Spring has sprung, and our crochet hooks are itching for a new project. That means it’s time for a new crochet-along! Before we get started, we need your help to choose the next project. Clockwise from left: Glittery Shrug, Temair Throw, Tunisian Throw Have you picked your favorite? Click here to submit your vote. We’ll…
Read MoreLooking for some great project ideas for beginners? Whether you are a novice knitter or crochet OR you’re teaching someone in your life to knit or crochet, an exciting project can be the key to getting you excited about these wonderful crafts. Join me as I show you how to go beyond the scarf, and…
Read MoreAbout two weeks ago, I had the great pleasure of attending SNAP!, a three day conference held at Thanksgiving Point, Utah which brought together hundreds of amazing D.I.Y, crafting, and home decor bloggers. I was surrounded by creative women who have a passion for sharing things like photos, projects, recipes, and parenting tips online; you…
Read MoreBe inspired; inspire others! Share your yarn creations on our community gallery with the hashtag #lionbrandyarn on Instagram, Twitter, or our website.