Hello, Crocheters!
My name is Edie Eckman, and I’m so excited to be leading this Motif Afghan Crochet-Along! I’m a crochet (and knit) designer, and lately I’ve been doing lots of motif crochet. You may think of it as “granny squares”, but I’ve found it can be so much more than that.
Let me tell you what I have in mind for this adventure.
We’ll be making a full-sized motif-based afghan in 3 or 4 colors. I’ve chosen Motif #48 from my book Beyond the Square Crochet Motifs as the basis for the design. It works well in 1, 2, 3 or 4 colors, and the hexagonal shape is so versatile that we have plenty of opportunity for creativity. You can find the motif instructions here.
This week, we’ll be choosing colorways. The following week, we’ll look at how the motif appears when stitched in a variety of color combinations and learn the “sliding loop” method of beginning a motif in the round. In Week 3, I’ll show you a couple of ways to envision the final design, so you can decide how many motifs to make. The next week will include tips for improving your technique, dealing with yarn tails, and joining as you go. The final week we’ll finish up: block, sew together (if we didn’t join them as we worked), and weave in the ends.
Of course, this is simply a suggested outline. As we progress, I’ll answer questions, and let you help me decide what we need to discuss. As in life, the plan is subject to change.
Choosing Colors
One of my favorite things about starting an afghan project is choosing the yarn. There are so many possible choices! I decided early on that I’d be using Lion Brand’s Vanna’s Choice and/or Vanna’s Choice Baby, because of the many beautiful colors that are designed to go together. Wool-Ease is another good choice.
Although I didn’t have any particular colorway in mind, I was looking for three or four colors that would look good together. I really find it hard to make up my mind when it comes to colors, so I’m starting with a bunch of choices. I like bright colors, but sometimes for home decor I’d prefer something more subtle. I’ve narrowed down my choices to four colorways, and wound some yarn onto white index cards to get an idea of how they might look together, and in what proportions.
Colorway #2
I like #1 and #2 for a baby or kid’s afghan, but I don’t have any (little) kids at my house.
Colorway #3
#3 would look great in my bedroom, but I recently did another afghan in a similar colorway and I’m afraid I might get tired of it.
Colorway #4
#4 would work well in my den.
I’m leaning strongly toward #3 or #4.
What do you think? Let me know which colors you want to see me use in the comments section! You have FIVE days to help me decide, because I have to get the yarn!
Now…you go choose some yarns that will work for you. Since motifs lend themselves to using up colorful scraps of yarn, you could just go crazy and use a wide variety of colors! However, even if you are using up yarn from your stash, it’s a good idea to choose colors deliberately.
Also, leave a note and introduce yourself! We want to know what yarn and colors you want to use, and we want to know a little about you!
Let the adventure begin…
Related links:
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Robyn Riley
I pick colorway #4 (for your den), but personally I’m going with #3 for mine!
Tina LoTufo
Hi, Edie:
I like the look of “Granny Squares” but find myself absolutely overwhelmed at the prospect of sewing them all together, so I am interested in your technique of sewing as you go. I made one afghan and attached all the squares but it was not a pretty sight–lumpy and bumpy. (Since then I have actually ended up giving away bags of squares rather than attach them!)
I have fallen back on making afghans that are one big GS or one big rectangular GS, which someone gave me a neat pattern for. By the way, I find that afghans worked in a continuous round like that can end up crooked at the end, so I started alternating directions with each row. As front and back don’t matter so much in those afghans,it doesn’t seem to affect the appearance and the end product is much straighter. I supposed blocking is another option, but I’m not sure of the best way to do that. Would appreciate any tips you can offer.
Since most of my afghans are given to hospice patients, I like to use bright colors, but much of my yarn is donated so sometimes it’s a challenge to come up with attractive combinations. GSs are perfect for using up little bits of yarn–which I have in abundance–so I’m looking forward to following along. I like your Aqua/Sweet Pea combo.
Edie says:
Hi, Tina-so glad you can join us! As we work, we’ll be exploring the best way to join the motifs. Once we have a few under our belt, we’ll see what they look like with different types of joins. You’ll have several to choose from, so you can determine which one works best in your situation–AND you’ll have the chance to try those methods out on your hospice blankets. You may decide that one or another method works better under different circumstances.
Keep in touch.
Personal preference, #2 or #1, but I think you should go with #4. I actually already have four (I think?) colorways shoved in a project bag with your book, so I’m glad to have a little nudge to do something with them.
I like #1 with all the colors you chose, with the goldfish color as the border on all blocks to tie it together.
Question: How much yarn do we need to do this project?
Edie says:
Hi, Tricia. I wrote a bit how I come up with yarn requirements in my comment to Sandra. Since the afghan hasn’t actually been made yet (it’s a REAL crochet-along), I don’t have a finished item to work from. It is highly dependent on the design/color combinations you ultimately choose–you’ll have a better idea next week.
I prefer to overestimate in getting yarn, because I don’t like to run out–and I can always use it elsewhere. However, if you don’t want to buy too much, you could start with the minimum # balls I think you’ll need (maybe 10 of Vanna’s Choice) and fill in later as needed.
My choices for you. . . #1 and #4, awesome!
I’m joining in this CAL! I’m making afghans for Christmas and this will be perfect. I have a serious case of Crafters Attention Deficit Disorder and sometimes CAL’s help me finish what I start!
Love it!
I love this! I gave up on granny squares (and I like ‘motif’ much better) because they were…well…square. 🙂
These motifs are an appealing shape to me…so I’m in! Have no idea who will get this afghan….maybe it’ll be a gift for me…I’ve NEVER done that! I love the colors in #1 and #2, not much into earth tones.
Will be checking out colors for myself…and a question…what happens if I want to use sport weight yarn instead?
Thanks for starting this!!
Edie says: Hi, Trish. I love sport-weight yarn! You can certainly use it; you’ll just have a more delicate-looking throw than I will. You’ll also probably have more motifs than I will to get it the same size, and you’ll want to use a smaller hook. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
I’d go with #4… If I already had something made for a room in similar colors I’d loose interest pretty quickly.
I’m excited about this CAL. Other than it being my first one, I’ve been looking for a motif/non-Grannie square pattern to use up scraps for a living room afghan and I think this will be PERFECT.
I’m also curious about amount of yarn needed. Even though I’m using scraps, I still want to make sure I have enough of the colors I really want.
Thanks for sharing!!!
Edie says: The amount of yarn you need will be determined by the size of your finished piece, what yarn you use, how you decide to arrange the colors on your motifs, and what your gauge is. Here’s how I go about guesstimating how much I’ll need:
Using Vanna’s Choice and a I-9 (5.5 mm) hook, I’ve stitched a couple of motifs and then weighed them. They weighed between 8 and 11 g each, which means about 20.5 yds per motif. Having done a little math (which we’ll do next week), I think I need 60 motifs, which would be 60 x 20.5 = 1230 yds. This would be a total of 8 balls of Vanna’s Choice BUT..
I’ll also need some extra for finishing, either by sewing, crochet seams, or join-as-you-go. Since I want to use 3 colors, I’ll have to add extra balls in there to have enough of each color. I think I’ll get 6 balls of my “main color”, plus maybe 3-4 balls of the other colors.
Does this help you figure out how much you need?
I think you should go for colorway #4. The combination is stiking… well done!
I like #3 rich, but not for ever one #1 for a gift.
If I were you, I’d go with #4. For my current purposes I like #1 & #2. I’m currently making afghans for Bundles of Love, a charity for underprivileged newborns who would go home from the hospital with nothing if not for Bundles of Love.
This is also my first CAL. Looking forward to participating.
I really like #4, it would look great in my family room!! I’m a knitter primarily, but have been hooking a little more lately. Since I am a self-taught crocheter, I’m looking forward to this CAL and learning some new techniques.
Elaind Goss
This is just what I need to get back into crocheting. I have your motif book: how do I sign up. I love colorway #1.
Edie says: There’s no need to sign up. Just pick out some colors and follow along every week. Glad you could join us!
Paulette Schirmer
I like the combination in #3 strong and vibrant colors.
I like the colours in #4.
I like number 2. I may choose that one myself!
I’ve always wanted to participate in the crochet alongs but for some reason haven’t.
But I am intrigued! I think I’ll do it!
I’ve blogged my colorway choice!
#4-love the colors!
Go with #4…the colors are so pretty
I love #1, but I don’t think it would quite work with the motif – so I vote for #4, those colors look great together.
Also – when you say join as you go, are you sewing or crocheting the motifs together?
Edie says: I suspect that we’ll be crocheting them together, but it will be up to you. We’ll talk about different ways to handle it. You’ll be free to decide on which method works best for you.
I’d like to join the motif crochet-along…I think I can manage to keep up with this one! 🙂
Wendy in New Mexico
I personally like #4. I am interested to see how these are joined! This will also be my first CAL.
I think that you should do colorway #4. I think the colors look great together! I am just going to use up some stash that I have been hording! I am anxious to see what comes of it!
Ok I am in. I think I can keep up this time, tried other alongs, got left behind. I like color choice 3.
Mary Anne Norman
Hi Edie,
Love your book. I’ve been using it to make dishcloths and hot pads in the various motifs. Thanks for your creativity.
Edie says: Thanks, Mary Anne! Hope you’ll join us for the CAL.
I love # 4 because the colors will go great in my bedroom. Years, and years ago I made granny square aphgans with my mom. She used to make many and give them away. I still have one. This will be a trip down memory lane for me.
I like #3 – they are the colors of my living room and bedroom. #2 is great for babies but mine are all out of the house. Will try to keep up with this one.
I like #3 and #4 the best. Like others, I would suggest going with #4 if you’ve recently done a project with colors similar to #3.
Hi I have a bag of 4 different colours of yarn just begging to be used with this motif! As for your possible colour combos, my favourites are #1 and #2.
Are you planning to have a CAL group on Flickr or Ravelry so that we can all chat and share photos of our progress? I know that previous CALs have and I’ve found it so wonderful to see what everyone else is doing.
Zontee says: Hi Jenn, click here for the Flickr group and click here for the Ravelry group.
I’m in. Boy do I have the scraps that I would love to use up! My big problem is sewing motifs together so I am greatly interested in “sew as you go”.
Shannon in NYC
Hello! I like the original colors (Photo attached). I am a Purple/Lavender/Lilac lady at heart. I too would like to see you work with the Colorway #4. I am curious how you would put them together. I am looking forward to participating in my first Lion Brand CAL! I hope I can keep up.
Is this KAL project appropriate for a first-time crocheter (as in, I have never crocheted in my life, but have been meaning to learn)? Or is a blanket a bit of an ambitious undertaking for that?
Zontee says: Hi Sarah, I think a motif is a good way to jump in, as you’ll be repeating skills over and over again, getting lots of practice on them. Also, as with all of our CALs and KALs, you can work at your own pace, so no pressure. Don’t forget to check out Lion Brand’s YouTube Channel for basic crochet videos.
Using up scraps of yarn??? I’m in! I vote you go for #4. See you soon.
I’m in. What a nice way to use up some odd balls of yarn I have. I figure I’ll be ok as long as I stay with the same weight and yarn type. I’m looking forward on learning how to do all the different color work as I am not so good at that right now.
The timing on this project is perfect. I’ve been looking for something portable and have been playing around with granny squares. This will be a stash buster for me. The color samples are beautiful but just a bit too muted and proper. To my eye #3 and #4 need something to make them ‘pop’. Now that I’m over 50 I’m using alot more brights and even flourescents. I like the colors in the sample hexagon [at top] except I would choose something with more contrast for color 3.
I really like #4! I think that is will look amazing. I think that I am going to use a similar colorway for my own afgahn, though.. I may go with a orange, teal, beige motif. Those are the colors in our loft.
My name is Tina, and I am always looking for a project to work on. I never know till I am done whether I am going to keep it or gift though!
Thank You! I have a bag of leftover yarns that I have just been itching to use. I have already made an afghan for a great grandson with 25 colors from the leftovers, so I probably have only 20 or less remaining. I am eager to begin.
I love #4 for your project! I’m in for the CAL. I think I’m going to have to head to the yarn store for some additional inspiration for my own colors!
I would choose Colorway #3. The harmony is great and it would be perfect for a fall project in those colors 🙂
Mary Jane
I love the original but I vote for colorway #4.
Anyone who will deal with yarn tails and join-as-you-go has my vote. I have many UFO’s (unfinished objects) at the moment but this sounds great. Thank you.
I’m committed to using up my yarn stash so I’ll be digging through to select colors that will work. Looks like fun!
Hard choice…you should go with #4..personally I will either go with #2 or #3. # 3 would go great in my newly decorated living room and #2 would be the perfect combo for a gift. Can’t wait to start!
I too have tried Granny squares before and never got the hang of it. I think the increasing on the corners is what did me in or maybe it was trying to join them; I, too, had a very bumpy afghan which I gave to the cat’s bed. She loves it. But I’m in on this one because I want to make an afghan for my mother who is always sewing beautiful quilts for me. Colors are really hard. I’d like it to be like colors of a garden since my mother is an avid gardener and bonsai and houseplant grower. I’m thinking two different greens, then maybe a bright flower color like yellow or lilac? Or maybe two greens and an off-white? Ack, I’m terrible with colors. Anybody got any suggestions?
I’m trying to learn how to crochet. I have the basic’s down, just have to work on actually following a pattern and making something complete. I’ve tried and put it down so many times! Is this group suitable for learning as I go?
(I would go with colorway #4)
Edie says: Hi, Julie-If you have the basics down, you should be able to follow along just fine. Just be patient with yourself.
geez, can’t even type my own name properly, lol. it Julie, no Juie
Hello! Count me in. I vote for #3. Love earth colors and Vanna’s Choice as it is easy to work with.
Susan H
Hi – recent subscriber – long time knitter/crocheter. I would choose #4 for you. I really like the contrast. I need to make a baby afghan for someone who works for me so this is perfect. I will have to go pick out colors although #2 does appeal.
Hi Edie!
I definitely lean toward your Colorway #4 choice as it is more versatile. Of course the fact I love the cranberry colour could have something to do with it too!!
I haven’t made any afghans in the hex shape but am looking forward to my first attempt!
Thank you for leading this CAL for us!
I like #1 and #4…I might adapt #4 myself and add a dark piney green for a more Christmas look. In fact I am looking for a project for my daughter’s ballet group to raffle off during the holidays…might be PERFECT!
Hello there. This is the first time I have joined a CAL and hope that I can keep up. I too like the Colorway #4, appears easier to keep track of the rounds and color changes.
Hi, I want to join in on this CAL. I especially like the idea that it doesn’t look too overwhelming. I like to crochet, but I am more of a knitter. Maybe I’ll try it for a baby blanket for a grandson on the way. I really like the colorway #4, because I like the cranberry and taupe.
Stacy Marquez
I’ve been crocheting since I was 8 years old, but I never really got serious about it until 6 months ago. Since then I’ve been crocheting my fingers off 😀 As far as which colors to choose, I’m afraid I won’t be much help there – I like all 4 colorways 😉 But, whatever you choose it will be helpful to me since I have trouble joining contrasting colors without that giant knot at the joining area. I’m also glad you’ll be covering how to deal with all of those yarn tails – something else I struggle with.
Hi Edie,
My name is Laura and I’m thrilled to join this crochet along with you! I have several of your books and have met you at Stitches East (of course, I don’t expect you to remember, LOL) and was delighted by your friendly personality.
I am looking forward to this because I have always wanted to crochet a hexagon afghan but was too timid about the final steps of putting it all together , so I shyed away. However, now that you’re at the helm, I’m ready to dive in so lead on!
Incidentally, I vote for Colorway #4.
Edie says: Thanks, Laura. Glad you’ll be joining us!
Hi Edie,
My name’s Eugenia and I’m from Argentina.
I’d like to join this Crochet-Along. I’ve never done it before, although I’d love to. The problem is that I have to make sure I can follow instructions to make the hexagon properly. I’ll give it a try tonight. Although English is not a problem for me, it really is when it comes to knitting and crochet instructions, as they are so different here! hahaha
Another problem is to choose the yarn. Here we don’t have those brands you mention. So could you tell me what kind of wool are they? And one more thing: how much do we need for the afghan? We buy yarn by weight here. So what’s the weight of the balls you buy over there, so that I can do the math?
I love crocheting and knitting. I’ve learnt knitting from my mom, aunt and grandmother when I was a little girl, but they were not good at crocheting, so I’m kind of a self-taught crocheter! 🙂 I always find lovely patters on the internet but as they are in English I never tried them before. But I want to start. It will be a challenge for me, I know that. But I think that it would be easier if I first work together with other people like in a Crochet-Along.
Thanks a lot for your help and patience!!!
PS: Oh, by the way, I love #4!
Edie says: Bienvenido Eugenia! My next-door neighbors are from Argentina, but I don’t think they crochet, so they won’t be much help with translations. The great thing about this CAL is that the motif is “written” in international crochet symbols, so you should be able to read along just fine.
I’m using a nice worsted-weight soft acrylic yarn–you can use any worsted weight acrylic or wool-blend yarn that you like.
Lorraine Weberg
This is great! I just discovered this CAL and I definitely want to join in. I learned to crochet only recently and loved the rhythm and repetition of the GS. Had some wild ideas for a bed quilt (a queen size, no less), bought a lot of yarn, and then have let it languish. This CAL is just the kick start I need. Thanks!
I vote for #4. I haven’t crocheted in several years and have been wanting to get started again. I am retired and keep 6 mo. old grandson so I only have small amounts of time and this project sounds like a good place to start.
I am interested in joining the motifs as we go.
Jo Ann
Hi, this is so exciting. I want to learn the join
as you go method.And I also think this will be fun
and I will be able to keep up.
Love #1 and also the pink and lavender.
I also love #4. I mainly knit now but crochet was my first love. I am looking forward to this CAL
Nolcha Fox
Hi, I’m Nolcha and a yarncraft addict.
I love the motif, and plan to use it immediately to crochet some Christmas coasters (the afghan will have to take second place, I’m afraid). I think it might also be a great motif for a table runner or a shawl.
Thanks for the great idea!
Oh this is what I need for my Christmas Afgahn. I did some great Hexes a month ago for another project but had to put them aside as I didn’t know how to get them together. Will there be fill in triangles, or just hexes?
I have been working my way through your book myself, making only one motif at a time. I have been interested in making an afghan using the different motifs, but am overwhelmed with the thought of joining the pieces together and having all the loose ends. I look forward to joining and finishing an afghan! And I love all your colorways, can’t wait to choose my own! Thanks!
Im going to hit up my stash here and toss some rainbows together… i love making things and my kids keep me busy…. so i will have to get back to ya as to what i end up with… either way colourful afghans go a long way with three little girls!
I vote for #4.
I vote for #4!
I am going to do a more neutral colorway as I think I am going to do this for my Mom’s bedroom for a Christmas gift – she has ivories, golds and a bit of pink in there so…off to the store with me!
Sherry Watkins
Looking forward to creating a new throw. It’s been several years since I’ve done throws…I did 8 that year 🙁 Just finished a cute lacy pullover and ready to start something new. Haven’t decided whether to raid the closet to use up a number odd ends or start with new yarns. This pattern would look neat if alternating the colors in each row from block to block.
Meg P.
Hi, I’m Meg. Edie, I’ve been working with your book for a while and LOVE IT! I turn to it whenever I need an idea for a shape, but I’m always looking for motifs that can be expanded, since I, like several others, am not as good at joining as at crocheting. In fact, I’m primarily joining to learn more about joining-as-you-go.
Also, the pictures in your book helped me learn the “Magic Loop” method — and now I never use anything else to start a piece in rounds.
I vote for Colorway #4 (like others, I love the cranberry).
I’ll be working with Vanna’s Choice/ Vanna’s Choice Baby left over skeins I have to make a blanket for Afghans for NICU Babies for Christmas (a thread on crochetville.org), so size won’t matter if I don’t finish. Premies can use afghans in any size! 😉
I’m pretty much a self-taught crocheter (as I’m sure most of you are), and I’ve never perfected the blocking technique and can’t wait till that lesson.
I’ve never followed blogs before and look forward to following along with this group.
I like color way #4, I think I might try that one myself.
I vote for Colorway #4, although the Cranberry gives more contrast, therefore drama, than I’m looking for. I’d substitute the Cranberry in there for a peach or shrimp color. But I’ll give it a try! Thanks for the good company.
I have not crocheted in years, but recently re-learned to knit. Now I guess I am going to re-learn to crochet as I adore the idea of this one. One question though, would a cotton yarn be OK?
I love your color choice number 3, with number 4 as a close second.
I am looking forward to this, and will change it up a little bit and will probably make square motifs instead.
I was given enough of Thick&Quick Chenille to make either at least a queen sized throw, and I think this will be a perfect use for it!
I also have a problem putting things together. I still have all the pieces of the crochet a long from last years afghan in my closet. Not put together. I also seem to be very sensitive to how yarn feels. I never realized this before. I used Vanna’s yarn on the other afghan and it does not feel pleasant to me. Does anyone have a recommendation for a softer feeling yarn?
What do you think about an all white motif?
I vote for #4 too! It sure sounds like the most popular. I might be tempted to throw in a touch of royal blue here and there, to make it “pop” like Elena said.
To PattySue, I thought your idea of two greens and off-white sounded really nice. What about a touch of yellow here and there, not in every motif but sprinkled throughout?
To Edie, were you planning to make every motif the same, or vary the placement of the colours? I’d like to see some sample variations, as I don’t have much of an eye for that kind of thing. And will there be a half-motif to fill in the outer edges, or will the edges be scalloped? I like the look of a straight edge rather than scalloped, with a bit of a sc border to tie it all together into one big square or rectangle.
Edie says: Varying the placement of colors is EXACTLY what I had in mind, and next week I’ll show you how I figure out what it will look like. And how you can, too. If you are anxious to get started, stitch a few motifs, placing the colors in different arrangements for each round. Then you’ll have a head start on next week. Also, I’m planning to have my edges scalloped, because that’s the look I prefer, but if you want to do it straight, I’ll think about how to make that happen.
I’m in… I have a large stash that needs to be reduced (as we all do). Been crocheting for over 20 yrs, knitting for last 5 yrs. I vote for #3, it just seems like such a warm, inviting color combo for the cold winter season. Enjoy crocheting ladies and look forward to our progress!
Hi Edie,
I’m voting for Colorway #4 simply because I did an afghan in those exact same colors and have gotten a lot of compliments on it!
I’m really looking forward to this CAL, my afghan will be going to the Pine Ridge Reservation.
I would choose #4 since you already have an afghan in the colors of #3(my second choice). I actually may choose similar colors for mine. They match my family room well.
This will be my first CAL and I am excited with the prospect of buying more yarn. (not like my craft room really needs any more!)
Hi Edie…. I am so excited about this project. I am one of those who gets bored and puts it aside, therefore, I have several projects in the works!! Now I need to give you a little background before I ask my question… I am a flight attendant and need to carry as little as possible which is why this is so appealing. I start a trip tomorrow (Sat.) and can’t wait to start crocheting… but, how many of this #48 motif should I be making from the start? My plan is to use a denim blue, brown & tan for my son in college. The yarn is from my Mom who passed away in ’03.
Edie says: Hi, Diane-I thought I should answer you ASAP so you can pack for your trip. In an earlier response, I figured I’m probably going to need about 60 motifs, so you can just get started. You can catch back up with us when you get back. Hint: Leave longish tails before you cut off the final tail, and don’t weave in that final end, in case you decide you want to join as you go. More on that later…Bon voyage.
I personally prefer #3, will probably do a combination of those, or similar colors.
OH…I just thought of another combo…since the motiff looks like a snowflake, what about using blues and white?
In fact should the outside rows be considered the “joining row”/and color?
OH details…I have been crocheting since I was 7 when my gma taught me b/c she thought that any child that fidgeted as much as I did/do (I have ADD) should put all that energy to use!
Question to everyone in general…. What do you think the end result would be if you picked your colors (lets say red, blue, green, beige) and did the motifs in different shades of these colors? For example: a fire engine red, royal blue, grass green and tan for one and then christmas red, forest green, sky blue and off white for another? Or is that tooo far gone? Just trying to use up the hundreds of skeins I seem to have collected in one way or another.
# 3
so perfect for fall & cozy
love it! Lin
Linda Mills
I am so excited about participating in my first CAL!!! I had not heart of this before. I believe Tina must be my twin, she stated my feelings perfectly! I also have bags of GS that never got joined together. I once started a beautiful lace tablecloth only to give up when I learned how many circles had to be joined together. I took the few I had made and used them as dollies!!
I personally like #3, but I will be making a blanket for Binky Patrol, so will probably use some pastels.
I can’t wait to start!!!
I vote for colorway #1. It makes me happy just to look at it!
I like colorway #4. The colors will work up really pretty together. The colors are great for fall and winter! I like #3 too but you already have a throw in those colors.
I saw the motif and immediately thought stash buster! and Christmas gift! I promise to choose deliberately though. I look forward to getting started!
I like color way 4 even tho i wont be joining the CAL I All ready have A Granny Square Afgan to finish By Christmas.
I bought your book sometime ago and use it over and over as inspiration! I have even used your patterns with embrodiery thread to make motifs for small pieces such as pillows, hats, and blouses! I can’t say enough good things about it! Super excited about this “project”!
Edie says: Thanks for the kind words, Gina.
I prefer the earth tone colors so I would like #3 or #4. This is my first time joining something like this and really look forward to it
Howdy Edie,
I have been crocheting for more years than I have fingers and toes(not a good way to count). Doing the square always got boring but with a crochet along it gives a little push especilly with this shape. Great way to use up all that’s in the stash! I think #4 must have the most appeal.
Happy Crocheting Everybody,
I love #1 and would use it for my daughter or son for a blanket. I have made one granny square blanket before with individual squares for sewing together. It has already fallen apart in several places, so I would LOVE to learn a better way to sew as you go. Looking forward to participating.
Sally Pomerantz
I’m a new self taught crocheter. Do not know very much yet but love to try out new things. The motif 11:Hexagon looks very interesting and I will give it a try. Thanks for the great information and bargins and pattern ideas.
I like #4 as well.
I’ve never crocheted an afghan before, so we will just see how this goes!
Mollye Self
Hi This is gonna be fun and I choose #3 but for myself I think I will use what I have on hand so will be a very eclectic and funky work of art!
Terri Jouty
I personally like No. 4 but that is me. I would probably do baby colors as I seem to have plenty of leftovers in my stash. Of course I might choose to do my son’s school colors and that would be something nice for him. I have all these intentions but I run out of time before I get to all my things I want to do. One day…LOL…
I have not done a crochet-a-long, so this is an interesting experience for me. However, I needed an alternative to the scarves I seem to always be crocheting. They’re a ton of fun to do, but you can only have so many scarves. 🙂 This is all new for me as my scarves tend to be fairly simple. I am looking forward to it! I personally like option #4 and may even steal your colorway for my own project! 🙂
Karen T
Hi Edie,
It will be fun to work along with ya’ll. I would choose #4 for you to do, but I want to do one for my granddaughter. I will use sage green, pink, cranberry and white to make my motifs. They resemble flowers that way, and are bright enough to perk up a day. See you on the web.
Karen in Charlotte
Hi Edie!
I love all the colorways but especially #4. I cannot join this cal for several reasons – first am leaving for vacation tomorrow and second – I have just begun a hex afghan for my DIL for Christmas. Have to finish this for her before tackling another! lol I would love to follow along though if that’s ok. I would love to learn the magic loop and other ways of joining those hexes!
Edie says: Sure! Please follow along even if you can’t stitch this one. We still want to hear how you are progressing on YOUR hexafghan.
I really like #4.
Michelle R.
Hi Edie:
This looks like it will be fun! I vote for #4 for you to use. As a mostly colorblind person (missing 2 of the 3 color vision systems) I find the contrast clear and soothing. It seems that #4 is overwhelmingly what others think as well. I’m looking forward to this. 🙂
Michelle in Idaho
Hi. I like this pattern idea for a blanket. I have yarn that i made into a blanket for my step-dad, but the squares when I attached came out all lumpy and stretched out. So I took it apart. So now I have this yarn that is off white, pumpkin and fall colors and nothing to do with it. Now I have a new blanket to make.. thanks.
I like colorway #4. I’m going to do those colors, or maybe add a shade of blue so it will look good in my living room.
Hi Edie!
What a wonderful choice of Motif and I love your color choices (all of them). I am going to use Lion Brand Pound of Love in Turquorise (#148), Pastel Green (#156), and Pastel Yellow (#157). I have grand babies in my future and want to be ready when they arrive.
I look forward to the coming weeks with you.
I just LOVE grannysquares (and any other shapes 😉 )
About three years ago I made an afghan with just that motif!! My kids and my husband just love it!! They always fight about who can cuddle up with it hahaha
So, I will probably crochet-a-long, but with another shape 😉
Bigg hug from Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Anouk Verhaaff
Hello all. My name is Cassandra. I am a long time crocheter. I love the hexagon shaped motifs. I have always wanted to make an afghan with them, but have never taken the time to do it. I am looking forward to learning different joining techniques.
I would choose colorway #4. For this CAL, I think I am going to use a variety of colors from my stash with black.
Barb K
I love Vanna yarn and just finished a ripple afgan for myself. I like #3 and will make to give away.
I like colorway number 3. For mine I’m going to use my left overs. I’m really looking forward to the sew as you go, I’ve done granny squares before and sewed together at the end which seems more of a chore for me. First time is CAL looking forward to learning as we go.
Mary T
I really like the colors in #4. The contrast will really make the design stand out well.
I am thinking I can do this in a baby soft yarn for gift giving. Seems like so many are multiplying these days. It is so hard to keep up with all of the babies in my family.
Good luck to everyone else that will be crocheting along with this afghan!
Well, # 4 may be great in your den, but # 3 is stunning…and oh so “fallish”…and the Vanna Yarn is WONDERFUL!…LOVE IT!
I have only done one Granny Square project in the past, and it began falling apart almost as soon as I was finished with it. Not only did my seaming lack in elasticity, but my woven-in yarn ends from the color changes were UGLY and became ‘unwoven’ pretty quickly. I gave up on the whole concept after that, so I am interested to hear your tips on weaving in yarn ends as well as seaming.
I like colorway #4. I’m looking forward to this CAL. I’ve been watching some of the others but never joined in. This will be perfect for the lap throws I am making as part of our prayer shawl ministry.
i like # 4 myself
i am trying to do some stash busting, so i will see what combination i can come up with!
Hexagons work up amazingly fast and can be joined in a # of ways–( you don’t happen to have a half hexagon in this pattern written up?)
Edie says: Nope, don’t have that one written up. Sorry. 🙁
I just finished a project using Colorway #1 and it lookes great. I think with fall coming on I would like to see you use #3.
I think this will be a lot of fun.
Lila Walker
I think #4 is a fairly sophisticated color group, and my favorite. Think I’ll put together some other color groupings, since I have bags and bags of yarn, and make something with this motif. Thanks.
Hi Edie
I’m joining in as I have been crotcheting strictly square or rectangular pieces only (usually afghans as summer projects) and am excited to break out and try something new.
I would like to use a 4 color motif (black, grey and cream – interchanging the cream with mustard for alternate hexagons) — love your thoughts on this before I head out to find Vanna’s yarn here in Toronto. Miriam
Edie says: I adore the idea of changing up the cream/mustard on alternate motifs. If you find the mustard makes it too bumblebee-ish, you might try another color to make it pop–I’d be interested in seeing it in magenta!
I’m sooo excited to be joining in on this CAL!! It’s my first crochet along and one of my first afghans; I’ve only done three other afghans – but only one of which was out of this blocking method and was pint sized for a baby play mat so this will be really thrilling to make something a little more sophisticated with the hexagonal shaped blocks.
Colorwise I do like option #4 best for something like a den. Personally I will be using three colors from the vanna’s choice collection that I picked up for a niece of mine – three vivid colors in the same hue – pink, green, and blue.
Once again so excited and I can’t wait to get started!!
I have three possible color combinations and would like your opinion. Also how about using the Mists?
1. Silver gray, dusty Blue and Deepburt Orange
2. Taupe, Silver Blue, and Antique Rose
3, Tangerine Mist, Chocolate Brown, and Honey or Deep Burt orange.
Edie says: Oh, Ellen–more choices! Is the Deep Burnt Orange a Vanna’s Choice color? I don’t see it and it’s hard for me to know without seeing it.
Your #2 would be OK, but my preference would be to use Dusty Blue instead of Silver Blue. I haven’t tried the Mists with this one, but I tend to be cautious with using lots of different variegated colors (even tonal variegateds). I think Honey, Tangerine Mist and Chocolate would be fine, although you wont’ get as much color definition using Honey and Tangerine Mist.
Hello Edie,
I think that colorway #4 is just gorgeous. I am so excited about this crochet along! This will be my first afghan and I love the design that you have chosen.
I am looking forward to seeing what you pick!
Love #4. It is a Fall color and I can even use it during Winter. Edie, you did great in picking these color groups for us. Tks,
Hi all,
I’m Joann. I enjoy small projects like this I can work on in the truck as we travel. Lately I have been doing alot of toe up crochet socks. An afghan will be a nice change. I have a ton of stash from when my mother-in-law passed on. A friend of mine also lost her mother and inherited a large stash. I’m hoping to talk her into doing an afghan also. I need to decide what main color and I’m off and crocheting.
Good crocheting to all
I really love # 4. I reminds me of autumn and makes me want to start crocheting. 🙂
Hi all,
I have at least 100 things to finish so I will probably just follow along with the blog while I work on other things,though I WOULD like to make a throw for my sister in hospital. I love different motifs but like so many not sewing them together. I have no yarn store in the area so I usually use whatever yarn my mom may send–verigated can work sometimes for changing colors on motifs without having to deal with ends. Well back to that cross stitched wedding gift. Hi from Nova Scotia, good luck and have fun, Bonnie
I think you should do #4. I don’t really need another project (have a baby afghan almost ready to mail off & another hexagon afghan in the works) but what the heck! I love motifs because they are easy to take & work on on the go. I have to think about a colorway for myself….. your #3 or a slight variation would be great in my family room. That’s a possibility…
I love #4, and also liked Michell’s idea for adding a green to give it a Christmas look. I love to play with color, but like everyone else I don’t like yarn tails. Any hints and tips to deal with them will be wonderful. One hint I have picked up along the way is to leave a long tail at the end of the last round. It can then be used to sew the motifs together. There’s less chance of your sewing coming apart and it eliminates any tails you would normally get from joining.
Edie says: That’s a great tip! As a matter of fact, I leave pretty long tails at the end of each final round until I decide what construction method I’ll use. That way, I have enough extra to either sew them together or join-as-I-go. We’ll be talking about this more in the next couple of weeks.
I hate to sound “un-original” but I also think #4. They’re all great, but I believe I’ll steal your #4 colors for myself!
Will be joining this cal, like colorway no. 3, but think I will do this one in one color, Have lots of ranch red on hand.
Linda R.
I too like #4 with pine green. This sounds like a great Christmas idea. I like to do baby blankets and have done this in pastels. Very cute. I love reading everyone’s ideas. I look forward to joining everyone.
Maria Eugenia
Hi, it seems that it will be #4, right? I wonder how your comments would vary if you were to choose a 4 color option. Do you think that you’ll be able to include notes for those choosing a different colorway? I can’t wait to join, I made so far only one crocheted blanket using all different squares in the same four colors and it looks fantastic. I hope my baby niece (and her mom) think the same. Hexagons are the best next challenge. Thanks for taking this up! M.E.
Edie says:
Next week we’ll be talking about exactly that-the different ways we can arrange 2, 3 or 4 colors to get very different looks. I’m going to do my best to talk about the MANY different design options with this pattern.
Hey Edie,
this sounds like a great project. I am looking forward to following this thru to the end. I have been crocheting since 1969 when I got married and my mother in law taught me. Lately I have been doing scarves and hats for nursing homes but when I do an afghan it has been usually a mile a minute. I do enjoy making Granny Squares but like Tina have a heck of a time putting them togehter. It is like pulling teeth to get me to put them together.
As far as your colors, I like # 3 but would like to see a Dark Brown instead of Pea Green. I know this sounds to dark for kids but to me it would be a perfect color to make for a man. After all I am a man and those three colors would be something I would be proud to show off if someone had made me an afghan.
Look forward to your group.
Sacramento, Ca.
Jan C
I love #4 but I am going to use up my stash as I am also crocheting for my hospital. the volunteers have a drive for lap blankets in Sept of each year and so far I haven’t done any grannies, just the one piece. A grannie will also be a lot easier to takealong, but I do hate to put them together. Hopefully, I will be able to keep up as I am also going to school as well as working full time at the hospital.
Sharon Eddins
Hi, this is my first time to respond to one of these, but I have been wanting to learn how to do the “granny square” afghan and maybe this will help. As so many others, I too, like color choice # 4. I haven’t decided yet which colors to use, but also am not sure how many skeins to purchase.
Thanks and looking forward to this experience.
Corsicana, TX 75110
I might choose #4 because the colors are simple and would be nice for a sitting area. I personally will do a brighter combo for a kid’s blanket. On a side note, I am currently working up #137 (I think) from your book, but extending the rows to form a half-circle rug for our kitchen sink area.
My favorites are #2 and #4. #2 is bright and cheery, but #4 seems a little cozier and warmer. I have to go thru my supply of yarn and pick my own color combination.
Linda Z
I love the idea of a group project CAL. I just retired 6 months ago and wanted to get back into crocheting now that I have some free time but just couldn’t seem to get motivated to action! I’ve done granny squares but never the hexagon shape -seems like that will be fun. I’ve forgotten so much of the crochet techniques so I will definitely be following the weekly tips. I would vote for #4 and will probably use those colors as well but would like to vary the color sequence for a little variety.
Linda Z
Hi Edie,
Count me in too!. I like colourway no.4 I Would do this one if making for myself, but if I decide to do one for an expectant grandchild I’ll choose no. 1 or 2. Looking forward to starting. I bought your book over a year ago now and have used it many times. Love it!!
Barbara B
My favorite colorway is the sample – pink, lavendar and green center – really pretty.
Aloha Edie
I choose #3. This is my first ever CAL. 🙂 I will be using all my scrap yarn, and its going to be colorful! Their are not a lot of places to get yarn on Maui, so I mostly order from Lion Brand on line. I love Vanna’s yarns! I hope #3 wins!!!!
Mahalo Kanohealani
I have never done a CAL but I am thinking this one could use up some scraps. i will try to keep up. I am joining Ravelry as I want to find and chat with others who knit/crochet. i have been doing it for 45 years. I really love #2.
Pearl S
Hello Edie,
I am excited about this CAL. I have done lots of projects with motifs and at the beginning they appear to be very challenging, but the projects when completed are beautiful. I am looking forward to learning how to join motifs as we go along. I think I will use color choice #1.
Pearl S
I’m currently finishing a 196-block hexagon motif afghan made in about 20 different colors. Although I won’t be joining the CAL, I do already have your book (terrific instructions, amazing photos and stunning color combinations!) and will follow along as there will surely be lessons I can learn.
My choice for your motif would be #4 – the contrasts are strong enough between the colors that it should work very well to show the stitches.
I’m really interested to see the join-as-you-go options. My hexagon motifs didn’t look as if they’d do well joined on the fly, so I’m crocheting them all together now. I like the look of a common color as the joining yarn to bring all the colors together, and it seems to be a stronger join that way.
Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!
I had never heard of a CAL until today but I love the idea! I have several other projects underway at the moment because I am expecting my first child in 2 months so I plan to just follow along with the blog to see how it goes and hopefully to participate in the future. I love colorway #4 but can’t get the yarn for it here. Nobody in Hawaii carries it and our selection is very limited (and postage costs a fortune). I am very curious about how you calculate the amount of yarn needed (saw your comments in one post but they went over my head a little). 25 years of crocheting and I’m still just estimating how much yarn I will need! Perhaps I will learn a better method!
Edie says: I’ll go into more detail about yarn amounts later, but basically what I do is figure out how much yarn I need for one motif (in yards or in grams), then how many total motifs I need. Multiply yds per motif times the number of motif, then throw in some extra for joining/seaming. If I’m using more than 1 color, I have to calculate how to divide up that total amount of yarn in main color and contrasting colors. Clear as mud?
Jess says: Hi. There are 3 stores that carry Lion Brand yarns in the state of Hawaii. You can try using the Store Locator on our website to see if one is close to you. Hope that helps!
I prefer color combo number 1 by a mile! I like the pastels and their calming effect. If you are stuck with choosing between numbers 3 and 4, I would go with number 4 but add another pizzazz color. Number 3 is too ’70’s! I remember having my kitchen done in those colors and the living room with shag carpet! Yuck!! I’m sure it will be gorgeous any way you do it.
I’ve been crocheting since before I was in school when my Grandma taught me to give me something to keep me busy and out of her hair!
I’ve never done a CAL but have wanted to and with a fresh way for grannies, I’m excited.
My biggest challenges are tucking in tails and joining so I think I will learn alot — Thanks!
I’m going with #4-it will look amazing in my living room!
This sounds great!! I, too, am hoping for some tips on the yarn tails and joining. I vote for #4 colorway.
I learned to knit and crochet from my grandmother when I was a kid, did a lot of both when my kids were babies. However, I stopped for many years and just started again two years ago. I’m now completely “hooked” and have several projects (mostly crochet) going all the time. I’m looking forward to this!!
Even though you don’t have kids I like #1. Bright and happy!
I am considering doing this as a scrap afghan in brights or rose/pinks/burgundy.
Colorway #3 gets my vote … warm and inviting colors. This CAL would be a first for me also. I truly am hoping to participate. I’m particularly interested in the “join as you go” aspect for I, too, despise assembling all those motifs.
I did one join as you go, a lacy look afghan, and it was so sloppy looking. It was the nature of the joining and directions cautioned that it would not look nice and even when done…they weren’t kidding!
Been crocheting for a good number of years and have many of those horrible “gotta finish” projects begging for attention. However I am seriously thinking Christmas colors would make a super gift for older daughter. Luckily, I’ve got the yarn on hand, natch! Soooo, maybe I might be able to get one done.
Thanks for this opportunity, Edie.
I like #4 as well. I have been working on a bedspread over the summer with roses on granny squares. Working with the string type yarn, and am going cross-eyed. I will be good to start something that my old eyes can see again. With winter coming soon I don’t mind working on the heavier yarn, keeps you warm while working on the project. Also never worked on a project with others so this should be fun!
Crocheting keeps me from snacking so is a very good diet technique, also the older I get crocheting in front of the TV is the only thing that keeps me awake so I see the entire show. And I use to laugh at my mom and dad falling asleep during a show and waking up at the end asking what happened?
I absolutely love #2. It is cool and refreshing. For mine, I’ll likely go black, brick, and some sort of sandy colour to go with the desert motif we’ve got going on at our place.
I love # 4. I’ve never done a CAL so I’m excited about this. I’ve been crocheting for about 30 years. I’ve done all kinds of afghans, except motif. The joining always scared me. I think this is the perfect way for me to get over that. I’m trying to decide between two colorways. I will either use my scraps and use black as the main color and to join, I love that look. Or, I will do some Christmas colors as I’ve been wanting to make an afghan for my livingroom for Christmas time. I’m very excited to get started. Thanks for doing this!
Hi, I’m going to try one more time to join a CAL…previous attempts always found me moving on to something else. I have been crocheting since I was about 10 and but really got serious again about 5 or 6 years ago, making afghans for friends and co-workers. So now I have lots and lots of left overs from previous projects. Can’t wait to get started!!
Linda W
Hi Edie,
I am so in! I also have your book “Beyond the Square Crochet Motifs”. I picked it up because the motifs were beautiful and all I’ve ever done is the usual Granny…so this will be an adventure. I like #’s 3 & 4, but will use #4 because the colors will go nicely in my den. I’m looking forward to creating this project along with you and the many others who have joined. Thanks!
BTW…I like #2
I like colorway #3 best. I am still trying to teach myself how to crochet (I knit). Once I’ve got it down, I would LOVE to do an afghan out of granny hexagons!!
Edie says: Why don’t you join us and learn to crochet at the same time?
I love the colors in #4…good colors for fall/winter.
I think I am outnumbered, but I vote for #3.
I don’t have grandchildren and just am not a bright colors sort of person. Colorway #4 would be alright if taupe was a forest green.
I crocheted years ago, but found that I prefer knitting. Then I saw an afghan with different sunflowers and I had to make it. I’ve made hexagons before. I did “Garden Path” with them and really liked how it turned out.
I borrowed the motif book through my state’s interlibrary loan. I really appreciated the pages explaining tidying the end of the motif. I like to take mindless knitting or crocheting projects when I go to the doctor or mechanic’s shop, but this motif looks like I’ll be staying home to do it.
I vote for #4! It’s a beautiful color scheme, but not one that’s used often in afghan patterns.
I like #1 and #4. (I like the colors you chose for #2, but for this project I think I’d like to see more colors than just two.) I’m going to use #1 myself.
I’ve never done a CAL before and thought I would try this because it will give me a chance to love the motif idea. I have only done one blanket with granny squares and hated it. Not because they are square but because I HATED joining them all up. It was a gorgeous blanket when I was done and probably the prettiest one I’ve ever made but so tedious!
So, I really hope that you have some ways to approach this that will make it fun and appealing to me.
I like the #4 choices for your project. I am rooting through my stash for my own project. I have 3 babies on the way (3 separate Mummies), so I will find some trendy girl colours for the girls and then I am thinking plum, blue and creamy beige for the boy colour.
This is the first time I have participated in the group…hope to hear from you all soon. Is there a way to see other’s projects when completed? I would love to see all of them!
Amy Freeman
Hi Edie,
I’m in,in,in!! I have the Beyond the square book and love it! I just made a baby blanket out motif 96 in one big square and it turned out cute. Vanna yarn definitely. I’ve done a couple of granny square afghans from Vanna yarn and it blends so beautifully togehter. Not sure of my colors yet but vote for your color theme #3. Looking forward to this project!
Count me in. Love the block; love the diagram. Have made 2 & they are quick & easy. Question: Do we need to leave a tail on the block for joining to the next block? If so, how long?
Edie says: For the moment, don’t weave in that final end, and leave a plenty long tail–at least 12″. We’ll be deciding whether to join-as-you-go (which will require more yarn) or seam together afterwards.
Sande Francis
Hi, Everyone! Edie – I’m on my way to the library to pick up your book. I can keep it for 3 weeks (by which time I may have decided to buy it) and will be eager to join in this CAL. 🙂 I’ve been knitting and crocheting for 40 yrs – taught myself from the Coats and Clarks “little green book” Learn How.
I’ve recently fallen back into crochet about 6 months ago after doing about 15 yrs of knitting only – socks and lace shawls, etc. I’ve finished 5 afghans and am currently working on a “victorian xmas” colorway square motif of my own design while I listen to books on CD.
I’ve been out of work for over a year now and the crochet and knitting has kept me from going absolutely bonkers worrying about what’s going to happen to me. I’ve been looming up hat and scarf sets, hoping to sell them as the holiday season nears.
I just scored some clearance acrylic skeins at Michael’s, sadly not Vanna’s Choice, in shocking pink and lavender, so I have a couple of the colors for the CAL ‘ghan. I’m wondering if I might have coordinating colors already in my stash. I bet I do…
I have some Vanna’s Choice in my stash, but for a 2 color ‘ghan in bright cheery xmas red and snowy white for a ripple. Ripples are so fast that I can make up a huge one in a week or so – one of the few perks of not having to go to work every day. Honestly, I’d prefer having a job!
I’m sandeleh on ravelry – please take a look at my projects there, and I have a photo page at http://photos.sandeleh.com that I keep updated with shots of my knitted, crocheted, loomed and woven stuff, and photos of my dog. 🙂 I know everyone wants to see photos of my dog…
Sande in Fresno, CA, USA
Karen F
Hi Edie,
I am leaning toward color #4. They remind me of the colors of my kitchen and dining room. Very cozy!!! I am currently working on an heirloom quilt in the round, kinda like a doiley with a medium wt yarn. I can’t wait to see the tips for joining colors and finishing off ends.
I forgot to say, my Mum taught me to knit at the age of 7. ( I made a horrible green sweater, which my Mum kept for years!)Technically it was done well, but it was just UG-ly! My Mum and I taught ourselves to crochet when I was about 10. Later in life, my Mum suffered a couple strokes and although she had a full recovery, she could no longer crochet. When she was about 70 years old she asked me to teach her to crochet again, so we sat for many enjoyable hours until she mastered it again. She continued to find it more difficult than knitting (she had also learned to knit at a young age, so that remained with her). A few years later Mum passed away, but every time I pick up my crochet, I think of her.
My daughter was never too interested in knitting, although she loved everything I made for her, and still does. She became a Mum last year, so of course I had a great time knitting for my Grandaughter. I gave my daughter a “learn to knit” DVD, book, needles, yarn and knitting bag last Christmas. She is picking it up now, when she has some quiet time, and I look forward to sitting and chatting with our needles clacking! It is such a lovely tradition to carry on!
Hi Eddie,
I’ve been crocheting for a while and love the look of motifs. My problem is I want to make them for baby gifts but am afraid thay may unavel and become a safty hazard. I made a bedspread in motif and love it but I made plenty of mistakes in sewing them all together. Now when I look at the blanket the mistakes are all I see. It drives me nuts. Sooo… I’m looking forward to joining your CAL. Hope I can keep up. It sure would be great to get advise from someone who knows what they’re doing.
Edie says: Hi, Cookie-Give yourself credit for trying to improve your skills! Each subsequent afghan will be better than the next! You should be able to weave in your ends well enough that they won’t be a hazard. (We’ll talk about that later.) As with anything around babies, caregivers need to keep safety in mind and mend fabrics if they start to fall apart. This shouldn’t be any different from any other fabric.
Thank-you for having this! I have been going thru all my patterns looking for some kind of an afghan to make and none are right. I hope this will get me out of my rut. I want to do different colors to use up what I have but have no idea how to put them together? So, I will be watching and doing this one.
I like #3 and #4.
Waiting for the next installment.
#3 – very seasonal/fall like, warm and inviting all the comments made before. Maybe very 70’s but since I graduated HS in 76 I am probably very 70’s myself.
If I can fit it in with my Christmas obligations and the request from a food pantry to keep them supplied with prayer shawls – a lot of sad and worried people right now – I will probably use scraps from the shawls instead of having a plan so it will probably fit the old crazy quilt kind of criteria. I might try to make it into a shawl instead – two birds with one stone.
oh i love the colors in the picture!!(pink, purple, green) and number 2…but you liked 3 or 4 and i would choose 4 if you done the same colors as 3 before..
i have a question tho…will this be up longer than the weeks your going to finish it? ive got several projects i have to finish before i can start anything else…but i would love to do/learn from your lessons!
Edie says: I think we’re going to take about 5 weeks to work on this. We’ll start out kind of slow, then speed up toward the end. You should be fine if you jump in mid-way.
Never joined a CAL, so I’m looking forward to getting ideas and correcting any errors I’ve picked up along the way. Can’t wait to get started as I’ve been without a project for a few months, as I was planning my daughters wedding. I too vote for #4 I may use those colors also because they resemble by daugthers new home decor…but will check my stash too!
Happy crocheting to everyone!
Claudia, from Cypress, CA
Kari McKay
I absolutely love the colour combinations in #3; but, then again, those are my colours. They are so warm and cozy. A throw made of those colours would definitely make me want to curl up by the fire with a good book.
You mentioned you already did a similar afghan, but I’m sure you have a relative or friend who would love it. Christmas is coming, and several other holidays as well. 🙂
Hi Edie, The deep burnt Orange is in Vanna’s choice. But it is called rust. Now what do you think?
Edie says: I think the rust would work with either of those combinations you mentioned.
So excited to take part in the crochet along… this will give me an opportunity to use up all those odd lengths I have in my stash. Should be a “bright and colorful” adventure.
Looks to me like #4 is the winner. I’ve been knitting for a couple of years but the crochet seems hard for me to get into. Hope this helps.
#4, most definately. It is something my daughter will love, and most likely will try and take back to college. Hmmm, I still have some time to figure out what work I can get out of her in exchange for it! =]
Looking forward to CAL!
Kathie N.
Big kids like afghans too. I like #1. Those colors can go anywhere and will always brighten a room or warm up a big kid. I chose Vanna’s gray (1 light/1 dark) and pink (1 medium/1 medium/dark). I just bought your book too. I am intrigued with all the neat shapes you have created. This is going to be fun.
Thanks for hosting this CAL,
Hi Edie! I would chose colorway #3, I think the green add a nice touch, colorway #4 is nice too, but I find it too cold, my opinion is at the end it won’t stand out. Anyway, maybe try doing an hexagon on each, then you can decide.
I believe mine will be in shades of blue, but to add a spark of color (my bedroom is all blue) I might add either lime green or old pink. I think I’ll try them both and then decide.
Thanks for sharing the pattern and for hosting this CAL, also have to thank Lionbrand. Hugs from Venezuela!
I used the colors in # 1 to make a baby afghan for a dear friend. Te only difference is, instead of aqua, I used a cream color. She loved it. Looking forward to getting started.
I’m either liking number 2 or number 3
Thanks Edie! I’ve never done a CAL, but I figured now is the time and this is the project to start. 🙂
As a freshman in college, I can never really find the time to sit down and knit/crochet on a big project. This motif afghan would be perfect, because you just make a it a little bit at a time! 🙂 I can make a quick non-square while procrastinating from doing my homework. ^^
I’ve had the idea for a while of making an afghan for both my brother and sister since we are all off at college now. This might be the perfect opportunity to get started on that!
Now for my first challenge: how to subtly ask my sister what colors she wants on her christmas gift… O.o
Oh, and I like colorway #2 the best. Good, strong, more match-able colors like beige and olive are great for a finished object, but I find them so boring to work with!
BIG hello’s to everyone!!! I’m a self taught leftie crocheter and knitter and totally addicted to yarn. I love colorway #4. I’ve been playing all day since reading this post and have come up with (using Vanna’s Choice)..beige, olive green, cranberry and honey for mine. I can’t wait!!
Hi Edie and all my fellow crocheters!
I have never participated in anything like this and am really excited. I just tautght myself how to crochet this summer and loved it. My afghan was a little off but my husband was smart enough to say how wonderful it looked. Can’t wait to start this. I like #4
Shawn Bryan
Hi I can’t wait to start on the Crochet-along. I really like the colors in #4…. Now I just have to get my yarn for the project. I have never done one of these over the internet before. Thanks for doing this…. Shawn ;O)
Hi Everyone. Hi Edie.
I’ve never participated in something like this because things always seem to pop up, some need, that calls me away. Granny squares never interested me because I hated putting them together. It never turned out right. I LOVE the look of these though, and think I’ll give it a try. I’m in the midst of making chemo caps at the moment, so I’ll have to switch off, but I’ll make it work.
I prefer cotton yarns, so I’ll be using Lion cotton. Not sure color yet. Have to shop. 🙂 Here in FL cotton is more comfortable. Even when cool, the humidity can be strange on things.
Looking forward to this!
Christine Reynolds
I like #2 for a sweeter look, or #4 for a more generic look…. hard to pick as they are both good color choices.
Hi everyone,
I’m Kat from southern NJ. I crochet better than knit (knit clothes???? Aaaggghhh!!) and learned both while as a USAF brat – very fly-by-night learning! I love the original colors, but since it IS getting close to Christmas….
Jesse – man’s opinion, please? My first thought was a ‘ghan for my dad in Navaho colors, but now I’m thinking a blanket made of any kind of motif might make him feel older than stripes would? Maybe I’ll shift the hex ‘ghan to my stepmother….
Mary – the nice thing about playing with color (your different shades of your 4 colors) is that if the end result doesn’t delight your eye, there are always relatives!!!!! :o)
kat in sNJ
Love #4! The cranberry really pops against the taupe and linen. It is vibrant without being overpowering.
HI, Im very interested in trying out this CAL motif. I too have many skiens of donated yarn from our prayer shawl ministry, and have been looking for something that would help to use them. I also seem to be the collector of unfinished pieces from others, (try 100 granny squares with a 5 color combo) and no idea how to join them together. I’m hoping this project will help me, and my many pieces come together..lol
PS: Eugenia – are just the directions different down in Argentina, or would you have some really cool Argentinian patterns to share? Kat in sNJ
Your Beyond the Square book is sitting on my couch and has been my constant companion since I purchased it. I enjoy picking a motif at random and crocheting it as I relax and watch TV in the evenings.
I vote for #3, mostly because I already have two of the three colors sitting in my yarn bag. 🙂
I vote for #4!
I have never done a CAL. So I am hoping to get some motivation from ya!
I love that one… Now off to figure out what I want. I have been coveting hexagons’s for while since I saw a bright colored granny hex motif on there a month or two ago. I guess it will depend on who I make this for… Me, Kiddo, hubby, church… so many possibilities! 🙂
Personally, I have to start thinking about Christmas so I’d prefer working with Victorian Christmas colors.
After being taught to crochet 32 years ago; making one baby sweater 26 years ago; a tree skirt 17 years ago; this year I have made three hats, my own design afghan, and am working on a Granny square afghan. I’m excited about this opportunity to learn more crochet techniques.
I’m excited to join this CAL! I’ve never made granny squares but I’ve been interested in doing them for awhile now and I really like the look of that motif. Looking forward to getting started! I really like #4.
Gail Bresser
I will be going with the “crazy colors” theme as I have a bunch of Vanna’s Choice from a granny square afghan left over. I liked the yarn so much I bought one of every color and made each 8inch sqare a different color and a few 2color squares as well to even things out. This hex pattern looks like it will lend itself to multiple colors nicely.
I vote #4
This looks like a fun pattern to try as a gift for my children for next years Christmas gifts; already have too many gifts in the works to start on this one right now!
Hi y’all, I bought the book a few months ago but not sure where I put it! I read the whole book cover to cover right after I got it! I have enough yarn on hand to start a little shop. I tend to start something, put it down, lose the pattern or misplace some of the yarn, go to knitting or crocheting something else. One of my favorite yarns is wool-ese. I personally use mostly light, bright colors even though I like dark grey and any shade of blue or purple. Problem is that 6 years ago I became high partial legally blind though for awhile I was almost totally blind. I did learn that I can still do a lot of crochet in near total darkness. I am 65 & ride paratransit bus to work, never know if I’ll be on the bus 30 minutes or 2 hours, so I always have crocheting, sometimes knitting, with me. I’ve given away a bunch of prayers shawls, with most of them being Lion Homespun. Right now I’m making something for myself for once using a pattern from gourmet crochet. Maybe I’ll use the hexagon & make a shrug to wear at work!
Carole Fitzgerald
I like colorway #4–but will be using colors to go with my color scheme at home– orchid, soft white and a light green. the motifs look like fun and easy at the same time.
Hi! I printed out the info, and I really hope I can join in on this one. I LOVE a good portable project, and I really love granny squares. I will be using stash (I think)(I should), though I love Vanna’s Choice, and I love colorway # 3 for me. Hmmm…. we’ll see.
For you, I am leaning toward # 4.
THANK YOU for leading the CAL, Edie!!
This seems like such a fun project I have to join in. I have been crocheting since I was 7 years old – I am 49 now. My Grandma taught me as she was an avid crocheter and challenged me to learn new patterns. She mostly did fine work such as tablecloths and doilies-gorgeous. I like colorway #4 but will be choosing some other colors for my project. Not sure if I will keep it or give as a gift. With the holidays so close probably the latter. Thank you for the challenge.
Loved the hexagon idea. It reminds me of some of the quilting my great aunt did. I love yarncraft but always seem to have trouble finding the time. But this may be a great take along for busy people. And I am hoping to find an easy way to join as we go. Back in the late seventies or early eighties, I think, I made a granny square triangular shawl that was join as you go. So nice! No sewing or crocheting at the end of a project! Of course, I don’t have the pattern anymore but often thought that it would be great for an afghan. Think I’ll send the CAL idea to my sister, too. We both have crocheted a lot in the past thanks to a mom and two grandmas who crocheted. They’re gone, but their teachings remain.
i like #4… they look like they will be fun to make..
This is very exciting! I have been crocheting for a very long time, too. I come from the southern US and I can’t think of one of my aunts (or my mother, either) who don’t crochet. There was always someone willing to show me something when I became interested in crochet again! Knitting, not so much. I remember my mother using coke bottles to form the ruffles around her doilies!!
I would like to see you use colorway #1. I would like to deep-six the Aqua(162) use less Goldfish (132) and more Duckie (157). Of course I am joining! I have been wanting to find crochet friends forever!! I must use navy and beige for mine. My bedroom is country using those colors. I am hoping to design my project with star shapes. Is that possible!?!
Marlene Davis
Your combinations are awesome. I would have to go with #3. I am going to join you in this motif making event.
I like number 4 but I would add a green to it and it would be prefect for my den.
I just started crocheting and I consider myself one step up from a begining. I did make a blanket with a variety of sitches.
I just found out about this and am looking forward to learning more as we go along
I am thinking of using a wool can I with this pattern.
I am looking forward to getting my yarn this week end
Doris Ann
Hi, I am voting for #1 and will use those colors. They are beautiful together. I also like #2 as the colors are soft. I love the hexagon Motif. It should make a lovely afghan. Thanks Edie.
this sounds like fun.
I just started a scrap baby afghan, but will follow along to learn some new techniques…joining, tails etc….I really like the hex motif, and will use it with the next project. The method of estimating yarn amounts has already been helpful. I have learned, the hard way, to buy extra yarn…at least one skein/ball per color or more for the main color. Most times, if it is still excessive when the project is finished, it can be returned.
Have not worked with the symbols before but am looking forward to working a sample..
Good luck ladies
will check in often
I love #4 and the reason is, frankly, kind of crazy. Whenever I see brown, red and ivory, I think of sock monkeys and, when I think of sock monkeys, I get very nostalgic for my childhood. Crazy, huh? Anyhow, I’m in the process of doing a felted granny square bag for one of my three girls for Chirstmas but, now that I see your CAL, I may have to hop aboard THIS train as well. I, too, hate the whole joining thing, so I’m glad to hear that we’ll be joining as we go along. Since I’m going to go for the nostalgic look, I may take a page from my mother’s book and use up all my scraps but have a black border on every motif. I can still remember the afghan my mom made hanging over the back of the couch. What I wouldn’t give to have THAT on MY couch!
Hi – I have crocheted for a while, but nothing too sophisticated yet. I agree with the comment about being a little bit “ADHD” when it comes to projects and I’m thinking a CAL is just what I need to get a big project done. I love your #4 combo. I’m thinking of doing this in Vanna’s Choice colors Dusty Green, Olive, and Cranberry. When I buy the yarn, I am going to possibly get Linen as well – and might use that in the center. I’m looking forward to your information about 2, 3, and 4-color combos – and then will make a final decision about which combo to use. (I also like the idea of “Victorian Christmas” colors mentioned above – can you suggest what Vanna’s Choice colors that would include?)
Thanks so much – gonna try a sample with scrap yarn to see how the pattern works.
Victoria in Fallbrook
I love # 4 also! I have a grand baby on the way so I might do soft baby colors. What do you advise if I wanted to close it up a bit. I just see little toes and fingers stuck in-between the stitches. Just new to the site and looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. I raise kittens so doing motifs sounds great. Thanks for the help Victoria
Oops – one more question… the pattern shows Motif #11 but the description of the CAL says Motif #43… are they the same? I’m planning on getting the book, but wondered why the two numbers. Thanks! Jill
Jess Says: Hi, Jill. It’s motif #43 in the book, but it’s the 11th motif on our website. Sorry for any confusion!
deb d
hi, i’d like to see how colorway #4 turns out. this iws my first cal and it sounds like a lot of fun.
Hi from New Zealand.
I am looking forward to being part of this. I have diagnosised with an Aunto-Imunne disorder, and never thought I would be able to either knit of crochet again because of the neuropathy. But I have been encouraged to start again with the Lion Brand emails and patterns.
I shall be making rugs for my great nieces and nephews. All my grandchildren have them now, then I shall have to think about another cause.
Thanks for this blog. I look frward to getting to know your names and what you are doing.
Blessings from Paeroa, NZ
I have been getting the Lion Brand e-mails for awhile. When I saw this project to do together, I thought it would fit well for myself. Most of my friends are not crafty and the two that are, are two busy. As I have never made an afghan this way, I am looking forward to trying the motif method.
Looking at the colors, I found that I was drawn to #2. Unfortunately, I couldn’t coordinate my own wardrobe (black is my friend) so it is a preference versus an ability to put colors together. I believe I will give that color scheme a try.
Looking forward to working with you.
Kathy C.
I’m interested in seeing how to join the motifs as you go along. I’ll probably try it in shades of yellow and purple I have left over from my last afghan for Project Linus. But for you I think you’d like #4 for your den.
I like #4, bit i would throw in a bright color like sweet pea or duckie to give an interesting pop of bright color in the motifs.
For my project, I am planning on raiding my stash, and taking pot luck!
I think color pattern #4 is the best for this type of project. It has warm colors and the deep red gives it vibrancy. The fact that it would go perfectly in my bedroom might also be a contributing factor. 🙂
Oh, duh, but how many balls of wool should I buy if I use wool-ease? As well, as color selection is extremely tough for me (did you know that orange and purple do not go together), does sage, burgundy and forest-heather green (wool-ease) work together?
Jess Says: Edie will be going over how much yarn to purchase later. It sounds like your color choices will go together pretty well. You might also want to look at Chestnut Heather or Loden if those colors aren’t available. Good luck!
What size hook do you use for this motif?
Nancy Altshue
Hi Edie,
I pick #4 also. I also have been getting the Lin Brand emails for awhile. The colors are so pretty together and would look beautiful anywhere !! I’ve been crocheting for a very long time too, but have never made an afghan. I’m really looking forward to this CAL. I absolutely love the Hexagon Motif. I’m thinking of doing it in the 3 vibrant colors shown in the Motif plus white. They’re so bright and cheerful and purple and pink are two of my favorite colors.
Thank you for this blog and the opportunity to work together with others on this project.
Blessings from Bloomington, IL,
I’m loving #4! 3 is nice, but I’m not too fond of the pea green. I think 4 would look fabulous, though. 😀 o
Hi, Edie —
Thank you so much for starting this CAL. I’ve been wanting to practice my crochet — usually I knit — so this will be perfect. Like others who replied, I’m also very interested in learning to join motifs as they are made.
Out of your four color choices, I would pick #4. For myself, I’m thinking of rose and greens to go with the colors in our guest room. A new afghan would go well in there.
Looking forward to this project,
Finngirl in New Jersey
Hi Edie!
This is my first CAL, and I am looking forward to it. I have a question though…I was thinking of doing this for my son who is going off to college in the spring and was wondering if it would be ok just to use his two high school colors? Maroon and Gold. Would just 2 colors be ok? I thought it would be nice of him to remember where he came from when he’s so far away! I too, like some of the other posts, am leery of connecting them together, but am hoping you will walk us through it so it will all turn out fine. Thank you, by the way, for picking something that is not the traditional SQUARE. It is a refreshing, new challenge that I am looking forward to seeing how it will turn out!
I like colorway #4 best out of your choices. This will be my first CAL and I think I am realy going to like it. Now to choose my own colors…..
I choose colorway #1. It is soft but bright and an interesting color combination.
@ Jill (207) The motif is # 48 in Edie’s book Beyond the Square Crochet Motifs, but it is #11 in an earlier series on crochet motifs from the Lion Brand Newsletters.
I like #4 and would love to join the CAL, but I’m so far behind on a squares afghan for my grandson (6 squares to go, then comes the tedium of joining and edging.) I plan to follow along to see if I can pick up any pointers for the joining; like many others my previous attempts left room for improvement.
Donna Leonard
I like Colorway #4. I’ve been working with a lot green lately, so I think I’d get sick of it. Colorway #2 is nice too–and doesn’t have to be for a baby–you might be surprised–what if you added Vanna’s Choice in Chocolate Cake to colorway #2? Hmmmm….maybe I’ll try that….
Sue G
My preference would be 1 or 3. #4 is kinda boring I hate to say…it would be nice to add another, more vibrant color? That would give it some pazzaz. That’s why I like #1, but for decorative purposes….not so sure.
I’d go for #4. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do this along since I’m a bit short on money right now, but I’m definately adding this project to my list to-do list. It’s one of my dreams to do an afghan. And this is a very beautiful pattern!
Vicky Schoeman
Dear Edie
I was so excited to find your website! I am an avid crocheter and, quite co-incidently, have recently started my own king size afghan, using hexagon shapes. I only do it in my freetime, so heaven alone know when I’ll finish. For this afghan, I am using up all my scrap yarn, be it wool, cotton or synthetic. I’m using several colours and textures (all double knit thickness). The last row of each hexagon is a cream colour, so that the whole blanket becomes a unit. So far (I’m about 10% of the way), the result is most pleasing. The blanket will measure about 220 cm X 220 cm when it’s finished. I will have to crochet 352 full hexagons and about 18 half hexagons, so it’s quite a challenge, but an enjoyable one. For joining the motifs together, I use a slip stitch technique instead of sewing (that’s a schlep!). The result is a raised look around each hexagon, which I find quite attractive.
For your project, Edie, I would go for colorway #3 or #4. I think for the den #4 would be a bit brighter. I do love the colours of #3 though.
To Tina LoTufo – you’re quite right about crochet rounds all in one direction. It does tend to pull crooked and your idea of changing direction is the perfect solution.
Regards to all in the USA from the southernmost tip of Africa
Vicky Schoeman, Cradock, South Africa
Evanda Anderson
I don’t know what #4 looks like. I don’t have any color samples on my screen.
I thought these might be good colors:
Vanna’s Choice:
Using 4 Colors:
Using 3 Colors:
Using another combination of 3 Colors:
Hi, I’m Cori! This is my first CAL, hope I can keep up! I like #2, the others just aren’t my speed. I have to sort through the yarns I have to pick something among what I have (hubby says no more yarn till I start using some of my stash, lol.)
Helen duffin
Hi I am looking forward to this so much Have joined in on the ravelry cal. Cant wait to get started
Hi Edie,
This is my first CAL. I have recently been looking to join a group of crafters and I think this will be a great start. My two daughters are now in school part-time (Preschool and Kindergarten) so I have more time for myself. I totally understand those who say they suffer from Crafter’s ADHD–I don’t know how many started projects I have around my bed and in my closet.
For you I think #4 is pretty but with a little more color. I haven’t yet decided if I want to use some yarns from my stash or get new colors. I think I want to make it for my oldest daughter who should be going into a big girl bed soon and needs a new afghan. I have always wanted to try Granny squares but always been scared off by the joining process. Really excited to try this hexagon pattern.
Good luck to everyone and look forward to seeing more of you online.
Im looking forward to this because as others have said I dont like joining a million squares and the alternate ideas might help me actually complete a afgan project once! 🙂
I like your colors but they are not my pref. so I would vote for the #4 combo since you seem swayed towards it as well! It would be a nice blanket.
Thank you for taking on this project.
I pick #4! Reminds me of fall (maybe the mention of cranberries, making a connection w/cranberry sauce).
I choose my own color way today 🙂 I’m going for 3 colors: dusty blue, silver blue, and linen to go for a winter theme.
I’m excited about this crochet along, my first one ever, because I recently started trying to teach my friend how to crochet. I actually taught my self, long story, from watching YouTube videos and the first stitches I learned were from making granny squares. I want to share this crochet along with my friend to her show her the basic stitches while also adding in the element of working with different colors.
chrochet chick
I think I like color way #2 of #4. #2 is more relaxing to me. I’ve never done a CAL before but this should be a fun jump on Christmas projects. My boys have asked for new blankets and my husband wants me to clean out my stash. This project looks like a good way to do both. I will be using whatever I already have! Can’t wait to get started.
I’m excited…my first crochet along. I like 3 and 4. Since I already have Duckie and Sweet Pea guess I’ll be looking for something to go with either of them or both. So hard to decide. Hope I can keep up…so many projects, so little time.
lillian sparkman
I have about 300 lbs of yarn I need to use up,I am going to make a wild afghan and use lots of colors.This is a good way to use my scrap yarn,before I buy more
I like colorway #4. Nice fall colors and warm looking.
In a month and a half I will find out if my second grandchild will be a boy or a girl. I would love to do an afghan in pinks, so keep your fingers crossed.
You should do #4, I think. I like dark rich colors, so I think I going to look into greens, russet and rich browns, maybe a touch of linen to give it a little light. We’ll see.
Colleen Mason
Sounds good. It will be fun to learn different ways to connect. I always like to crochet my motifs together as I go.
I liked #4.
I am leaning towards #4 because these colours would fit in with other surrounding tones and hues. It would look great in a den..
I love #4! Great autumn colors!
I like nuber 2 and 3. But since you have something like 3 I’m going to say 2 and 4 =) all of they are nice. Can’t wait to get started =)
Hi – I am Pam and live in sunny Spain – I am going to do my best to keep up with this CAL – not done one before but have a bit more time now as my 2 little ones have just started nursery.
I like colour way no 4 but will do mine in blue tones I think for my little boy´s bedroom which we are just finishing. I will also need to do one in pink for my little girl but think I will start with blue – i will have to go for wool this week. A UK double knitting weight should be alright shouldn´t it??
Jess Says: Hi, Pam. You can really use any yarn weight you like, as long as you use the accompanying hook. It’s all about getting the size you want. There’s no wrong choice!
I think I may be up for this one too. But we’ll see if I have too much on my plate to finish anything fast. 🙂 I work full-time and I’ve got some projects started…I’m sewing some quilts for OQC (Op. Quiet Comfort) to be sent over to our wounded soldiers, knitting some helmet liners for OQC too, plus I have a KAL with a scarf going. In between that I knit or crochet hats for cancer patients, and small baby blankets for a local hospital. But I think I can work this in too. 😉
I also think that I’ll get my mom involved…she recently had to retire (about 2 weeks ago) and is going a bit crazy. She’s probably love the social aspect of a CAL.
I’ve been crocheting and knitting since I was little. We are a very crafty family and I’ve learned that I can teach myself anything – with a diagram, picture or instructions. You name it – I’ve probably done it. I taught two of my step-kids to knit and crochet. My daughter picked up both, but my son picked up crochet easier.
I like the idea of joining the motifs as you go. Never really liked the granny square idea because of all the joining/sewing together after. So this should be fun.
Of your colorway combos… I think I like #4 best with the contrasts. I’d have to say #2 for a child though…love those together. As for myself, I’ll probably start out with all the scraps in my stash. If I can really get going on it I’ll probably do one for my sister in either the #4 colorway with some pine green thrown in (sort of Christmasy) or with blues/whites/silvers as someone suggested to look like snowflakes.
Thanks for the suggestions…
Dee in MI
Love this CAL—it is portable, so you can take it anywhere. Have always wanted to do something with the hexagons but like many others did not know how to join them together. Thanks for this one. Looks like you are getting a good response to it. I am looking forward to giving this as a Christmas gift
Thanks for this one.
Leslie in Iowa
Hi! I am going to use size 10 crochet cotton for a simply elegant bedspread. I love this pattern and can not wait to see the outcome.
Thank you, Edie, for this pattern!
Karen G
Count me in. I’m particularly interested in joining as you go because I hate sewing all those motifs together and the seems never come out smoothly. I once made a tablecloth in thread using that joining method, but have never tried it with yarn. I’m not sure what colors yet, but I’m leaning toward Karen T’s (#94) choices.
I vote for #4.
I love the cranberry, taupe and linen. Good fall colors, and I love the earthy tones. I light bright colors as well, but the fall always brings me back to the earth. I have always wanted to make a granny square throw, so this really caught my eye! I think I will try to use up some yarn scraps, since I have so much.
How much yarn should we buy? My daughter (who is going to help me) and I are each going to make one of these. I am going to make mine “baby-sized” and use Vanna’s Choice Baby but I’m not sure what she will use!
I love to knit but not so much crochet so I am very excited to do this!
I love the #4 choice and the #1. I wouldn’t have thought of #1 as baby colors! I think iwill have to go out and look for them.I have been a quilter for years. My grandmother could do anything crafty and often did a granny square blanket for others. She tried to teach me to Crochet off and on but I have just finally gotten around to working on a few projects now (20 years later..lol) I love the idea of a CAL and look forward to the lessons as well as seeing everyone’s choices. I already have my colors picked out!
Melissa Slofkosky
Hi Edie, I am going to join the crochet along. I always like granny squares ,but I really love the hexagon shape.I am going to use some victorian christmas colors of burgandy, beige and dark green,I have had these and I was trying to think what I could make with these colors.I think this CAL will be prefect. Of your colors choices I really like color number two.
I would go with #4, since I already have those colors.
I hope that I can actually complete a project, and this gives me hope
Leslie in Iowa
I want to add a PS to my earlier post–#245. I have a good stash of Lion Cotton–I am going to make a pillow to match the bedspread in this pattern!
What a great response this CAL is having!
I agree with many- #3. This year is about using yarn I have…my favorite? WOOL-EASE! I have started my color ‘auditions’ on my blog this morning! I’m feeling like Fall!
This will be my first CAL – I’ve been playing around with crocheting the last year or so, and my husband’s been nagging me for an afghan. I’ve been putzing around with some granny squares, but they don’t really do it for me. This will be perfect! The hexagons have a more graphic look to them which I love.
I love #3 and #4… I’ll probably do some combo of the two for mine – the colors will look great in our living room. Maybe the taupe, cranberry, and pea green.
Looking forward to this project!
I like either 3 or 4.
I have never done a CAL before, but this might be just what I need. I want to take a basket of yarn to my 2 day family reunion, and in honor of our grandmother *who would have turned 100 this year* we will each crochet a couple of motifs and create an afghan to auction for funding future reunions. I remember fondly when 5-6 of the little granddaughters ages 4 to 12 wanted grandma to teach them how to crochet. She spent the summer working with each one of them and, out of love and patience, a beautiful granny square afghan was created.
I just thought it would be fun to “duplicate” that memory. Because our time is so short, I am especially anxious to learn how to join as we go.
Hopefully, we will learn that technique before Oct 16th lol
Hi Everyone,
This sounds like fun. I vote for colorway #4.
Not sure how this works so will be looking forward to the next email.
Have a great Day
Hi from Florida.
Since our climate is generally quite warm, I’ll be doing my CAL using Lion’s CottonEase. I have a lot of it after going a little crazy at a sale some months ago. I find it delightful to work with, plus it’s washable.
I’ll use colors that suit my home and personal preferences, but certainly, they’ll be tropical. I have a lot of Terracotta [a coral], lime green and a soft gold, so will probably use those, with accents of almond and some dark Violet in small amounts, to help make the other colors “pop”. I’ve got them lying out now, and I like the combo. I have more of the coral than the others, so it’ll be my MC.
I bought Edie’s book a few months ago for inspiration, so I’m excited she’s going to be helping us through this CAL learning experience. I travel quite a bit, so a portable project using motifs is perfect. I am eager to learn how to join motifs as we go. I love the idea of leaving long tails at the end of each, to be used to sew or crochet motifs together.
To the person who asked about the right hook to use? What ever size is best for your yarn. There are suggestions on the yarn label, but use what works for you best, after doing a sample.
I hope to get started with the group, I have had tendonitis in my elbows and would welcome any ideas people have for getting over it so I can CAL! I am leaning toward colorway #3.
I like colorway #4. Very classic. I’ve just finished a granny-square baby blanket using colorway #1 some other Vanna’s Baby colors. It turned out really great!
This is the first CAL I get to play along with. I’m excited!
I am going to go with color group 3 as a gift for my mother-in-law. Looking forward to working with you all.
Looking forward to this project! Getting my yarn today.
I’d love to give this a try. It will be good for working at meetings,, something small to carry along. I love projects like that. How big is the finished project, and how much yarn will it take and what size crochet hook? With that info, I’ll be ready to start.
Susan Oliver
Wow!!! I’ve just read over 260 posts for this CAL. I agree with most of you…I like colorway #4 and this is my first CAL. I’ll have to buy the yarn and get started. I think I’ll use a lighter weight yarn so I’ll probably have to make more motifs or will just make a shawl size instead of a larger afghan size.
While I like color #4, I’m more of a purple person so I may choose shades of purple instead. I don’t know, I haven’t decided yet. A lot will depend on what I can find at the stores…who has what colors in stock.
Can’t wait to get started!
#1 I love because of the fun colors….you don’t need kids or a baby to do fun colors.
My mom quilts and says you don’t always have to make blankets to match anything. Just go with the one you love the best.
Hi from new Zealand in the Spring :O}
In true Libran style I love all of them however, I love 3 and 4 (I’m going through a real 70’s phase with colour at the mo’)
I learnt to crochet three months ago – one great friend and one evening of hilarity with Sky TV, hysterical laughter and her scolding me because i was still trying to knit with my hook!
As with a lot of the others I’m really keen to learn to join as I go – the thought of joining lots of squares together does my head in.
Like some others, I now have two blankets that are a big granny square, & one project that is made of cushion-sized granny squares.
My latest is a jump in the deep end with an attempt at a traditional granny square blanket…I’ve started by making all the middles, so this is timely!
This is like being a kid again, I love it!!!!
I love this motif and my daughter just recently started crocheting so I’m going to show her this and maybe between the two of us we can make an afghan. I loved all your color choices but I think we’re going to do something really bright.
Hi Edie – Thanks for the inspiration. I’ve crocheted since I was 6 or 7 and now I’m 48. Still love it. Question: Is there a way to change colors for the different rounds without ending off? I’ve never quite figured out whether that is possible. Appreciate any tips on that.
I love #4 but #2 is pretty close to the colors I want for my bedroom. I think it’s time for a visit to the yarn store!
Calee Leversee
What a wonderful project! I can’t wait to get started. I’ve gotten my mother back into crochet after many years, and we crochet everyday togeter. This will be a great project for us to do. My color choice would be #3.
Hi Edie!
For you I choose #4. Those colors will complement most decors and will likely be able to travel from room to room.
I’m excited to learn your tips about yarn tails. I don’t usually do “squares” as I’m a lazy crocheter and don’t like to continually have to cut & tuck. In fact, if there’s a way to add borders, handles, whatever, without ending off I’ll usually find it. Also, joining as you go sounds right up my alley. This is my 1st CAL. I will probably use #1 or #2 because there are always babies needing blankets. Yay! This should be fun!
Hi Edie,
I like #’s 1 and 4 colors for the differnt rounds, i was strated a granny stich afgan but i may change it to do the granny stich motif
Hello all! I really like #4. I chose to go with something like 2, but with Vanna’s Choice Taupe (sp?) thrown in. I’m also thinking I’m going to alternate between the green and blue in the center and third rows, you know half blue center and half green. It should be fun!!
Avisann Roberts
I like the taupe-cranberry-linen colorway # 4. And I’m going to try to keep up with your blog.
The colorway #3 was nice, too. Both sets of colors work for me. Thank you
Hi Edie and all Fellow Crochet Lovers,
I choose #3 the colors are rich and yes very Fall.
I look forward to this CAL – it will be my first!
After 40 years of “granny square” afghans I can’t wait for the the hexagon join along!
I love Combo 4 — elegant but with a nice pop of red. I’m still a new crocheter but have been looking to learn more motifs. I’m hoping to learn attach as you go as well. I’m not sure what colors but I have a bag of lovely worsted cotton I may use. However I also just got some superwash heathered wools in dark purple, light purple, and light green that might be fun.
Kim Z E
I am so excited to get started. This will be a great learning experience for this newbie!!
Hi Edie,
My mom told me about Crochet Along, sounds really cool so I am going to join as well. I’m 17 and I have crocheted for a few years. I’m interested in improving my skills. I’ve always wanted to crochet a granny square, I tried to make one a while back, but it didn’t go so well.
I think I will make my afghan in pink and black, or blue and brown.
I really like color number one.
Hi Edie,
What a wonderful email to get on my birthday. I am excited to participate in this as my first CAL. I vote for colorway #4. I personally like the colors in #2 but would like a third color. I will have to check my stash for colors, but I will likely use darker colors as this will go to charity. I am looking forward to motifs other than squares and am eager to learn more about working in ends.
I taught knitting and crochet for a craft store until classes were ended. I have your “Crochet Answer Book” and have read most of it. (One question you missed is how to sneak another couple skeins into the house!) I recommended it to my students and still recommend it to our customers.
I read another post by someone with tendonitis. I have the ergonomic crochet hooks by ProvoCraft and love them.
I’m sure I will enjoy crocheting along with the group.
Edie says: I’ll make a note to answer the “where to stash your stash” question in the next edition of The Crochet Answer Book.
Aunt Bubbles
I vote for Colorway #1 or #2.
This is my first CAL and am looking forward to beginning yet another project.
I’ve decided to do this pattern in thread crochet and harvest colors. I already have 2 large afghans in the works and they are getting too big to carry around to short wait times. I do find these projects are coming in quite handy though for the football season. I’ve already had to use them to warm up twice during our son’s football practice and games, and a bleacher warmer/softner during our daughter’s softball season.
I am also choosing thread since I am in need of new table top doilies and what might be more important…a reason to start another project without getting the “look” from my wonderful husband about starting another project. This one WILL be alot easier to fit in my purse than lugging the big ol’ bag around.
I’m in also. I don’t have a good track record with crochet-a-longs, but I’m willing to give it another try. I really like the colors of #2 but would go with #4 since it matches your living room.
I forgot to say I will be trying to use up the scraps I have, but am going to try to make as many look alikes as possible. Who knows, maybe i’ll get more than one blanket out of it.
Hi, Edie!
I’ve never participated in a CAL or KAL before, but this one really caught my eye because of the motif!
I’m currently thinking of my couch, where the afghan would sit. I’m thinking of choosing the following colours:
Colonial Blue (or some sharp blue to stand out in the middle!)
Or maybe some rich kind of brown. (I have a lot of browns in my living room.)
I’m debating using white to join the motifs together… or perhaps just defaulting with the linen. I’m looking forward to making a sample motif to see what I think!
marsha jones
how much yarn do I need in each color.
how do I put it together??
Edie says: Hi, Marsha. Read some of the answers to your questions that I’ve answered previously with comments from others. We’ll be talking about ways to put it together in future weeks. Glad you could join us!
Love colors in #2 & #4! Can’t wait to start-this comes at a perfect time for me as my sister-in-law is expecteing in late October and I promised her an afghan!! =)
It’s been a while since I’ve done GS, this will be good practice re-devoloping my GS skills…and a good use of all the “left-overs” I have from other projects!
Anne Cox-Espenlaub
I like the blue and green combo it seems to be a brighter colorway than the others. I did think that duckie, goldfish, pea Combo would be really cute for a new baby one of my coworkers just had. If you really want us to pick your colors we need to know the color scheme of the location where its to be used. The choices you provided are all really good. depending on where you plan to use it the choices are endless. I can’t wait to see how this turns out!
liz hinze
Colorway #2 Love it. I think I’ll do this. I haven’t crochet in years! Liz
Vickie Mejorado
Hello. This looks fun and I like the color combination #4. I like the look of the neutrals with a splash of color.
Brenda Stevens
Hi all,
I think I’d like to be in on this, especially now that I’ve realized I have the book! I really like the book, thanks for writing it Edie! I hope I can find the time to work on it, because I’d really like to learn how to “join as I go”. I don’t like having to hide a lot of tails. I also hope I have something that’ll work in my stash, my hubby thinks I have way too much yarn.
By the way, I also like colorway # 4 the best!
Marie Hill
I love all the colourways but #2 is a favourite of mine. I am going to help teach the ladies in my knitting group to crochet next month, so this is great. We are uk based and have not been part of anything like this before. Vanna’s Choice is not available here, but we can get baby double knit which makes a good substitute, but might make our motifs smaller! We are going to have fun with this (even if it is only me making the hexagons).
Edie says: Let me know if you’d like me to jump over the pond to help you teach crochet. 🙂
Stacey Rogers
I like colorway 4. I am going to use up some left over woolese in tans and blues for my living room. I am a big fan or granny squares but have not ventured into other shapes before. I haven’t done a CAL before and I think this will be fun!
Dorothy Sterns
Hi to all, This is a wonderful way to share with those who have baskets of yarn waiting to be worked up. I love to crochet, and if every sticth could speak it would have a story to tell as I use this to relax and remember, fuss and cuss. Looking forward to meeting you all.
This is great. I just started a ‘Christman Afghan’ yesterday using – Burgundy, Forest Green and Off White. It is made with Motifs.This will be my first, so I am excited to learn and join in with your CAL. Had fun with the last one -done for Charity. I have promised this Afghan to the same charity. Can’t wait–Thanks !
Hi, I’d definitely pick colourway #4, love the look of the hexeganol granny squares. But at the mo I have too many projects on the go :o( Would love to tag along on your CAL though, so I’d be fully prepared when I do start it :o)
I vote for #3 but I will probably go with a 100% wool as I want to do this afghan for Afgans for Afganisthan group. You and Michelle (at a LYS) got me hooked on crocheting. LOVE IT and I am very excited about this knit along!
Edie says: So glad you can blame me for your crocheting habit!
#4 is my pick; I can’t wait to see it in my living room; it works with my entire house but I can envision it in the living room, snuggling with my girls while they color, read or play guitar.
I’d go for option 3, the colours are gorgeous! Like some other folk, I have a lot on the go right now, but I’ll not be able to resist trying some hexagons! I’m also looking forward to seeing how to join them together without lumps and bumps!
Tilda Esta Holzberg
Hi, Thanks I think this is a great idea. I think you might want to use olive, brick and linen, instead of pea. It will be a mix up from other blanket and still look nice. I just started teaching a chrochet class to parents in our Neonatal unit. Once they get going I will try and teach them a motif. A group of us ( nurses ) make hats and booties for the babies.This would make a nice easy blanket for them with just a couple of motifs. ( prematures ). Thank you again.
Jerry Ann
Okay, I’m in. I have been croheting since I was 16 but I mostly knit now. This looks like fun so I think I will give it a go! I think #3 is really nice and the colors are good with todays “in” home colors.
Well, I LOVE the #1 colorways and would like to see it done in those colors! But that’s selfish, you need to crochet what works for you!
Me, I will be using up some red and blue “flecked” yarns my sister gave me; it’s te Red Heart Fleck yarn. Sorry to be a “Brand Traitor,” but that’s what I’ve got! Third color will probably be an off-white, possibly flecked, maybe not. It says to use an “H” hook so that’s what I’ll use.
I love the comment by the person who said she has “crafter’s ADD!” That’s me: I am also learning to quit, working on three different quilting projects, and I can’t even count how many crochet projects I have going! I stumble across them and finish them up when I feel like t (or when I have a gift deadline). This is obviously a way of compensating for job stress, though I’m not quite sure how having too many craft projects is supposed to make me feel BETTER about having too many work projects . . . ask my subconscious! MAybe it’s just balancing out allthe work stuff with an equal number of projects I CHOOSE to do!
Happy needles!
I like number 4, need to go see what colors I have .. this will be very interesting, as I want to learn the joining part. I have put several together, but not sure if I did it right or not.. lol
My daughter is pregnant with my first granddaughter. I am learning to crochet and want to try this pattern in Vanna’s Choice Purple Mist with Vanna’s Choice Baby in Sweet Pea and Duckie. Those are the colors my daughter is putting in the nursery.
Thanks for this CAL. Although I’m ensconced in Christmas knitting, crocheting, quilting & sewing, this is something I can take time to do. (I’v just been crocheting since April but knitting for decades)
I like the color combinations of number 1 the best but would probably use a bright yellow and lime green for myself. I made a similar afghan using red, dark green,and blue 26 years ago for my second daughter before she was born. I,too,would like to learn to join the motifs as I go along. I don’t have much patience when it comes to sewing all those motifs together at the end.Thank you for a project that will not only be beautiful when finished, but also managable with my schedule.
Just teaching myself to crochet-this is WONDERFUL! I am off to buy yarn-going to let the spirit move me re colors. Her book looks GREAT, too. P.S.I learned to knit with a Knit Along. So excited!
I’m a newbie, too – looks like fun!
pat crifo
I like 3 or 4 but would probably choose 4 since I think the colors are more traditional and would still work as fashion palettes change and dictate our choices. i just started the motif afghan featured in this month’s Crochet magazine and am using up balls of “sherbet” colors with a navy background. I will donate it to the prayer Shawl Ministry but love the larger motif size and the round center, not to mention the empty space it leaves in my stash drawers.
All the combinations are pretty but I really like combo 4. I would probably get those colours and play along!
This will be my first CAL!
I have a friend expecting twins soon, and her shower is coming up. I was looking for an idea, and voilà ! She’s expecting a girl and a boy, so perhaps I can play with the colours to make fit both.
Hi Edie!
I’m a little late joining this CAL, but I’m looking forward to it. I’ve been leaning from your book, “Beyond the Square,” which my best friend gave to me for Christmas last year.
I’d choose your colorway #4 for you.
I’ll be using scraps for mine, with the first and last rounds in dark green. Trust me; it’ll look great.
Edie says: You’re not late at all! We’re still picking colors, and I’ve only stitched four motifs to get ahead. We’ll be talking about some design issues next week.
I had start doing a granny square afghan and took it apart. I love doing granny squares because they are so portable. This will be the first time I am doing hexagons. My only problem is a I have an even amount of three colors so I guess I will mix the colors up on the hexagons. I thought of adding a single crochet row of the same color so it would look better when I sew them together.
This looks like a fun motif to do and would make a lovely afghan. I would suggest that you use colorway 4. I think the combination of colors can lend itself to many different types of rooms.
I like colour way #3. It looks very rich. I am going to do my afghan is beige, cocoa and chocolate from wools I have in my stash. I am looking forward to the next step. Doing crochet-along is the first I have do in this method. Marlena
I like #3. I have got to use up scraps so I am thinking of doung the first 3 or 4 rounds in a solid color and the last round in the same color on all motifs. That way I can join easier. I know this isn’t the way the motif was designed, but it should make a nice lap blanket. The motif made with a size K and acrylic yarn makes a motif about 7″ point to point.
I like #3. I have got to use up scraps so I am thinking of doing the first 3 or 4 rounds in a solid color and the last round in the same color on all motifs. That way I can join easier. I know this isn’t the way the motif was designed, but it should make a nice lap blanket. The motif made with a size K and acrylic yarn makes a motif about 7″ point to point.
Edie says: Susan-please use any color arrangement you like. This motif works great with just about anything.
This is my first CAL. I have been crocheting for under a year. I am excited to move beyond the granny square and to learn new techniques. I like the #4 colorway. I will be using Vanna’s Choice scarlet, pink, and goldfish inspired by the LB valentine pouch pattern. I have been waiting for a bigger project to use those colors again together.
I wrote in earlier (post 193) about having several WIP then losing parts! Yep, I guess you’d call that ADD! My g’mother taught me to crochet when I was little & I taught myself to knit when I was late 20s. Also used to take in some sewing, etc. BTW, Edie added an approximate yardage in one of the early replies. I may go with something like colorway 4 as that’s the colors that my ride to worship likes. I just now printed a copy of the pattern (transferred it to Word). Never used Vanna’s but it’s on sale at Joann’s this week. Don’t know if I’ll order on line or go to the store. I sure don’t need any more yarn but I’m single so no one to fuss at me! In addition to being high partial legally blind, working FT, & depending on our undependable paratransit bus service, I also recently got into painting (see the paintedbyu site). Boy! Talk about having to learn to compensate for lack of depth perception & some color blindness! A new Joann’s just opened up in the same strip where the painting place is! Credit card’s burning a hole in my pocket! LOL!
I love to crochet. I will be joining you CAL. But, I can’t seem to find which crochet hook to use. It’ not listed in the directions.
Thank you
Edie says: Hi, Margi. I haven’t talked about hook size yet because I actually don’t like to tell people what size hook to use. I’ll be talking about that in my next post. It’s a very individual thing depending on what yarn you are using and how you stitch. Start with the suggested hook size on your yarn band, but then switch as you need to in order to get a fabric that you like–not too loose and not too stiff.
Hi again, Edie,
I tried to make an hexagon yesterday. I used only two colors because I had two balls from another project. The first part of the hexagon (the center) didn’t look so great, I have to try again. But I have a question (maybe you or anyone else in this CAL can answer that): whenever I want to change colors in the hexagon I should fasten off the previous color I was working with, right? Should I leave a long tail when changing colors or only the tail at the end should be long?
Thanks for helping me out!
Saludos from Buenos Aires!
Edie says: I usually fasten off the old color, leaving about a 4″ tail for all but the final round, where (for now) I want a longer tail.
As to Eugenia in 318, I hope it’s OK that I tell what I always do – what works for me & has for ages – when changing colors is, as usual, work off the last 2 loops with tne new color, leave about 3″ hanging off of the new yarn, work a few stitches, then cut the first yarn leaving about a 3″ tail. A little later, I take those 2 and tie them together kind of loosely, sometimes splitting each one in 2 (presuming it’s 4-ply) so as to have a tiny knot, then use a needle & weave the tails every which way through the back, to hide the ends. Like I said, it works for me, & I do it as I go along to as not to have a lot later, & also gives my hands a break from using the hook!
HI all, I’ve had a busy roadtrip weekend, but able to get 5 hex’s made. It took me a few times to get the pattern conquered, but seems to be really easy. I have been using yarn that I have, and size I hook. With a pink, grey, white and mauve color scheme. Really like changing up the colors. I too am wondering with changing the colors often and working in tails. To cut or Not to Cut, especially if I use the same color on alternating rows which might make it easier to pull up thru your work. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Edie says: I usually cut between rounds because I think it makes a cleaner-looking wrong side–important for afghans. If I don’t cut, I catch the yarn under the vertical part of a stitch in the next round (the one where it’s not used) so there are no ugly floats. I’ll be talking about this and other ways to make your pieces look tidier in Week 3.
Hi, this is my first time joining one of these and it seems from the previous posts that I have lots of company in learning how to put it all together.
I am a blue green person so I liked the blue and white one the best. I will be picking out what I have in my stash or I’ll get the creative streak attack me and just have to go buy new colors to satisfy that creativity. Any one else ever get that???? I mean I will wake up from a dream and have a color combo in my mind and just have to make something with it.
Hello! This will be my first CAL and I am very excited! I am very interested in learning to join as I go. I have just completed my first two large projects and I am eager to learn more about squares, motifs, and tips on working in rounds. I have some baby yarn that I am wanting to use, so I will be working with purple, lavender and white. I can’t wait to see everyone’s pictures!
Yvette T Jiggetts
Hi Eddie,
Glad to be joining you Crochet-a-long. I have never joined one of these before but because it is you I think it will be fun. I am a CGOA member from Philly PA and have taken many of your classes the lastest was crochet motif’s at the CYCA’s Knit out in Minn. this pass Feb at mall of America. In case you don’t remember me 3 years ago at Chain Link conference you comented on my Top. I had on a Green crochet Granny square top and a Green bra to match. You through that was neet the way the colors matched.
I think you should do color way # 3 it is what is in all the of the fall fashion’s plus I don’t have any little kids either and this is a real warm and stylish color way. I have chosen mine as yet.
Talk to you soon.
Edie says: Hi, Yvette. I DO remember that green bra/top combination! Thanks for reminding me.
Margaret Given
I don’t know how to crochet yet. I am looking forward to learning through this website. I like the baby colors and the bright color in the invitation. You have to use what you can live with or you might not use it. I may try one with the promise of future grandchildren or others’ grandchildren. The hexagon is my favorite shape.
This is my first Crochet-along and I am eager to get started. I just started crocheting over the winter and have completed 2 small “drag around” blankets for my boys.
This time I will be making something for my bedroom – colors will be green and purple. The bedroom is “real estate beige” and I am trying to decide what to do with it – maybe this will help! 🙂
I like #4 colorway for the postings. I like the contrast. For mine, I recently discovered I have several pounds of left over yarn when I sorted my stash and will make mine scrappy.
I did a hexagon baby afghan years ago. I’m looking forward to hearing about joining the motifs as we go rather than sewing them all together at the end. I think I’ll enjoy working that way.
This is my first crochet along so I’m looking forward to the experience, comments and tips.
I like colorway #3
I am going to try and do this one I am just finishing up a baby afghan in granny squares and would like to do one more however I am due to deliver in 5 weeks so we’ll see how much I can get done. I am probably going to try to use up my stash I have lots of random yarns from projects so lets see if I can lessen it. good luck everyone!
Hello, I just heard about this in the newsletter and thought I would give it a try as I have never done anything like this before. I am a quilter as well as a crocheter, so when I saw this, I pictured it in a typical 30’s Grandmother’s Flower Garden colorway. I think I will give that a try. I haven’t seen your book yet, but it sounds intriguing, I might have to add it to my collection!!
Barbara Hankins
We are about to welcome our first great-grandchild and I would like to create different baby blanket than the usual granny square I have made for years. I plan to use Lion Brand pound of love pastel yellow and pastel green and may add a little pink and blue as the centers just to spice it up. This hexagon pattern is really pretty and I am looking forward to creating it along with you. By the way, I like combo #2.
This will be my first CAL and I’m really looking forward to it. My sister in laws second baby is due in March next year and I have been looking for a project to do for her so this will be perfect, I just hope I stick to it!
I have been looking at yarn online and have found that quite a lot available here in the UK for babies is pastel washed out colours but I have managed to get some from ebay that I hope will be perfect for my more bold tastes!
I can’t wait to read your book, I think I spend more time learning new techniques than acctually doing projects!
Can’t wait.. I like #4 as well especially for a den.
Personally, since we are thinking charity baby events and holidays coming up. I may do mine in more of holiday colors, green, red, and white. and then rather then 1 big afgahn, make 2 to donate for newborns.
Can’t wait to try. Will have to go to the store and get my supplies.
Thanks for giving us an idea of what to purchase that always helps, especially for us beginners that don’t know how to figure those things out. Was at a fiber festival just Sunday and really appreciate what goes on just to make us the yarn that we use for these items.
I like learning new stitches,this will be fun. I think I will do my home team colors black & gold and if I like the results I will make another for my room, which I am in the process of changing,so I really don’t know what colors I will be using
I chose 3 colors so far and I have bunches of orphans left over from other projects. My colors in Vanna’s Choice are: #172 Kelly Green, #135 Rust and #145 Eggplant. I think it’s a really nice Autumn colorway and thes 3 would match up with a variety of other colors like my scraps.
nicole winston
I think #4 are very safe colors to work with but I would like to see #3 choices. They are nice Fall colors!!!! I will be using blue and browns for my living room.
Hi everyone! Eddie, I think I would go with #2, but I am going to do Aqua and Duckie. I have been crocheting since I was 8 (21 yrs now). My mother taught me, but she was not a very experienced crocheter, so I has self-taught myself most things. There are some things I have never been sure if I am doing correctly, such as joining colors, finishing, connecting squares, yarn tails, ect. I am hoping you will be of help with those issues. I have made 2 afghans queen size…both continuous patterns. They took over a year since I tend to get bored easily. I have since moved on to squares since they don’t bore me as quickly. But I am not sure I am joining them correctly. I am excited about trying to do this pattern. I love finding and trying new patterns! I have a fulltime job and am concerned about if I will be able to keep up and finish my project in time with you since I don’t have a lot of free time to work on it with my job, kids and husband all wanting my time also. Do you think I will be able to keep up? How long will this project take us to complete?
Edie says: Well, Monica, the nice thing about this is that it can take you as long as it needs to. You don’t have to finish with us, you know! I’m planning on a 5-week schedule, but you can take longer if you need it.
Thank you!
Donna L. Schissler
This is my first Crochet Along so I am excited to begin. I will post my colors when I select them. I too go for bright colors. Thanks for doing this. Donna
I like #4. Will pictures be posted whenever anyone is finished?
Motif Afghan Crochet-Along: Get the CAL Badge | Lion Brand Notebook
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Ooh…my vote is for #4. Though I learned to crochet first, I’ve been leaning more toward knitting these days. But something about your motif resonated with me, so I’m in. Like many others, this will be my first “along” of any sort. I don’t know if I can keep up but it’ll be fun to try!
I may be jumping the gun but the motif uses the term hdc such as “join with hdc to fourth chain” but hdc isn’t defined. Help. I’m intimidated by crochet patterns so I’m hoping this CAL will help me overcome that hurdle.
Edie says: Think about a crochet pattern as a recipe (unless recipes intimidate you). A crochet pattern just tells you how to mix up the ingredients to get the finished result you want. Take them step by step and you should be fine.
Hi Edie and Everyone Else,
My name is Ashley. I haven’t been crocheting very long and have only done small projects to date. I like the thought of doing an afghan of motifs. Kind of breaks a large project down into managable pieces for me.
My thoughts for my own colors were to pick up to five colors that I like and went together and then to do each motif as is a single color. Any thoughts?
As far as Edie’s project, I personally like colorways one and two best, but from what you said for you four might be the best to go with.
I also seem to have problems with joining, I don’t do the mattress stitch well so I am intriged by the join as you go method.
I hope I am able to keep up with everyone else.
Think I will try to make to the local craft store this week to look at color choices.
Jess Says: Hi, Ashley. You can absolutely do each motif in one color! It’s all about having fun and doing what you want. I’m sure you’ll have great results! Edie will be talking more about joining the motifs as we get further into the CAL, so keep an eye out for each post.
For Robin (above) – HDC is a half-double crochet (yarn over, hook goes through the 4th chain, yarn over and pull back through, then yarn over and pull through all three loops on your hook). Hope that helps. 🙂
Mary Palmiero
I have been a crocheter for 38 years, but the past couple of years or so I learned how to quilt and have been quilting more than crocheting. I like the concept of this crochet-along. I would like to combine it with quilting, if possible. Has anyone had the experience of combing the two. If so, what should I be aware of [if anything]. Thank you. Mary
In your sample, how big is the motif when finished? I am a novice, so trying to judge if my finished test is correct. It seems too big, so I am planning on going to a smaller hook, but I just was wondering.
Edie says: My motif is about 6.25″ from point to point. I’ll be talking about finished sizes in my next post. Read more on Thursday!
I’m doing the 9-Patch in VCB Aqua and Mint
I really shouldn’t join this ;)…and Vanna’s yarns have already been on sale at Michael’s and AC Moore in the last month or so – darn!
I see that joining squares/motifs/whatev is a common problem, so I am looking forward to help with that
I am glad someone is leading the way. I know how to crochet, and can make squares and motifs, but i dont know how to join 🙁 this is one Crochet Along i am going to follow thru! I like #1 colors. time to dust off the hooks and yarn hehehe
K.D. in TN
I am intrigued! Is this something that a beginner could do? Sounds like a unique way to keep me from procrastinating. Having time lines and goals to reach can be motivating! Let me know if you think it might be “too difficult” for a novice. Thanks! K.D. in TN
Jess Says: The motif is much easier than it looks! The easiest way to find out if you can do it is by attempting it. Try making one with some extra yarn you have. Good luck!
Hi there, I have made a couple of Afghan’s, but I am just learning to Crochet I am going to try this CAL and see if I can learn to do it. I have been knitting for years, just never learned to crochet. Wish me luck. I have a hard time finding the right loop to get the needle in.
I’m thinking about using up some jiffy–will that work?? The colors are red, black, gray and maybe white.
I’ve never made a granny square anything and am looking forward to this. Just hope I can keep up with y’all!
Jess Says: Any yarn will work. Try making one in Jiffy and see if you like the halo it gives.
Yes, K.D. in TN – grannies are definitely a beginner’s thing! To make the afghan itself, you might want to practice on some single-color sampler hexes first though, so your afghan is nice and even. But really, once you get the hang of them, you can really barrel through them. And with any grannies, you just stuff ’em in a bag until you have enough to do something with. Potholders are good for first tries! Kat in sNJ
Hi Edie
Like Vicky from Cradock, I’m another South African joining your CAL. Unfortunatley I am in in chilly London and missing the SA skies.
I will be using a wonderful bluey variegated yarn for the outer part of the motif. Perhaps a navy or contrasting blue at the centre, which I am still searching for!!! Off to the yarn shop this morning then.
This will be an afghan for my son – he complains that his sister gets everything I make!! Quite true.
I too use slip stitching to join motifs and quite like the effect. I’m not sure how many motifs to make but will decide as I go along.
Good luck eveyone.
Louccee in London
Edie says: I’m so glad to have an international contingent here! My daughter is studying in Paris, and she’s planning to find a knitting/crocheting group meetup there. We all speak “crochet”!
Love colorway #1 can’t wait to try this and I also
like to join as I go–that way you are finished and it doesn’t go into the closet. Looking forward to this and I have your book, love it.
I am using Colorway #2, with the addition of white. It matches my quilt PERFECTLY!
Well like some of you this will be my first CAL too. I really like Number three in the color choices. I will be making mine as a christmas present for my future daughter in law. (And was it work to get a good color scheme for her) But I’ll be using a bunch of jewel like bright colors for her and pairing them with soft white that I have a ton left over off. I was thinking of making the motifs just two colors at a time with the soft white like turquise and white, then another one in a bright rose and white, and so on. I hoping that it will tur out well.
Hoping to be with you all thursday.
Cant wait to have fun.
Edie says: Sandy, that sounds lovely!
Sibyl Bolander
I am excited to start this CAL. I also have had trouble in the past with connecting motifs and keeping strings of yarn from sticking out all over. I like #4 and I am going to the store to buy the yarn today. Have fun with this everyone!
Hi! I’m another one with Crocheter’s Deficit Disorder. I think I’ve got about seven projects worked about half-way through (EEK!!); they will all eventually get done, but I like to work and re-work projects until they are just right. Also, I find that, for me, the more complex, the better. Holds my interest longer. I even finish these working straight through sometimes!
I enjoy working in motifs, but also find the attaching and sewing together to be a real pain. My favorite technique is really simple, and looks almost like a braid running between motifs. It’s very simple: holding wrong sides together, sl st, ch1, sl st, ch1, etc. Looks beautiful when finished, but it is raised slightly – almost framing each motif (which is probably why I like it so much).
As for this project, I liked the colors in #4. I’m a big fan of the neutrals, as they always turn into great gifts if you find you just don’t have room to keep the finished projects.
I’ll be following along here myself. I just happen to have a large stash of some Vanna’s Choice; I’ve been sitting on it for just the right project to come along.
Edie says: I sometimes use a similar join, either (sc, ch 1, skip 1) or (sc, ch 3, skip 1). I find it strong yet flexible and decorative.
Hi there, this will be my first crochet along…hope I can keep up, I have so many projects I am trying to do, but I am very excited to join you. I really like color way #3, it matches my bedroom. I will probably put together something with the yarn I already have…God Bless!
like that sl st,ch one never added the ch 1
I like #4 and can’t wait to try it myself.
An afghan is a blanket, right? Because I did a trial motif and it seems to me as thought it is going to be very holey. My sample turned out the right size (using #4 worsed weight medium yarn for trial), but has alot of holes in it and doesn’t seem very thick (heavy). Will this be a warm afghan? Did I do it right? Is it supposed to have alot of holes in it?
Edie says: An afghan doesn’t have to be a solid sheet of crochet to be functional. Nor does it need to be heavy. As a matter of fact, it’s not really comfortable to sit under a very heavy afghan. Think of the traditional lacy (knit) Shetland shawls. They are lightweight and full of “holes”, yet very warm. However, if you want to either (1) use a smaller hook, (2) change motifs or (3) use all dc on Rnd 3, you certainly may. This is YOUR project, so YOU need to be the one who is satisfied.
Leah Wright
I believe that you should use the Fuschia, Aqua and Lavendar. I have recently been through breast cancer treatment and so everything that is pink catches my eye. Do we make the motif and then make an afghan or what do we do? Leah
Edie says: If you like, go ahead and make a couple of motifs in different color arrangements. I’ll be giving more instructions in my next post on Thursday morning.
I’m so excited about this! I wasn’t planning to do another CAL right now — like others, I have about a million unfinished projects. But then I saw who was running this and I couldn’t resist! I got the book back in February, and got addicted to making motifs. I even made a scarf that included Motif #48.
If the voting is still open, I vote for #3 or #4.
I went to JoAnn’s the other day to scope out possible color combos. I wasn’t planning to buy anything just yet, but they had Wool-Ease on sale, so I bought a whole bunch of skeins in Loden (main color), Chestnut Heather, Denim, and Fisherman. I made a mock-up of the afghan in Photoshop, which I’m planning to post on the Ravelry group (I’m also Lopapalooza on Ravelry).
Now to finish some of my WIPs so I don’t go completely bonkers!
Edie says: Oh, a mock-up in Photoshop! That’s exactly one of the things I’ve done for tomorrow’s post. It’s my first time using Photoshop, so your mock-up probably looks much better than mine. I’ll jump on over to Ravelry and take a look.
I’ve never done a CAL before, or a hexagon. Can you believe that? Fifty years of crocheting and never even tried a hexagon. so, I’m looking forward to this. Will probably use kid colors and donate to Project Linus when complete. Am also very interested in the join as you go method.
I’ve watched several CALs in the past but have never participated in one. I really like this motif so I’m inspired to join in. I’m very bad about completed projects but I hope that I’ll be able to finish this afghan with the support of everyone else who is working on it. I bought my yarn and started testing the pattern. I’m using Vanna’s Choice in Dusty Purple, Dusty Green and Beige. I plan to do R1 in purple, R2 Beige, R3 green, and R4 Beige. I was going to mix up that pattern but decided it would look too wild in the end. I look forward to working on this project with you!
My color vote is #3.
Hi all, this is my first cal and hope i remember to come back on thursdays, im not one for a good memory :). I have some lemon yellow and white yarn left from my ripple afghan i made last year. this will be a great way to get rid of it, i have so much yarn in bags, and boxes, and baskets and etc… lol
See you on thursday 🙂
Hi again:
I am too anxious to wait, so I have been experimenting with yarns and hook sizes. I found the hexagon too open for my liking in a DK weight yarn , so I went down a couple of hook sizes…now it is too stiff. I feel like Goldie Locks…or Golding Loops…too open, too stiff, I am going to try some softer yarns…I am really liking the bamboo!I have a few balls left over from a sweater I knit for my Daughter a couple of years ago. I think I will try a sample hex in that, and if it is ok, I will pick up some more colours. My other thought is the soy yarn. It has a very soft hand, I have plenty of that in my stash too! I will use the sample hex’s as coasters and give them to the local hospital for their bazzaar.
Edie says: As a designer, I often find myself doing exactly what you are doing: swatching again and again until I get just the desired result. Actually, I’m pretty sure I swatch more than I work on full projects!
Jane, usually you would go up or down one hook size at a time when experimenting. You start with the suggested hook size for the yarn and see how that looks and feels to you. If it’s too loose and holey, go down a hook size. If your first motif was too tight and stiff, go up a hook size for your next to make it looser.
Keep going this way until you get a motif that is just right… not too stiff, not too floppy.
Also remember, when blocked or washed, it may feel differently, so experiment with your samples.
I am excited to be apart of this CAL, since I’ve never done anything like this before. I purchased VCB in lamb, chocolate cake, and mint for our new grandbaby boy to be. Any thoughts on this color combination? I am still not sure. It seems pretty modern.
Do you think granny squares are OK for boys? I’ve always thought of them for girls.
Looking forward to Thursday. Thanks.
Jess Says: Hi, Judy! Granny squares are great for boys — especially with greens and browns!
Many years ago my mom made me an afghan with a similar pattern (hexagon) It was white/black/purple and was the love of my life. Sadly, I do not know what happened to it. I had a quilt to match that was in grandmothers fan in shades of purple with a black background and white eyelet sticking up around the curved edge of the fan. That got stolen. Anyway, Thank you for this blog and bringing back some fond childhood memories.
What is ‘blocking’? And how do you do it?
PattySue – I would use a dusty green and lilac and yellow – yellow R1 green R2 lilac R3 green R4 ~~OR~~ yellowR&2 greenR3&4 for half and lilac R1&2 green R3&4 and don’t just do it half and half but graph it out and do it in a pattern…
o! i vote for #4 tho none of them are really my cup of tea but thats why there are so many colors (or flavors if i stick to the tea analogy – lol)
question of the hour seems to be “how do you join as you go?”
you can make 1/2 hexes. my mom did. just not sure how… (to make straight edges)
(found a pattern in a book i have if you are interested)
i first learned to crochet at age 8 and made 2 big GS and sewed them into a throw pillow and won first place at our local fair and i have been addicted ever since
i taught my 4 daughters to crochet years ago and every mothers day we donate them to our church for the “blanket rail” who then donate them to babies in need
my mom bought me a book when i was 10 of “101 granny squares” she gave me that and all her scrap yarn and away i went – it would come and go as i got bored with it or got bored with life and picked it back up again – i have finally sewn them all together in a HUGE king-size afghan for my bed that i ADORE and my husband despises – lol – says it is too heavy
Mary – if you do your motifs in diff shades and sewwed them together so they went from bold colors to muted colors i think that would have a very striking effect!
Is there a website or blog where i can view past CAL’s?
thanx Tami
Jess Says: Hi, Tami. Blocking is a way of stretching and shaping your project. Click here to read more about it. You can read all about the previous CALs by searching our blog.
I have picked colors for this project, or I should say my daughter has chosen what she would like. The afghan will be for her. She is six and loves to watch me crochet and is learning to do so stitches too. My pictures will be posted on the flicker page.
Margaret Muileboom
I think that you should go with colourway 3 for your bedroom. It has a nice classy look to it. but you don’t have to take my advice, I’m just a wierd 17 year old who enjoys crocheting. I think I will enjoy learning from you. Thanks!
I am new to crocheting. I can do all the stitches, but have never tried to do an actual project before. I love this pattern design, and hopefully I can keep up! I am going with yellows and greens as color choices-I want to keep it bright and light. (To cheer up those grey winter days.) 🙂
And to Judy in comment 370–Those sound like a great color combination to me. It doesn’t scream baby colors, it can grow with him.
Hi Edie and Everyone:
Thanks for hosting this. I plan on using colorway #4 for a wedding gift. I taught myself to crochet last year watching YouTube videos. I’ve checked out your Crochet Answer Book many times at the library. I’ve wanted to join a CAL and am so happy for your guidance.
Helene Montini
I have been seeing these CAL’s for awhile and have been reluctant to join one in case I don’t finish a project. However I am going to join this one and try my best to keep up. I just read the initial post so I haven’t picked a color scheme yet.
I am so excited, Edie I bought your book and love it. Graany Squares are my favorite form of crochetting. I would go with Colorway #4, the colors are beautiful.
I kow I am late but I like colorway 2 & 4. I will be using something similar to #2 myself. I think I am going to make a housewarming gift in a similar aqua blue &/or sweet pea green. I may add brown…
Happy crocheting all!
Sandi Bell
I am just getting back into crochet, I have done traditional granny squares. But nothing like this one, I am very excited about this one. I vote for #3. However I will make be making one with lots of color for my daughter who is currently in Balad Iraq. She says all she sees is sand, so I believe I will go for brights colors. Still deciding on a scheme.
Sorry I like number 2 the sweet pea and aqua. I have to many projects to start a new one but I will follow along. I’d like to learn to join as you go. Number 4 just doesn’t make it for me, it probably is because I’m not a grey afghan fan.
OK, I’m in for this one too. Sounds like fun.
I would go with #4 for colors. They look very refreshing to work with. Can’t wait to find some for myself 🙂
I recently started working on the Morris Park Afghan (a knitting project). My fingers/brain tend to itchy for different tasks and would like to finally master the non-traditional granny square.
I want to choose colours that aren’t the same as the knit afghan but that would still compliment my sofa. I’ll decide on my yarn by Friday. I’ve done a few test runs of the hexagon pattern and so far so good.
Kelly in Canada
Hi Edie!
My local public library bought your book on my recommendation. It is excellent. Evidently a lot of other library patrons think so, too – as it’s always out and there is a long wait-list for it!
I like the variety of motifs, handy crochet tips, and the graphed patterns. I’d never crocheted from graphs until your book – and I love it!
This will be my first time participating in a CAL. It’s amazing to think that there will be crocheters world-wide, women and men, taking part.
I’m not sure what I’ll choose for yarn or colour (I’m another person who finds Vanna’s yarn not soft enough), but Lion Brand certainly has a lot of beautiful colours and weights from which to choose!
I also have to choose between making this project as a Christmas gift for a family member… Or, to make an afghan to give to “Blankets 4 Canada”. (I’m making one for them right now in yellow-blue-red using square motifs from your book.)
Thank you leading us on this adventure, Edie!
Hi – its Pam in Spain again (msg no. 242) – I´ve chosen my colours and have started crocheting an Afghan for my little boy´s new bedroom – he´s 15 months old. I have chosen bright colours – red, green, blue and yellow which were inspired by his ceiling fan/light which my partner put up at the weekend.
How do I find the 2nd blog in the CAL – has it been posted yet??
Edie says-You’ve probably figured out by now that the posts go up on Thursday mornings, GMT -5. Remember that Spain is several hours ahead of the US, so you may have to wait until Thursday afternoon to read the post. Sorry!
Amy F
Hi Again,
I have decided to use Vanna’s yarns in Burgandy, Espresso and Beige. It is going to be a wedding gift. Now I am just waiting for Blog #2!
Louanne Manter
I LOVE the book … Just used motif #98 for another project that I’m working on … was a wee bit too small so I had to make some adjustments to make it bigger. I enjoyed the intro pages too.
Thanks for blogging this … Looking forward to the complete series.
Yvonne F
Hi. This is exciting. I have never joined a group on line or blogged before. Since crocheting is a strong passion for me, I decided to join along. Thanks for inviting me. I am excited to learn new things. I just finished a large queen size granny square afghan for our bed. I did solid granny squares in all sorts of varigated yarns. Turned out awesome. I am almost finished with another one for mom for Christmas. I like doing solid granny squares as there are not so many holes. Thanks again Yvonne
Hi Edie, I would really enjoy following this CAL. Vanna’s Choice happens to be one of my favorite worsted yarns. Normally I make large GS instead of several smaller ones and stitching them up together. It’s mainly due to the whole putting together after finishing them. I’m very interested in learning the join-as-you-go stitching. Most likely I’ll choose 4 fall colors which will look good in my living room. Brown will be my base color to pull the other colors together. Looking forward to following along. Thanks, ~Jo~
To Kat:
Hi Kat,
I’ll try to find some cool patterns for you. Just let me know how to send them to you! 🙂
happy birthday to me – lol – it’s friday 9/25 – where is the 2nd blog?
Zontee says: Hi Tami, you need to go to the blog’s main page (either click the “Blog” button at the top bar or go directly to http://blog.lionbrand.com) to see new posts, including Edie’s newest blog post.
Hi Edie
I am joining you from Australia. Looking forward to making this Afghan. I am unable to buy the same materials Vanna’s as you here in Australia so I will substitute 8 ply Merino Wool Washable knitting wool. I will choose Australian Colours, however not quite sure which ones. (Browns and greens). Looking forward to learning new techniques. I am relatively new to crochet, on my second rug.
Best Wishes
Edie says: Wow! We really do have crocheters from all over the globe. I have first cousins in Australia; I keep wanting to come down for a visit, but haven’t made it yet.
Hello Everyone!)
I am proud to say that I read each and every post to date. I tried the last crochet along, but was frustrated and unsuccessful. This one is much more my speed. I have to invent time to crochet as I have a 2 and a 4 year old. I am on board with the posters with husbands who want them to clear out their stashes, and we are the house of half a****, with tons of half finished projects. I am also combining different yarn brands and weights. All are 50%/50% cotton poly, I am doubling the white I am using cause the light pink and baby blue are thick. I am quite impatient as I have finished 10 motifs, but then again this weekend was my birthday weekend and my husband let me crochet most of the weekend. My children are fighting over playing with the “stop signs” as my son calls them.
I am very interested in hiding tails on yarn that tends to separate, finishing off like a pro and actually completing a project.
I have another question for you. My son’s great grandmother made a varigated, white, pink and blue zig zag blankie and Mitch is outgrowing it, it is wide enough to add some more rows so that he can continue to use it. Has anyone every tried that? I know they still make the acrylic yarn. Anyone have any thoughts on it? I realize the color won’t be perfect, but I would hate to see him have to stop using it.
Crochet On My Friends!
I am with you!)
I really like colorway #4. Those are colors I would choose for myself too.
I really like the join as you go idea! it is something i will keep in mind. But for this afghan i am using scrap yarn and not really sticking to a color pattern. just kind of flying by the seat of my pants. so when the motifs are all done i will lay them out on my bed and figure out how they look best. besides, i’ve been sewing squares together for years and i enjoy it and i like the way it looks. I actually have an afghan that more than covers my california queen sized bed. it started out about 30 years ago and there are tons of colors but i chose a “hunter camo” varigation and single crocheted all the squares together.
anyway, cant wait to see how this continues!!! ps) i have 17 motifs done… but havent decided if this will be a baby afghan or adult…
PS) well there is a color patter to a point… I have 2 diff varigations that i am using for round one and they are diff shades of pink/white/blue and all the other rounds are either blue, pink, grey or purple (well, haven’t decided if i am using the purple yet…) my prob is i am using up a lot of partial skeins and dont know what i will use to sew them all together… Any ideas?????
Edie says: Why don’t you find one unifying color- white, grey, or some other color that blends well with all your colors–then set that one aside for doing the join?
Carolyn from Australia
Hi Eddie
It only clicked with myself after I send my first message that I am already using (or trying to use) your book. What luck. I am working on my second rug by linking the different daisies you have featured. I have used fairly loud colours. However, it is great book to learn how to read patterns. I have visited New York only once December 2004 and loved all the Christmas Decorations.
Carolyn (Australia)
For the person that has a problem picking colors. Years ago I read this great piece of advice-when you go to buy your yarn put the skeins together to see if the colors go well together. You can pick a color out and try another or start all over again. I will be doing a little boy sweater and disliked the main choice color. So I put the motif colors in the cart and checked them against various main color choices. The new color loks better than the pattern choice. It is part of the fun of starting a new pattern to pick colors.
I am so happy that I blog-hopped to Jerusalem Notes: Fiberwork by Debbie where I saw her post about this CAL. How striking her pic of hexs is.
I love Beyond the Square Crochet Motifs and have it by my bedside for inspiration.
Since I just came upon this CAL, I do have some catching up to do. However, I do have wonderful candy-colored-eye-popping yarns left over from crocheting some Lucy-style Attic24 projects.
Now to do some reading in order to catch up with all the CAL-ers here.
Judy Sankey
I have decided to do a take-off of colorway #3… I am using Taupe as my main color, and burgundy and rust as my two other colors. This looks like the maroon and burnt orange of my alma maters school colors (Virginia Tech). I love the look and I have a whole bunch of people who will be wanting this afghan! :O) Was it mentioned, how many hexagons does it take to make a full-size afghan? LOVE this project! I started it in the car on a road trip but it will take me through football season….
Edie says: Well, I suppose since I’m just up the road from Va Tech, it’s OK for you to do it in Hokie colors. 🙂 Read the second post and the following comments about how many motifs you need.
Sharon Hamlin
Hello Everyone,
I finally decided on my color scheme. Jewel tone colors cranberry, sapphire, pruple, & black. I’ve never posted a photo so i’m trying to learn that now. Everything has been so helpful especially connecting different colors and starting the motif with the loop. I work on the project a little every day during my lunch period at work. This is my first cal & I’m excited I
Judy Sankey
Thank you for approving my Hokie afghan! :O) I am having so much fun doing this! I am already looking at all the other shapes of motifs… I must FOCUS!!! LOL I am hoping for a long winter of crocheting…
Hi Edie:
I logged in today and realize I am way too late. I would like to save the information and techniques so I can join in albeit much later than the rest of the group.
Please tell me how I can read your descriptions of the joining techniques etc.
At present I am working on a place mat in two colors. I think I will have four columns of 3 squares each. However, I have no idea how I will join it all together to make one rectangle!
BTW, I do have your book but am too afraid to attempt to make something with more than one color in it!
Regards – Sonja
Zontee says: Hi Sonja, you’ll be able to find all crochet-along related posts (which will stay up indefinitely) simply by clicking the “crochet-along” category on the Lion Brand Notebook. Come back to the home page of the Notebook (http://blog.lionbrand.com) every Thursday during the CAL to see new posts from Edie. If you’d like to save links to any of the blog posts (bookmark them), simply click on the “Permalink” button at the bottom of the post to view it in its own window and save the link.
Edie will be talking about her seaming techniques in later posts, but in the meantime, go to the Lion Brand Learning Center’s crochet guide to see some ways you can join your work. Click here to see the guide.
I had printer problems so I’m starting late. I have picked the colors. The directions look easy to follow. I will be getting the book soon, but I like a challenge so I’m looking forward to doing this afghan. I really want to see the techniques.
Thanks so much – Marcia
Where can I find the instructions for how to start a motif, please.
Thank you
Edie says: Hi, Wadda. Scroll back to the second post, where I talk about getting started, or click here to see that post.
I know I am very late, but I did get my yarn today; colorway #1. (Baby) I want to try some motifs and then I will post my progress/questions.
Thank you.
Edie says: Hi, Elizabeth. Glad you could join us!
Lan Varkey
Finally, I found the information I was looking for. I have been doing research on this subject, and for two days I keep finding sites that are supposed to have what I am searching for, only to be disappointed with the lack of what I had to have. I wish I could have found your web-site sooner! I had about 25% of what I needed and your website has that, and the rest of what I had to have to finish my research. Thank you and I will report back on how it goes!
Palmer Muratalla
Thanks for the Post, thanks for this great Post. I will come back soon
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[…] Details: http://blog.lionbrand.com/2009/09/17/motif-afghan-crochet-along-welcome/ […]
I was looking for something similar to granny square color generator. Shouldn’t be so lazy. I’m making a hex afghan in 3 heathered tones of medium brown, Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Persimmon heather, amber heather, noble heather (green) and brass heather. I bought tons of charcoal heather to edge the motifs but the color was too harsh. Used Lion Brand Heartland Sequoia (dark brown). Now I’m satisfied. The pattern is Modern Blanket of Flowers (Ravelry). I bought the yarn the artist recommended, RH Treasure in Tapestry. The pic online was kind of blurry, so it looked really beautiful. But I HATE variegated yarn that has stripes of different colors together. I looked online at other self-striping yarn and saw many (mostly handpainted) yarns that looked better to my eye.