How Three Young Men Used Their Crochet Skills To Change The Lives of Hundreds Of People

Kohl Crecelius and two of his friends from high school wanted to do something meaningful with their lives and they decided to use their crochet skills to make it happen. When I first heard their idea five years ago — California surfer guy who loves to crochet beanies and wants to use that skill to…

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How I Own My Celestial Style

As a typical excitable Aries I usually like for my accessories to match my inner fire. I found myself gravitating towards crimson hues this winter and was surprised to discover how well the zodiac scarf for my sign meshed with my wardrobe. I could definitely see myself rocking this scarf with a flared red dress,…

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Celebrating Craft Month with 9 Inspirational Projects from the Lion Brand Customer Gallery!

In honor of National Craft Month, we’re sharing several truly awe-inspiring projects from our Customer Gallery–perhaps one was even made by you! The following customer creations will have your imagination running wild about your next project (after you’ve finished your current one of course). Panda Sweater Made by – Shireen Mills Yarn – Vanna’s Choice® Pat…

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