Tips for Weaving for the First Time

After a long time contemplating weaving (and even giving a back-strap loom a few passes of the shuttle), I finally took the time to set up and get going on a Cricket Loom.  I thought I’d share a few pictures and tips from my first attempts at weaving. 1. Set up with a friend. It…

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How Does Spring Influence Your Crafting?

Now that it’s finally starting to feel like spring, I feel rushed to finish one last wool sweater before the weather gets too hot. During the cooler months, I almost exclusively knit and crochet sweaters; once the temperature hits 75, I only want to make socks, hats, and other small, portable projects. However, I still…

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Design Doppelgängers: Finding Inspiration in Unlikely Places

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know that I really enjoy interesting furniture design, as well as interesting fashion design. A few weeks ago, I stopped into ABC Carpet & Home, a wonderful home furnishings department store with a great philosophy, where I spotted a very cool-looking chair. It immediately called to…

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