6 Different Ways to Knit a Sweater

Have you ever noticed just how many different ways there are to make a sweater? You could make it in one-piece from the top-down or bottom-up. You could make it piecemeal with a front, back, and sleeves. You could knit it from sleeve to sleeve. You could even make it in many modular pieces! For…

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We Want You! (To Pick Our Spring Knit-Along Project!)

The holidays are over and your hand-knitted gifts (yes, even the stragglers) are all done. If you’re like us, you can use some inspiration for a new knitting project. That’s why we’re kicking off our Spring 2013 Knit-Along! Help us choose the winning pattern and we’ll work on it together, step-by-step, throughout the spring. «…

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5 Crochet Techniques We Love

I think that every crocheter and knitter should be open to trying new skills–by challenging yourself as a crafter, you grow your abilities and open up the possibilities of making even more amazing projects. On a recent episode of YarnCraft (that’d be our podcast or downloadable online radio show), we talked a little bit about 5 crochet…

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