BK4K celebrates spring!

In addition to our weekly e-newsletter, we also have a monthly newsletter for kids and those who craft with them. It’s a great source of inspiration for kids, teens, parents, girl- and boyscout leaders, camp counselors and more. BK4K (By Kids for Kids) features beginner and easy knit and crochet projects. In this past month’s…

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Yarn is Everywhere!

There are billboards all over New York city for a company called Manhattan Storage. They’re always interesting and often provactive. The current ad feature knitting and reads, “Maybe we make storage too easy.” I’ve been wanting to get a photo of one but driving down the Westside Highway at 50 mph. makes that pretty difficult.…

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I’m Going on the Road and I’d Like to Meet You!

I may have missed my chance to become a stand up comedian when I joined the family business, but over the last year I’ve made personal appearances at knitting guilds in the New York, Connecticut and New Jersey area. I love talking to people who use our yarn, sharing some “inside” information, showing our garments…

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