Cable Luxe Knit-Along: Get Your Badge!

Just a reminder: If you have a blog/website/Ravelry page, add our Cable Luxe Tunic KAL badge to your blog/site/Ravelry page, and show that you’re knitting along! Simply right-click the badge and “Save image as” to save it to your computer — Ctrl+click and “Save image as” on Macs — and then upload it to your…

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“This Group is a Lifesaver”

That’s the way the women at the Peitz House cancer support center feel about a different kind of support group.  While a group of about 20 women sit together knitting and crocheting, they relax with the uplifting and kind words of others who share stories and laugh.  At the same time they are making shawls,…

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The Generosity of Yarncrafters

Sunday December 7th was our very first Charity Knitting/Crochet day at the Lion Brand Yarn Studio.  We had a great turn out and everyone had a ball. If you live in the New York area and would like to visit the Studio (34 W. 15th Street New York, NY), it’s not too late to participate. …

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