Jack and the Yarnstalk: A Slightly Longer Yarn

Jack and the Yarnstalk: A Slightly Longer Yarn

In a land far away, in tumbledown shack, lived a poor, sad mother and her young son, Jack. Jack’s mother was one of those souls who are born, so it seems, to be miserable. Her husband was long gone–possibly to the next world or possibly to the next village, out of reach in either case.…

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Bring on the PomPoms, It’s Time for a Party!

Bring on the PomPoms, It’s Time for a Party!

Are you ready turn it up with some pompoms? They easy-to-make adornments can do more than just top hats! From keychains to wall hangings to rugs, use pompoms to jazz up your next project. #PomPomParty Need some inspiration? The Craft Yarn Council (CYC) has put together a comprehensive pattern collection that lets this squishy ball…

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Learn Half Double Crochet with Moogly!

Learn Half Double Crochet with Moogly!

After you’ve mastered the chain and single crochet, it’s time to add more stitches to your journey – and the half double crochet is a great stitch to learn next! It is abbreviated as hdc, and it adds just one more step to the single crochet you already know and love. In fact, it’s the…

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