Are you a visual learner who’s interested in knitting? Learn with our video playlist! Already know how to knit? Spread the love! Share this blog post with your friends who want to learn! If you’re reading this blog post in your email or an RSS reader, please click on the title to view the full…
Read MoreHave you been admiring our beautiful Imagine yarn but can’t wrap your mind around how to knit with it? Imagine’s webbed tubing construction is what makes it unique but it can also seem tricky to work with at first. I’ve broken it down into five simple steps for you so you’ll have the confidence to…
Read MoreSeveral times a year we host a crochet- or knit-along, a virtual event in which yarncrafters come together here online to work on one pattern together, share their experiences, and to learn together. There’s no need to sign up! Simply follow along with the blog posts at your own pace as you crochet your project,…
Read MoreBe inspired; inspire others! Share your yarn creations on our community gallery with the hashtag #lionbrandyarn on Instagram, Twitter, or our website.