The Philadelphia Museum of Art Gets Yarn Bombed! Q&A with Jessie Hemmons

The Philadelphia Museum of Art opened its Craft Spoken Here exhibit in early May, and it’s the first time the museum has hosted an exhibit focused on the art of “crafting”.  The exhibit features art pieces by 39 craft artists from 11 countries who work with a diverse selection of media such as ceramic, rubber,…

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Knit and Crochet with All the Colors of Spring Flowers

With spring in full bloom all around us, it’s hard to ignore all the beautiful colors! These flowers were all in bloom near our New York City offices, and have the same lovely tones as the cotton and cotton blend yarns that are perfect for light, warm-weather crafting. Beside each flower and the matching yarn,…

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Glittery Shrug Crochet-Along: Choosing a Yarn and Gauge Swatching

Hello fellow yarn crafters! My name is Vanessa, and I will be your host for this Crochet-Along. I am one of the store associates at the Lion Brand Yarn Studio, Lion Brand’s store and education center in NYC.  I have a degree in fashion design, and I have been knitting for fifteen years and crocheting…

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