick it up as I diligently slipped one stitch after another from the left needle to the right needle without knitting it. Amazingly my knitting did not grow. Lol. Once I got the hang of it I went along in leaps and bounds and have not stopped for 60 years. I love knitting and now knit for my 150 strong doll collection and for babies in hospital. I have recently started knitting prayer shawls which is very rewarding.
    As a basic crocheter I am attempting to learn more about this craft as well.
    Schools no longer teach needlecraft at primary level which is a great pity so I cannot recommend this method. I have taught my grandchildren to do basic knitting with varied success. Hopefully at least one will take it on as a hobby.

  • I learned to crochet from my mother when I was about 6. She also taught me how to embroider, cross stitch and sew. Even now, at 94, she still has to examine my work to be sure I am doing it correctly. She was/ is a firm believer in ” if there’s a mistake you rip it out”. I learned how to knit when I was in Girl Scouts at age 8. I have to have something to do every day. I switch back and forth. I believe that doing hand work every day helps with my rheumatoid arthritis in my hands.

  • I learned to crochet through YouTube and books. It helped to see what they were doing and to see the pattern set-up.

  • Sitting on my grandmother’s couch 1971 (or so). First I learned how to rip out by ripping out her knitting when needed. Then she taught me to knit right-handed and insisted I rip out mistakes. I became much more careful. Eventually I switch to left-handed knitting. I still put a strange twist in my stitches – which looks nice when I knit in the round.

  • My Grandma crocheted every day. I would sit and watch her hook fly while she made doily after doily. I wanted to learn so one day I grabbed the kitchen string and the biggest hook she had and asked to learn. I “graduated” to yarn and have carried on her craft by creating hats and scarves to give away at Christmas. I just wish she was here for me to sit and crochet with today….

  • My mom is the one that knitts and crochets she learn to do it 70 years ago when the war was and her grandmother taught her and she knittsevery day shes 84 years old and did 6 craft shows this year sold mittens to the whole town I think… Thank You

  • As a young girl, I grew up in a family of 9 kids and 2 parents, a full house 3 stories high, counting the full basement. Our house was crowded and sometimes on alternating weekends, I would spend with my grandmother. She was an avid crafter and taught me to knit at age 8. She taught that when a mistake is made in a pattern, go back, take it out and redo. Otherwise you’ll always know the error is there and you’ll kick yourself. She would stay up late until Jack Parr was over and the taps were played, signaling the end of TV viewing for the day (24-hour tv was unheard of in the 50s and 60s, at our house). I loved to hand sew and later use a machine to make clothes for my Barbie. The weekend was filled with crafts galore, late night TV, flannel pajamas and all kinds of fun things to take home, or not. Grandma would stock up on popsicles, coloring books, fresh crayons, paper dolls, etc., for the upcoming girls night in. What young girl wouldn’t love a weekend like that? And, I always knew that my stuff would be as I left it, at my grandmother’s house. That never happened at my own home.

  • My mom taught me when I was 10. Back then I knitted and crocheted hats. Stopped for many years. Picked it back up in my thirties. I have been knitting mostly baby blankets for friends and family. Now I knit chemo hats to donate. It’s very relaxing.

  • I wanted to learn to knit when I was 10 or so but had no one to teach me. Mum had learned the knit st in Brownies but did not know how to “get stitches on the needle”; we both know this is called casting on now. We didn’t then.
    When I was 12 I was visiting a friend in the city and we happened to go to the mall near her house. As we wandered around Zellers, I happened across a learn to knit kit. I bought it. It contained several small pastel balls of yarn, a pair of skinny, blunt, brittle plastic needles and an instruction sheet covering cast on, knit, and cast off. I was intrigued. After that I borrowed books from the library and Mum found a pair of needles someone had given her when she was expecting us, which she’d never used and became mine. It would be several years before I moved to the city and discovered different needle sizes, yarn weights and the entire concept of gauge but I was hooked

  • My grandmother taught me to crochet when I was about 6 using thread and the tiniest hook. Later, in 5th grade when I had hepatitis and confined to home, I picked it up again using the green how-to books. Knitting came along in high school from a department store class. My mother sewed, embroidered, and tatted so I was on my own with crochet and knitting.

  • I taught myself when pregnant with my son. The first thing I made was a blanket for him, which I was so proud of until I realized that even though my intent was to do single crochet, the entire blanket was made with half-double because I had no clue what the heck I was doing.

  • I learned to crochet from a Finnish lady who was a friend of the family. I would watch her in fascination when I was about 12. She did not need a pattern and created stunning large pieces like table cloths and bedspreads and also little pieces like snowflakes from #20 thread. My son has those now and are they are treasured heirloom. I’m not as talented as my dear friend and use patterns. I pretty much taught myself to crochet with her inspiration and now do baby items for the gift shop at a local hospital for resale. This year I crocheted Finnish Christmas gnomes in memory of my mentor and for family members to serve as a reminder of their heritage.

  • My Grandmother taught me to crochet when I was about 10. All I did was wreath decorations on a plastic ring. I tried to do a scarf but couldn’t keep my rows even. Then as a young adult, a friend taught me how to crochet on the top of hand towels for the kitchen. I did that for years! About 6 years ago, I decided I needed to learn to knit so I went to my LYS for an open knitting night and said, “teach me to knit”. They got me started on knit stitches, another friend taught me purl and another friend taught me to knit in the round to make a hat. And then I jumped in the deep end. Since then I’ve done magic loop, intarsia, cable, cardigan sweaters, stuffed animals and lace. I’m so addicted to knitting. I love it!

  • My Grandmother taught me to knit when I was 7 years old and I have been knitting for 54 years! She was never without her project bag and we were never without one of her sweaters, hats or pairs of mittens! She took our measurements each year and spent the rest of the year churning out lovely items for her 13 grandchildren.

  • I watched my mom when i was 6 and then self taught. I just got back into it after years of being too busy. I just finished my very first crocheted basket and a basket weave blanket. I am so in love with yarn lol!!

  • My Grandmother taught me to knit, crochet, quilt and tatting when I was 12. The first crochet project was a granny square purse. Four squares on each side and a wide shoulder strap. Each granny square was a different size and shape but she had me finish it completely. I still have it to remind me how far I have come now at 60.

  • I’m left handed and grew up in a right handed world. I wanted to learn and there was no one to teach me. After I was married to a sailor who was overseas and had a baby, I decided I would learn. I bought a book but the instructions were for a right handed learner. Every night after the little one was down for the night, I sat with my book, hook and yarn and struggled with the process. After a few days I couldn’t understand why my jaws hurt. Then I realized I was clenching my teeth so hard while trying to master this thing called crochet that it was making my jaws hurt. I finally got it and made an afghan!

  • I bought a book and learned from it. My grandmother crocheted beautifully and I always wanted to learn.

  • I learned basic crochet from my grandmother as a child. I later taught myself different stitches and how to read a pattern through books. My aunt from England taught me to knit when I was about ten years old. I knitted some scarves and doll blankets but lost interest. I kept crocheting and made lots of afghans, hats, sweaters and just about anything I could dream of. About the year 2000, I decided to try to knit again. I got a “Learn How to Knit” book and some supplies and off I went. The first piece I knitted from a pattern was a fuzzy blue sweater for my two year old niece. It turned out great even though I had no idea how to correct a mistake. I ripped the pieces out a million times (exaggeration)! Since then I have mastered difficult patterns, corrected mistakes and created my own patterns. I always thank my aunt for teaching me to knit whenever I see her. I am disabled and my knitting is a great comfort to me. I can still be creative and productive despite my disability. Lion Brand yarn is always my first choice for a project too.

  • I learned to knit from my mom, who learned from my grandmother. I’m in the process of teaching myself to crochet (from a book and youtube videos). And I learned to weave from a local life-long weaver during a year long, one day a week course.

  • I learned to crochet by watching my Grandma Mac. She sat me in front of her and gave me a hook and some yarn and taught me to make a wash cloth. She was a right handed crocheter but I am a lefty so it was a little confusing at first. We figured it out though. I’ve been crochet for close to 30 years now. I even still have my hook she gave me.

  • You Tube.

  • A few years ago I received a Knitted scarf for Christmas from my Aunt. I loved it and figured I would try to do it. Knitting proved to be not my cup of tea. But I used YouTube videos to learn how to crochet. I made a infinity scarf very rough on at first. But then moved on to other things. I got my Best Friend and Mom involved too. We love it now and are contently making more and more new things. Still learning each day. But You Tube was the best Teacher for us.

  • I learned to knit and crochet from elderly ladies in my neighborhood before I was a teenager. Someone gave me a learn to crochet kit when I was about 9 and Ms. Nellie got me started. She taught me to knit with pencils for needles.

  • My grandmother sat with me to teach crocheting . I was 5. When i was 9 she sat with me to teach me to knit. I made squares which she showed me how to join and make a small blanket. It was for my new baby sister on the way. Thanks grandmom for teaching me skills for a lifetime.

  • Stitch ‘N Bitch book and Knitting Help videos.

  • I learned knit and crochet on 3rd grade, really really love knitting, had been my terapy past year by the time my only child been on chemotherapy, thank you for all your post, helping me to stress out and do nice stuff.

  • I taught myself to knit when I was 12, from a book and I still have the book .The first thing I made was a scarf for my dad, He is no longer with me but I still have the scarf. I have knitted lots of things over the years. I have taught my daughters to knit as well a few friends. Knitting is a skill I have truly enjoyed and it has help me in times of stress and worry.

  • I taught myself how to knit, embroider, cross stitch, counted cross stitch, crule all by myself without any book the first thing I knitted was a scarf

  • My mother taught me to knit but she didn’t want to teach me to crochet because my eyes were too bad (she made doilies with very tiny crochet hooks) but I got her to teach me so I could make a granny afghan while I worked on summer playgrounds. Then once I knew how, I could make anything I wanted.

  • My boyfriend and his family were randomly crocheting one day. I was very jealous, because I have never been talented at anything. So, instead of weeping about my short comings, I went to Walmart and bought yarn and a crochet hook. For about two weeks, I watched YouTube videos, but I hadn’t tried crocheting. My friend had come over and she saw my crochet hook and yarn. She picked them up and started crocheting! I was very impressed, and I asked her to show me how to crochet. She taught me how to make chains. I chained all night, I was just trying to practice. After she had left, I sat down and watched more YouTube videos, and I took off. I made my very first scarf made of double crochets. It has been about two years, and I try to crochet everyday!

  • When I was a little girl, about 7 or 8 years old, my mom took a class to learn how to knit. I was facinated, so she taught me the basics. I knitted a scarf. After she finished that class, she took one to learn to crochet. She then taught me that, and I crocheted a small doll blanket. That was around 1970-71. Over the years, I would occasionally make small items, like scarves, belts, and headbands. After I got married in 1982, I moved on to baby afghans. In 1988, I started a king-sized chevron blanket for my bed. It took me the better part of a year to make it because I had 3 small children at home and was pregnant with my 4th. That blanket is now at my oldest daughter’s house and is still in use. Since my kids are now all grown, I have more time to knit and crochet. I make a lot of sweaters, hats, mittens, scarves, and blankets for my 13 grandkids, as well as making many things for several charities. I have taught 2 of my granddaughters and one of my grandsons the basics of crocheting, so the craft will continue to be passed down to another generation.

  • My dad taught me when I was 9. He and his twin brother were ADHD (suspect) in the 1930’s and were holy terrors. Grandma would sit them down with a ball of string and make them knit or crochet. Kept them busy for a while and g as ‘ve her as one much needed peace. Passed that on to me. Thanks Dad.

  • I cannot really knit or crochet, I taught myself how to use the loom kits and made scarfs and hats for the homeless and our veterans. I have also made hats for babies using the loom and donating them to the surrounding hospitals.

  • I learned to knit at the age of 6. My neighbor across the street loved to craft everything!! She had 3 boys so I spent lots of hours there crafting. She had a niece with cystic fibrosis that would visit during the summer and she could not run and play like us so she and I would sit in the shade and knit Barbie doll clothes together.

  • I learned to knit by watching my grandmother. She said,”Do what I do.: and I did. The problem is that I knit lefty-sort of- and I have to adapt instructions for this quirk.I’ve been knitting this way for 64 years so it hasn’t hurt me in any way.

  • I learned to knit when I was in grade school. Someone gave me an instruction book with yarn and needles.The pattern was slippers, and I still have the blue size 5 needles, that was nearly 50 years ago. Yikes , makes me feel old. My mom didn’t knit so as I got older , I would walk to the department store that sold yarn for help. No Facebook, websites or blogs back then. I used to knit in the car during long trips, made my dad mad. He thought I would put my eye out, plus I was missing the scenery. Still knitting and crocheting now, wish I had more time.

  • My aunt taught me how to crochet when I was a little girl but I could never quite master it. I always had some sort of flaw, skipped loop, or one to many, making my project uneven. So, I got frustrated and put it away for good. I then moved from a very hot climate that did not really have true winters or fall, to a much colder climate, with all four seasons. I realized I needed some beanies and scarves, for REAL! Not just for fashion that made me to hot and couldn’t wear them for long. I didn’t like the prices but more frosting was that I couldn’t find a single black set! So, I bought a knitting loom, some charcoal gray yarn and searched tutorials on YouTube to learn the basics and made me a beanie, I like, out of the colors I needed and wanted :). I really love the results but I still find this to be a very frustrating hobby. Unlike painting and illustrating, it is much to easy to make a single mistake and have to start the entire project all over again! I love what we can make but I’m not sure I’ll stick to this. It’s so easy to mess up and the yarn gets worn out from having to pull it apart 15 times to start over lol! I find this to very hard, and I really admire the ladies who can do it and do it well!

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