Tree of Life Knit-Along #4 – Flower Garden

I love this pattern, and this project reminded me that I had come across a similar flower stitch in a vintage knitting book from the 1930’s years ago and used it as an accent pattern for a baby sweater. It’s a really great stitch that has a thousand uses. The Flower Garden is one of…

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Loom Knitting–Creating in Double Knit

This is a guest post by Pat Novak of What is Double Knit? And why would we want to loom knit with a Knitting Board? Well, for me, it all started about 10 years ago. I had learned to knit at age 19 working with all size needles and all varieties of yarns. I…

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Sock-Ease – For More than Just Socks

If you’re a yarncrafter and you’re on the internet, you’ve probably noticed that a lot of people like to make socks. And if you listen to our YarnCraft podcast, you’ve heard me talk about socks an awful lot! I mostly taught myself to knit while I was in design school. I wanted to take hand-knitting…

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