Tree of Life Knit-Along #5 – Section Repeats

Having completed a full repeat of each of patterns (Twin Trees, Dividing Rows, and Flower Garden), the afghan gets easier and easier. Even though I still had to follow the pattern chart for the Twin Trees, I found that my work pace got really fast, and I didn’t feel like I had to worry or…

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Take YARN Out to the Ballgame

With the 4th of July on the horizon, it seems appropriate to talk about America’s favorite pastime (other than knitting and crochet, of course). Combining two great traditions, the National NeedleArts Association’s Stitch N’ Pitch series is all about taking your knitting, crocheting and other needle arts out to baseball games all around the U.S.…

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The Blogging World

We were recently contacted by a blogger from Spain named Ariel, who authored a post about how to knit (como tejer in Spanish) over 2 years ago. Since he thought our own learn-to-knit instructions were very useful, he linked back to our website as a graphical resource that he found and used for these instructions,…

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