Amazing Art with Fun Fur

We were contacted by Amy Caterina, an artist who uses Fun Fur in her amazing sculptural pieces. She is currently working on an exhibit at the Grand Central Art Center at the California State University, Fullerton. When we saw how amazing her sculptures were, we knew we had to get involved. Born in Niagara Falls,…

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1,000 Knitters Project

1,000 Knitters is a photography project developed by Franklin Habit, a Chicago photographer and knitter. He is in the process of creating individual portraits of 1,000 people knitting the same scarf. Some of them are famous knitters and authors, but most of the photographs are of individual knitters who will ultimately become part of a…

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Tree of Life Knit-Along #2 – Twin Trees

Last Sunday was a bright and sunny day and I jumped at the chance to sit on my roof overlooking downtown Manhattan and start my spring afghan project. It’s calm, quiet and feels like a private oasis in the center of a busy city. Whenever I start a project as large as this, I try…

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