On YarnCraft’s latest episode (Crafting Confessional: Stories, Tips, and Projects from Men Who YarnCraft), we ask the guys what they make, what they’d like others to make for them, and to share their funny and interesting stories (from where they yarncraft to how they got started to their secret yarncrafting behaviors). It’s a great episode…
Read MoreA group of women have been working for 23 years to knit their small town of Mersham, England. The wooly Mersham is a highly accurate scale model, including houses, a cricket match, a red phone booth, chickens, townspeople, and more. Read more about the remarkable knitted village here.
Read MoreJust to recap: last week we cast on for the shrug, knit the yoke, and tried on the shrug to make sure it fits. In today’s post, we will go through some of the possible fit problems that you may have run into while trying on your shrug after last week’s installment. Once we do…
Read MoreBe inspired; inspire others! Share your yarn creations on our community gallery with the hashtag #lionbrandyarn on Instagram, Twitter, or our website.