Giant Knit & Crochet Animals!

Lion Brand unveiled a giant menagerie of exotic animals made of yarn at the Craft and Hobby Association convention in Anaheim, California last week. These one-of-a-kind animals were created from a variety of our yarns available at Wal-Mart and retail craft chains including Jo-Ann and Michaels. The yarns, including Homespun, Fishermen’s Wool, Vanna’s Choice and…

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Inishturk Sweater Knit-Along: Visual Patterns – Charts

I can remember over 20 years ago when I was in college (and working part-time in a yarn shop!) that some knitting stitch patterns were starting to written in chart form.  I had always knitted cable and lace patterns with instructions that wrote out what to do row by row.  I was used to doing…

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The Perfect Leftovers Project

After completing a small project with Amazing, I was left with about 20 small balls in various colors, each ranging from about 5-15 yards in length. With such short lengths of yarn, I decided the best thing to do would be to make a striped scarf. I used this Brooklyn Tweed scarf as inspiration and…

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