5 Tips on How to Wear Summer Brights

The hot summer breeze and sunshine always makes me crave bright clothes that remind me of Miami art deco or fresh flowers at the farmers market. If you like the look of summery shades like coral and teal, but you’re not sure how to best incorporate them into your wardrobe, here are a few of…

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Unwillingly to School

My knitting is sticking to my fingers. As I write this, it’s ninety-four balmy degrees outside the workroom. The plants in the window box are rioting–I abandoned judicious pruning in mid-July–and just below so is a gaggle of inebriated baseball fans, lurching homeward en masse after an afternoon game at nearby Wrigley Field. Sure signs of high…

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Part of Our History: 1941 Life Magazine

Growing up in the Blumenthal family, I learned early that yarn is a treasure. Dad used to say that everyone in my family was born with a ball of yarn in their crib, and it was true (often literally!). In recent years it’s sometimes been seen as unusual to know how to knit or crochet,…

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