It’s really interesting to see how artists who work in other media can still be inspired by yarncrafts and what yarncrafts like crochet and kniting represent for these artists. For instance, artist Shana Anderson has created graphic fabric prints inspired by the crochet doilies and needlepoint projects of her aunt and grandmother, invoking a sense…
Read MoreArtist Amy Caterina is at it again. We first blogged about the mixed media artist here when we heard about her Pseudo-Sod, grassy looking material knit from Fun Fur. She has used the material to create topiary animals and even a car cover! Her most recent exhibit, part of Actions, Conversations, and Intersections at the…
Read MoreGet involved in the Earth Hour movement! Turn off your lights for one hour on Saturday, March 27th, from 8:30 to 9:30 pm local time. Click here to say you’ll be a part of this effort and join hundreds of millions of people around the world who have pledged to save energy. The savings of…
Read MoreBe inspired; inspire others! Share your yarn creations on our community gallery with the hashtag #lionbrandyarn on Instagram, Twitter, or our website.