5 Last Minute Gift Ideas from YarnCraft #30

In Episode 30 of YarnCraft, our audio-podcast, my co-host Liz and I prepare for the holiday season by discussing great last-minute gift ideas. We’re joined by Cat, host of the popular video podcast Let’s Knit2gether, who tells us about how she started podcasting and about her holiday experiences with handmade gifts. To help with holiday…

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Design Your Own Kooky Holiday Sweater

Cozy sweaters are one of the best things about winter. During the holidays, colorful, over-the-top Christmas sweaters are everywhere. This fun website [Flash Player required] lets you “create” wild and wacky holiday sweaters without wasting any yarn. You can even e-mail your finished creation to your friends. Go ahead and make it as crazy or…

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Cable Luxe Tunic Knit-Along: Take It Step by Step

Well, I’m thankful I had two weeks between my first and second post for the Cable Luxe Tunic KAL because life has been full of family, fun, and food this Thanksgiving! Not a lot of time for knitting, but I have actually found working on this sweater enjoyable, since it is done one step at…

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