Show Your Stuff!

In our Customer Gallery, over 1,700 people have taken pictures of their yarn creations and shared them.  Here is a picture from a customer who tried our Short and Sweet Child’s Cardigan with her comment: “This is the best fitting little cardigan I have ever made. I absolutely love it. Katharina Mills –“ We hope…

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Cable Luxe Tunic Knit-Along: Solving Problems & Making Progress Together

This last week I have learned the true definition of “knit-along.” When I was asked to host this KAL, I thought I would only be showing my progress on making the Cable Luxe Tunic and also give some advice along the way. What I have found, to my surprise, is how we really are doing…

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Cable Luxe Knit-Along: Get Your Badge!

Just a reminder: If you have a blog/website/Ravelry page, add our Cable Luxe Tunic KAL badge to your blog/site/Ravelry page, and show that you’re knitting along! Simply right-click the badge and “Save image as” to save it to your computer — Ctrl+click and “Save image as” on Macs — and then upload it to your…

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