All-Stars Among Us

While I was traveling through the Midwest last week, I was able to catch some of the MLB All-Star baseball game. Before the game began they played a video called “All-Stars Among Us” that was introduced by President Barack Obama, featured the last five living Presidents of the United States, and honored everyday people who…

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YarnCraft Explores: Communal Art, “Yarn Bombing,” Brooklyn Tweed

On the latest episode of YarnCraft, my co-host Liz and I explore the topics of yarn as art (and even yarn as graffiti), and what it means to express yourself through the creation of objects as an artist and as a community. We talk about groups like Knitta Please, artists like Robyn Love and some…

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Studio Snippets – Fun with the Knitting Machine

At the Lion Brand Yarn Studio, we use our Silver Reed Knitting Machine for many things.  We teach private lessons on it, we use it to make objects for our windows and displays.  This adorable headband was made on the machine by knitting strips of Microspun and strips of Moonlight Mohair and then braiding them.…

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