Keep Your Ears Busy While Yarncrafting with a Special Offer from Audible

Listening to audiobooks is a fun way to keep your ears busy while yarncrafting. Now, Audible has a special offer just for Lion Brand customers so that you can combine these two hobbies – get a FREE download of the best-selling Harlequin romance, Sweet Talk, by Susan Mallery by clicking the link below. This special…

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Spend the Summer with YarnCraft

YarnCraft, our radio-style audio-podcast, is changing its format for the summer! Take a few minutes for yourself to enjoy our yarncraftings tips and secrets for 15 minutes every week. We’ll be alternating our regular episodes with a special miniseries, Summer Crafting with Kids, which starts on June 9th. Create a family crafting corner and get…

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What’s Your Favorite Place to Buy Yarn and Why?

We’d love to hear your comments about where you purchase yarn, what’s your favorite place to shop and why.

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