Studio Snippets: A Bit of Customer Wisdom

Two friends were looking at the new workshop schedule and one pointed out the Gauge class to her friend, commenting that she could use that class.  Her friend said, “Oh a gauge workshop, the class nobody wants to take and everybody should.” Genius.

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Make a Penguin Family!

This is a guest post from our intern Lindsey, whose last post was on the perfect gift idea for a yarncrafter. While checking out various knit and crochet projects, I saw that our adorable amigurumi penguins have company — a realistic, fuzzy baby penguin from Kendralc on Instructables! This baby penguin has Fun Fur to…

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Studio Snippets: Bringing Your Own “Shopping Cart”

You know you’re buying a lot of yarn, when you bring your own cart (or stroller!) and fill it up…

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