Quick Poll: Where Do You Craft?

Home/CrochetingQuick Poll: Where Do You Craft?

Quick Poll: Where Do You Craft?

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We’ve heard great stories about crafting at home and on the go. Where’s your favorite place to knit or crochet?

Personally, I love to craft on the train to and from work. It’s great to be productive during my downtime, and it’s so fun to chat with other knitters and crocheters I meet on the train.

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  • my morning commute (on the train) is my favourite knitting time. I sit next to my husband and crochet or knit uninterrupted for 35 minutes. It also helps to start the day with something I love and with tangible accomplishment.

  • It’s a split for me. I like to craft on the subway also and I get the most accomplished on my 50 minute commute, but I think I enjoy my weekly knit nights at a local coffee shop. Having a tasty beverage and chatting with my friends is the most relaxing use of my free time during the week.

  • I love to knit or crochet anytime I have to wait–at the doctor’s or dentist’s office. Often if my husband and I are driving somewhere, say our 3 hour trek to NJ to visit our son and his family, I crochet or knit almost the entire time, to and from NJ. That gives me 6 hours to knit or crochet, have quality time with my husband, AND enjoy the scenery!

  • I carry a tote bag, instead of a purse, so that I can always have my crochet with me. If I have a few minutes, I do a few stitches; waiting for the bus, waiting on line at the coffee shop, especially when I’m waiting for various oncology appointments. I crochet everywhere & anywhere, as long as my hands are free, they can be crocheting.

  • I’m always torn between knitting and reading. If it’s a long car ride and I have something mindless to knit, then I knit (or crochet). Also if I’m riding with my husband who loves to talk! Otherwise I read…


  • I carry a larger purse, and like to carry a small project with me so I will have something to work on if I have some extra time. I have 1/2 hour for lunch at work, and like to do a few rows of knit/crochet. It’s nice to get your mind concentrating on something else instead of work for a few minutes at least. 🙂

  • I Crochet mostly at home, but I am at home all day, too. I also have some with my all the time and bring it out when I have to wait (doctor, dentist, for my kids or hubby. I can’t just sit and wait, I have to do something with my hands!

  • I crochet at home, in the car, at appointments. I use a tote bag to so I can take it where ever I go with me. Might as well keep busy even if I miss some things….sometimes I just let it fall in my lap and watch the scenery too because I love to see God’s creation.

  • It’s always a toss-up for me between knitting and reading, that is until a co-worker of mine told me that she knits and reads with her nook at the same time. I thought that was a great idea so I do both at my favorite coffee shop whenever I can! No if only I could figure out how to knit and ride my bike at the same time…

  • I used to have a commute, so I knit on the train (when I could get a seat). On nights I was going to knitting groups, I knit on the way there, at the group, and on the way back – awesome! But my all-time favorite place to knit is a coffee shop with an espresso beverage in front of me.

  • I have two favorite places to knit and crochet. The first is at home in my favorite chair while listening to podcasts. The second is on long drives in the car.

  • Where do I craft? Just about anywhere I can! I’m an avid crocheter who cannot sit still for even a minute. So I’m in the car with my lighted hooks, at business meetings, anytime I’m waiting for someone or something I have a hook flying.

    I’ve actually had people ask if I’m feeling ok when they see me without a hook in my hand!

  • I have a pretty large purse AND a tote bag ;)…I also like to crochet anywhere I have a moment, and the room to work, but I try not to when there’s food/drink around because it is guaranteed to find my project 😉

  • I usually crochet in the breakroom at work. I also like to crochet at home on the couch. It is cozy!

  • I usually knit in the evenings while watching TV with my Hubby, but I also take a simple project with me (like a shawl) to the doctor’s office or anyplace I have to wait.

  • I like to knit any place I have a few minutes to sit still. I knit while watching TV or listening to audio books, while riding in the car to visit family 4 hours away, but my favorite place to knit is in the tea shop drinking tea and knitting with my best friend.

  • I usually crochet while watching my favorite shows on television. I have a hard time just doing one thing (especially something as mindless as television) so I enjoy being able to keep my hands busy too… it’s also super warm to have a project on my lap during long Canadian winters 🙂

  • In the new lounge chair in my bedroom. I’ve got yarn, notions, needles, hooks, everything but a toilet.:)

    I usually knit in the chair, and crochet everywhere. But if the knitting’s small, I’ll take it with me.

  • I really like to knit or crochet during all of my hubby’s sports games. GO YANKS! I’m in the room with him (which he loves!) and I am doing something productive and creative (which I love!). It’s a win/win.

  • I will knit just about anywhere but my favorite place is my little nest in our den. I have a favorite chair next to my favourite table and a good bright lamp .the table has a drawer that holds all my little tools and everything is situated for my ease and comfort. My husband and I spend many an evening in that den with our dog Chloe.When I look up I see him sitting to my right and Chloe at my feet and the TV softly playing and all is right in my little world.

  • I will knit or crochet anywhere I have yarn! My favorite place is in my comfy chair in my living room. I also like to play with yarn at work, but don’t tell my boss!

  • Everywhere. I’ve always got a small project in my purse and work on it at work during lunch. I take them on trips. I keep one handy when I have to wait for something or somebody.

  • I like to knit and or crochet while watching TV or listening to the radio, but I also knit/crochet with two groups one at church and one in my neighborhood. Waiting in doctors offices goes much faster when I have a small project along.

  • Anywhere I can get away with it. In my sitting area, at my desk, in the car waiting for kids to get out of school, watching television…

  • I have 3 kids aged 5 and under and we live in Chicago, so winters are tough since we don’t have a backyard to play in. Instead of going absolutely insane during the winter, we spend large amounts of time at the nearby McDonald’s Playland so the kids can play. That is where I did the majority of my knitting last winter. Towards the end of winter I felt like I should post flyers to start the Mickie D’s knitting group because I was always knitting there! lol!

  • I serve as a volunteer driver for The Shepherd’s Center in Northern Virginia. We drive seniors to medical appointments, so I spend lots of time in doctors’ waiting rooms…a great time to knit and crochet.

  • I crochet pretty much anywhere. My favorite is probably with a local group I meet with three times a week. I love chatting with my friends and crocheting away.

  • At home mostly. However 6 hours a week at our local senior citizens center where one has to be 50 or over to belong. We have arount 25 on our class list. It is encouraging to be around so many who have not much experience to those who are experts. When one has a problem someone else can help.

  • I crochet or knit at home, but a lot of times in the car when my husband drives to canadian tire, or that hardware store or lumberyard or whatever. I have a totebag with me and has everything in it.

  • I knit in many different places but this is my favorite unusual one. I like to knit dishcloths while I am working out on my stationary bike. It gives me something to do that takes my mind off the exercising which means I work out longer because I am not getting completely bored.

  • I have some issues with my back, and so when I learned to crochet I learned it in a reclining position in my bed. If I have to do it from a seated position, I am so S L O W.

  • pretty much only at home, since i’m always home.

    i did take my little bag of yarn and a project in the works to Tel Aviv the other day and crocheted in the bar where my daughter works, then at my son’s apartment.

  • I knit and crochet in my monthly stitching group at church, my weekly Crafts Club at work, and most nights when I’m watching TV. In public I craft while waiting for doctor’s appointments and the like. I wish I had the nerve to craft in large meetings and lectures, that’s next! My most unusual place was before a concert at Symphony Hall in Boston.. where the woman next to me struck up a conversation, turns out she’s a spinner! I’m reading the other comments and longing for a coffee shop where I can craft.. that sounds really cozy and social!

  • I crochet at home – in my livingroom, while watching my favorite shows or movies – in the car on long trips – and at church!
    I have started a Monday night crochet/ knit group for our church called “Hooked on Helping” where we create items for our Baby Basket Ministry (baskets of hand created and bought baby items are given to local families with new arrivals 🙂 and will be branching out to create items for the troops, homeless shelters and local nursing homes and hospitals, when we return from summer break.

  • I always have my crochet in the car during trips and in front of the TV watching our favorite shows.

  • I crochet (and recently knit) anytime I have to wait, at my son’s Tae Kwon Do 4 times a week, at baseball 2 to 3 times a week, in the car waiting for alternate side parking in NYC, in the car when I’m not driving, and of course at night when I’m comfy on my couch.

    Andrea aka SpringSplndr on Ravelry

  • My favored place to knit , or crochet is in my stuffed chair in the family room.It is the cosiest place in the house and besides I look aut the window and watch the birds in the backyard.
    However I have always my knitting with me whereever I go. I knit in the car, than I bin this roead so often, I find nothing new to look at. I knit waiting to be seen by a doktor.
    Once a month I go to my church knitting. We do shawls and blankets for anyone that needs one.
    Ingrid Penrose

  • I don’t watch TV but love movies, and I crochet while I’m watching movies – two of my most favorite things to do!

  • Really I love to crochet pretty much anywhere, but home is always best surrounded by all my yarn and notions.

  • I love to crochet at home. I also take my crochet bag with me where ever I go – doctor’s office, long drive, etc.

  • I like to knit and crochet in the evening while I’m watching TV. I turn my lamp on and relax with my project.

  • Anywhere I am. Always have a project in my purse, if not a whole bag of projects…

  • I craft anywhere I can. I have a large purse and always have some knitting with me. I craft on car trips, waiting in doctor or dentist office and in the evenings when I get a chance to watch TV.

  • I have one spot in the corner of my kitchen – right in front of the sliding glass door, with good light at all times. This part of the house is 3 rooms in one (kitchen, dining, living) so I can sit and knit or crochet and the TV can be on for me to glance at when I want….
    I also enjoy taking my projects to my mother’s when I visit and we both work on our own things together. Some projects are easy to take on trips (afghans and socks) while others are too big to take (sweaters).

  • Before and after church services, in meetings, and in the grocery store when I am waiting in line

  • I like to crochet in front of the TV, usually after I lay my daughter down for a nap. It gives me some time for myself and I don’t feel like I’m doing nothing while I’m just sitting and watching the tube.

  • I like to knit/crochet while watching tv and movies at home. At work, during my lunch break or while waiting for the next patient. If I commuted to work, I would do it then too.

  • I like to craft or crochet on my front porch. I love to enjoy the beauty of nature while I crochet.

  • I knit, crochet or needletat in the doctors’ or dentists’ offices, waiting rooms, in the car, in the truck or where ever I have to sit for a while. It is so much more productive than reading magazines!

  • I crochet all the time. I carry something with me everywhere I go. I am a school bus driver and always have a project to work on during my stand-by times. I also sit on the couch and crochet while my husband is watching tv.

  • Once I retired I set aside an hour each afternoon to crochet, which usually lasts much longer and in the evening I crochet while I “listen” to TV. In the milder weather I like to sit outdoors in the evening with my crochet projects.

  • After dinner in my family room, sitting in my rocking reclining love seat. I watch tv at the same time. If I’m working that night it is a calming prep for what could be a sometimes I’ll sit out in the sun room and I would stay there for hours-ah!

  • Almost anywhere- As many have said before, I keep a small project with me at all times. I head up the Prayer Shawl group at our church- so there is always a need for gifting someone with a shawl or a baby Baptism.
    Love your ideas and patterns.

  • I always love to knit 1st thing in the morning, while sipping my 1st cup of coffee, watching & listening to the morning news (on the couch, of course). My head is awake & fresh, so I can begin a new ‘complicated’ pattern if I need to. I will knit later on, after supper, while DH & I watch more tv (gosh). That is, if I’m not emailing or on Ravelry! lol

  • EVERYWHERE!! I have “nests” everywhere in the house. I keep projects in totes to take along in the car (my husband says I don’t help him drive if I am crocheting).At family gatherings, group events, watching TV. If I have to wait at a dr office or the DMV there is a project in my hands.

  • During morning & afternoon cab commute, in front of TV, in cafes, and in bed.

  • I tend to crochet in front of my TV!!

  • I like to crochet in the car line. Since I have to pick kids up at three different schools, it passes the time away and I can be pretty productive. I also like to crochet while I watch t.v.; it helps me relax.

  • well it depends on the craft … I can tat just about any where … I find I am most comfortable crocheting while moving such as in rockers or swings, moving vehicles … I can only knit in a stationary location such as a regular chair, while sitting in bed, etc.
    but I will take my crafting (knit & crochet) if I have to wait for more than 30 minutes just to keep my hands busy … last time I was at the dentist I told the tech that they need to invent a way to work on my teeth so I can still see my crocheting 🙂

  • I love to knit on my communte to work in the mornings, during doctor’s appointment and with friends at local coffee shops.

  • Just about anyplace I can take my crochet. I’ve crocheted at the hospital, in the car, at the nursing home, at work. Someone always finds it interesting and will ask me about it.

  • Usually at home while I watch TV with my hubby and sometimes when visiting family.
    If I’m going to be out and about, and I have a portable project, I will often bring it if I think I might have hand-boredom later in the day.

  • I hate being idle, so I usually have a project jammed in my purse or tote. Waiting for daughter after school is a prime crochet/knit time. Seem to get a lot accomplished during what would be dead time. Also dr appts, breaks @ work, you name it, I’ve got a hook or needles in my hands! Every night, I pile up w/my dogs (who love when I have yarn in hand) & listen to a little tv while making something cool!

  • I like to crochet or knit anytime I have a wait…doctor’s office, etc., or at lunch time. But, my favorite time to knit and crochet is on Sunday afternoons after church service. That is my relaxation time. I knit and crochet as many hours as I can then…usually several.

  • I crochet just about anywhere and anytime. I drive school bus and have a lot of downtime on trips. Best time to crochet, very quiet and interruption free!

  • I knit anywhere and everywhere I can!

  • i have a little spot set up in my room, some pillows and my yarn in a bucket 😀

  • I keep different projects going and they are tucked inside my purse or bingo bag or market bag and also in the house where I can pull out the project and keep busy while usually in a line waiting…. At the moment I have started baby mittens and hat ect for a baby coming and I do mittens and hats for the winter for the kids who need them ect…. Why is it I never seem to make ME anything???

  • I crochet (and knit alittle) mostly at home. I am a stay at home mom so I always have it handy. I do take it with me if hubby is driving 🙂

  • I walk to work these days, which while healthier has seriously eaten into my knitting time!

    I knit and crochet now on my sofa with all the bits I need immediately at hand.

  • Everywhere. I knit and crochet at home, in the car, in the movie theater. I make prayer shawls during church services. I’m a much happier person when my hands are busy, so I’m never without a project. I’ve found that knitting in the movie theater is an excellent way to enjoy scary movies with my husband. I don’t have to look at my work, but it’s a good excuse when I don’t want to look at the screen, lol!

  • I have a young child, so my bag is usually too full for current knitting and crochet projects. I usually work on projects when the little one is asleep while watching TV on the couch or in my craft room.

  • I allways crochet at my desk in my room, in front of the computer, listening to spotify. That’s how I really relax. 🙂

  • I knit at red lights on my commute home; I knit at the park on my lunch hour;I knit with the group who gathers at my local yarn shop on Thursday nights; I knit while standing in line; I knit at home while listening to TV; you get the idea….LOL

  • I crochet and knit mostly at home but I always have a small take-along project with me no matter where I am.

  • I knit, crochet and craft in my living room and while I am being chauferred in car as my daughter states she is ‘driving Miss Daisy” (although much younger).

  • I knit while waiting at my daughters’ soccer practice. This is 31/2 hours a week. Yeah

  • I usually sit in my recliner and crochet and unwind… I also take it with me if I go to the Drs office etc….I make hats and donate to a local Childrens Hospital

  • I love to end a hectic day of chasing after my four kids by sitting on the couch next to my hubby mindlessly knitting away while we watch TV. If I’m into a great project that takes a bit more attention then I like to sit on my back patio with my knitting bag next to me….. :c)

  • I knit anywhere and anytime I can!

  • I knit & crochet while traveliveling by car with my husband, then after dinner on the sofa while watching tv o listening to music. I like to knit at the park when we bring our dogs on Sundays.
    I also have little projects for the waiting time (doctor, dentist and so on).
    I knit on the phone with my mother, I live in Germany and she’s in Italy, long calls, belive me, knitting helps a lot!

  • I can ditto most of the comments. I Knit everywhere. I cannot just sit and do nothing.

  • I almost wish I commuted on a train or bus so I could have quiet knit/crochet time. Instead, as a SAHM I crochet (Knitting is too dangerous around an active toddler. I just know he’ll make me drop my stitches. What a hassle.) wherever I can. In my recliner, in bed before turning out the light, on the patio chair while said toddler runs around outside, or in the passenger seat while hubby drives us around for our errands.

  • I craft mostly on my couch, take it with me, but my favorite place is on my deck under a deck umbrella !

  • I love to crochet everywhere. Since I am a stay-at-home mom I can crochet anytime I want to. I usually sit in my recliner and crochet away. However, I have been known to take my work outside on the porch, to a blanket in the yard, in the gazebo, to my mom’s (who also crochets), my dads, Dr.’s appts for my husband and 4 kids. I always have people ask me what I am working on and they request I bring in finished projects so they can see my work. (I have gotten many commissions this way).

  • I crochet in the evenings while watching TV on the sofa with my husband. It does help me transition from work to rest time at home. Also long car rides. I used to crochet at the playground with my son, but my hands are filled with baby #2 now. Perhaps when she is playing on her own, I’ll get to use that time again as well.

  • I knit anywhere I can. There’s always a sock in a bag with me – in my purse or tote bag or back pack. More complex and bulkier projects stay near my chair at home. Why wsste a minute??!!

  • My all time favorite spot to do crochet is in the comfort of my own room.. 🙂 i crochet on weekend or holidays only. On workdays i usually browse for patterns 🙂

  • I knit just about anywhere… on “my” couch, every Monday at craft group (in case I’m not interested in that week’s craft), in the truck when we travel, and I’ll even bring my knitting bag with when we go to military events (hubby is in the Navy). I WILL GO THROUGH WITHDRAWALS IF I CAN’T KNIT! lol

  • Every day (workday) on the subway–Usually just on the way home–but sometimes in the AM too.

    At home–while watching TV.

    At work–when things are slow (my boss is a knitter too, and its OK!)

    With my peeps–Sundays at Panara’s (West Babylon, LI) Tueday with LIC Knits (a yahoo & Ravelry group as well as a Real Life one!)
    So: at home, at work, on my commute between the 2, with friends, and when home alone!

  • Usually in my bed…space is rather limited at this time in my house and with cats, it is diffcult to leave projects unprotected…

  • Ouch…..typo above! That’s “why WASTE a minute?” Why indeed!

    geminiknitter on ravelry

  • I ALWAYS knit in the evening while watching my favourite TV programs. There is a certain amount of guilt attached to just sitting, so if I knit I’m able to justify the time. Of course I must also be in my PJ’s with a hot cup of tea at my side. Then there’s my 3 orange and white buddies, Niles, Newton and Abbott. A Jackauaua and 2 Tabby cats. They curl up in their beds to watch over and keep me company. It’s a lovely way to spend my evenings:)

  • I take my Knitting with me Fishing

  • I knit everywhere!
    During chemotherapy
    Waiting for doctors
    While my husband fishes
    in the golf cart while my husband golfs
    at the baseball game

  • I crochet in the living room in front of the TV

  • while watching/listening to tv and movies, at work when the break is too long or i am nearly finished with a project, knitting and crocheting projects are always with me, kind of like a security blanket

  • Anywhere I think I can without my toddlers and infant getting a hold of my yarn. 🙂 Seriously though, it’s usually in my spot on our couch, with the kids playing on the floor in front of the TV or in the waiting room of my OB’s office, where I spend a lot of time. 🙂

  • I love to knit everywhere. My knitting guild meets twice a month at the local mall to knit in public and raise public awareness of our guild and knitting. We also meet twice a month at a local church to do charity knitting.

  • I crochet mostly at home, but if I know I am going to be gone for a long period of time, I will take it with me and work on it there also.

  • I will crochet anywhere, anytime I find myself sitting and waiting… I will crochet in meetings, on buses, in front of the TV after dinner, on the porch in the afternoons and evenings.

  • I love to crochet when I’m at my boyfriend’s house. He loves spending time together, but I don’t always love when he decides to play video games, so I have all the yarn and needles for one blanket I’m working on at his house so he can play his games, I can make progress on the blanket, and we can enjoy each others company at the same time 🙂

  • I started knitting to make better use of the time I spent sitting at my daughter’s dance class. I’m still at it 3 1/2 years later. I also knit throughout the day, in between chores and tasks that are less fun.

  • My all-time favorite place to crochet is in my living room. If my family is around, the TV or stereo might be on. Otherwise, I enjoy our parakeet’s songs.

    I also bring crochet projects to the dance studio while my daughter takes her class. Might as well be productive during that hour!

  • I like to knit while riding the city bus or commuter train and while waiting in doctor’s offices.

  • I knit and crochet, and love to sit and watch TV while doing either. I also have done both while riding in the car on long trips. Going to take projects with me this weekend while camping.

  • On the couch in te living room, I have taken over the big loveseat. There is yarn, hooks, measuring tape, everything on one cushion and I am on the other.

  • Mostly at church meetings. I start out the first few rows worth at home so I can memorize the repeat pattern. I intentionally pick patterns with easy repeats so I don’t have to think much about what I’m doing. So I make a lot of blankets, scarves, washcloths and towels LOL. I tend to retain what I hear a little better if I keep my hands busy, as well, so it’s a win-win-win.

  • My favorite place to crochet is in the living room on the couch while watching TV.

  • A better question would be where DON’T you knit or crochet. I almost always have a project with me. I’ve even pulled it out when sitting in my car waiting for a train to pass. I watch tv on Hulu and I’m always working on a project while I watch tv. Keeps my hands busy so I’m not snacking!

  • i knit or crochet (i do both) anywhere i can. sometimes in front of the TV in the evenings, or in the car while waiting to pick up a child from school, or in the doctor’s office while waiting, or during the sunday morning message at church. i always carry something with me that i’m working on to pass time. its a great stress reliever.

  • In my living room in front of the TV; in my car while my husband is driving; in my car while I’m waiting for my son to come out of school; in the waiting area of my son’s piano class; in doctors’ waiting rooms; in the doctor’s office while waiting to see the doctor; in the hospital while waiting for sedation to kick in and wear off (and I didn’t even make any mistakes); in my back yard, park or beach; WW meetings…Where DON’T I crochet?

  • I keep a project going next to the computer so I have something to do while pages load. Then I keep a simple project in my (slightly too big) purse to work on any time a have a few minutes to spare; in a waiting room or sometimes while I’m driving and waiting at a long red light.

  • I crochet in the car while waiting for my kids to get out of school. I crochet in the living room while watching television with my husband, and when fall sports practices start, you can catch me with a hook in my hand watching practice!

  • Anywhere I can! On Wednesday nights, our local Starbucks lets us hang out there (about 20 of us) from 6 to close, but other than that I have no set time or place. Just whenever my hands are free: doc office, watching tv, little league games…

  • ANYWHERE!!!! Actually, my favorite place to crochet is in the lobby of my office! People always ask what I am making…I hope to start a lunchtime stitch & bitch there!

  • I crochet just about anywhere. Home, office appointments, you name it. Having a bag to carry around has worked great to keep me busy. Knitting is something I just started so it’s still a learning at home activity.

  • At home, in the backyard, in waiting rooms (doctors, etc), in passenger seat of car on trips and outings, in the car while waiting to pick my child from school, church, parks, other people’s houses, etc.

  • I have a chair in the living room that is MY chair… the other two people in the house know that if I come along and they’re sitting in it, it’s time for them to move. I have a Nantucket Bag with most of my needles in it and whatever projects I’m working on, and usually keep it next to that chair.

    When I take my little girl to the playground I take my knitting along. If we go out shopping on the weekend I take my knitting along. If nothing else, I’m not driving and I can knit on the way to wherever. If we go to a restaurant and we’re waiting for our order, I can knit then too.

  • I bring my crocheting & knitting to work everyday. I am a parkade attendant, so it really helps to pass the time.

  • I usually knit or crochet in my den with the TV on. Since crocheting doesn’t require much room, I have packed it on many trips. I’ve met many crafters on cruise ships while crocheting on deck.

  • I both knit and crochet – I knit right handed so I can, and have, taught others. But I crochet left handed, so that limits whether I can teach anyone to crochet. I enjoy easy projects to work on while I watch TV. At least I can accomplish something instead of just sitting there mindlessly. And the idea of a “stitch & bitch” sounds fantastic!!

  • I have knit and crocheted all my life – and now that I am working my way through chemotherapy and the subsequent fatigue – I have really made my own space on the loveseat in the living room, where I can put my feet up and do either ( or both) – lets me spend the time creatively and is an excuse to watch some TV – since I’m also making lovely creations too!

  • I’m most often on the couch, watching TV while knitting. But my favorite place is on a plane. It passes the time beautifully and doesn’t require much space in your carry-on.

  • I drive 30 miles everyday so my son can go to a certain school. I always go to the local library and stay there until he gets out. That’s where I like to crochet! Sometimes I will sit in my van and pop in a dvd and crochet while at the library or go inside. Depends on the weather!

  • I do a lot of “waiting” knitting and tatting. Because I have MS I do a lot of waiting in the car while my husband does the quick errands for us (5 minutes in this store, 10 in that store, etc.) I knitted a sweater watching my son’s football practices, socks waiting for doctor and dentist appointments, tatted bookmarks while riding in the car on long trips. And of course while just being home!

  • I bring my crochet bag with me everywhere I’ll have to sit and wait…waiting for my daughter to get out of school, appointments, when my daughter is playing in the playground or backyard. I also like to crochet while I’m watching TV.

  • Anyplace reading is not an option … e.g., meetings where people love to hear themselves talk.

  • I knit in the car on long journeys. It keeps my eyes off the speedometer. (Hubby drives fast.)

  • My favorite place is the park. I love to bring a quilt to sit on. Then knit away while listening to the birds and children play. My most common place is on the sofa while watching tv or movies with the family. However I also bring along my knitting to all of my childrens sporting events.

  • I love to knit in my room while I read a good book or while watching TV. I like to do this because then I have something to show once the book or TV show is done.

  • I crochet mainly on my couch in the livingroom while watching TV….sometimes I get so wrapped up in the project that I tune out the TV but it serves as background. This way I can watch reruns and they seem like new shows. Ha! Used to crochet on train to work but am retired now. Always have a ‘travel’ project that I can take to airport and on plane for vacation. I am ‘hooked’ on crocheting.

  • Where ever I can.
    Big projects at home, but I have small projects (socks or hats) that travel well so I tend to take something with me when I go places.
    I’ve only had a problem with knitting in meetings once, where someone got miffed and thought I wasn’t paying attention (told my boss who told me I couldn’t anymore). Thing is rote stuff like just knitting a round (sock foot or cuff) keep my mind grounded so I can pay more attention to the meeting.

  • Well my husband and I drive a truck cross country. When I am not driving or sleeping (since I drive too)and its daytime, I am either crocheting or knitting. I love to do both so I try to take turns between.

  • At my weekly group, at work (I work the front dest at a hotel, so there are hours of extreme bordom to pass), in the car waiting for my son to get out of school, and at home. So really just about anywhere I can squeeze in some hook time.

  • I like to crochet on the back deck in the morning, at work on my lunch break, on the couch Sunday nigths with a stack of movies to watch.

  • Anywhere that I can. I’ve usually got two projects on the go – I keep to that number otherwise it all gets out of control. I’ll crochet in the car, on planes,doctors’ waiting rooms, concerts – it’s such a relaxing occupation.

    My 9 year old grandson is learning to knit and crochet and intends to take his crochet work on the plane crossing the Atlantic to visit me in the next few weeks, That will be keeping up the family tradition!

  • I crochet, On vacation, in a hotel, at the park watching grandchildren play, in a car, on a plane, inside in a soft chair, outside on patio, at work on break, in a waiting area, and pretty much every where except the bathroom, my yarn and crochet hook is always packed ready to go on any adventure I take it on.

  • Really depends on the time of day, i could be crocheting by the computer, in my favorite chair, or on the couch with the kids. 🙂

  • I keep a simple project with me at all times, usually a dishcloth. I can occupy myself with this project on the train/bus, in waiting rooms and maybe during a break or two at work. I keep the lace and counting projects for at home knitting or long drives with the hubs.

  • At home, in the car (for short periods – it makes me carsick if I do it for any length of time. Also I tend to be the driver, so this is more difficult), at my weekly knitting circle, at parties, at work on my lunch break… if I have an easy project like a dishcloth or scarf, I will sometimes work on it while waiting in lines, or even do a few stitches at stop lights if the mood strikes.

  • I craft anywhere the mood strikes, if I have my things with me. I love crafting at home, but I’ve been known to knit at work, at bazaars, and have even taken my knitting with me visiting friends houses. If the weather is perfect, I’ll even take my knitting outside with me and sit on my patio.

  • I like to crochet in my sewwing room.
    I sit on my daybed with my doggie (Maggie) and crochet while she takes a nap in my lap.

  • I use any time I have to wait in a waiting room for an appointment-I call that time “Uninterrupted Work Time”. I knit at the movies. Some of my friends and I make it a challenge to knit or crochet or needle felt everywhere. I needle felt at the museum while I ponder the exhibits. I love to knit on transit. Our knitter circle enjoys theme work too. Like when the Harry Potter Movies come to the theatre we knit during the movie and use Harry Potter Themed Patterns in our creations. Now I have myself a little wrist bag and I will be knitting and walking to train for the Walk For Women’s Cancer in Toronto in September. Watch for me around Toronto in my pink shirt and knitting!

  • I like to knit or crochet after my 2 y/o goes to sleep. After she goes to bed, its mommy’s relaxing time. So, I usually pop in a movie or find something good on tv and knit or crochet on the couch. 😀

  • I knit and crochet, but I love crochet the best. I have 5 children so whenever I get a free moment is a good time to crochet!

    I even crochet at red lights. 😉

  • I crochet anywhere I can,
    on car journeys, in doctors waiting room,
    anywhere I can sit and crochet I do.

  • I crochet at home, while waiting at appointments, and I even take it with me on vacation in the states.

  • I knit and crochet in the RV all across the country. Hubby says the faster he drives, the faster I stitch… and of course there is the Doctor’s office, the truck, the car, the living room in front of the TV and anywhere else I can sneak in a few stitches! Yarn is always with me….

  • I love to do yarn work at night while watching TV with my husband. It makes me feel good to be accomplishing something while I veg in front of the TV. Also good for long car trips.

  • i crochet on the couch beside my husband in the eve’s while he watches his science shows. it keeps us in the same room but i dont have to totally pay attention to his shows!

  • I like to crochet and knit whenever I get the chance. More than not I am at home, but if I am out and have a long wait then I will pull out a small project. I’ve done it in class while watching a movie.

  • Mostly, I knit on my couch in the living room while watching a movie/TV show on DVD. Occasionally I take my knitting to class (it depends on what is occurring in class and how lenient the teacher is). And also to the library on study days for study breaks.

    I almost always have a project in my bag when I leave the house, so knitting in the car on long trips happens. I’ve been known to sit in our Books-a-Million and knit while my fiancee looked around at books. As much as I love books and browsing, sometimes knitting wins my attention more.

    I cannot wait to finish school and us get our own house. I hope to have an extra room and turn it into a crafting room, full of yarn and fabric and anything else that catches my fancy.

  • I am like many of the others listed here…I find that I enjoy crocheting about any time! In the car on a long (3 hour or more)drive to visit family, sitting on the couch next to my hubby while we watch our favorite shows, or waiting in the dr’s office. I find it’s also a good deterrent from mindless snacking! LOL 😀 If I read I can still snack, if I crochet I have to have my hands busy and concentrate on my stitches!

  • I have a short attention span for most things, an a passion for all things crafting, but I’ve been crocheting since I was 8, so by far that’s the longest, and most long-lived, of my crafting abilities. I mostly work on projects at home (usually on the couch because I have the most room there), but if I know I’m going to be out somewhere and waiting for a long time, I’ll take a crochet project with me and work on it. People often look at me confused (mostly I take Granny Square projects) because I don’t always look at my work when I’m working, and they don’t understand how I can get anything accomplished that way. lol

  • I bought a big hobo bag so I can carry my knitting or crochet with me everywhere I go. My husband and I live way out in the country so it’s always a long car ride to anywhere we need to go. I love working on a project while listening to him talk. He gets irritated when I pull out what I’m working on while we wait for movies to start at the theater. Anytime I have to sit and wait quietly I pull out a project.

  • Usually in front of the TV in the evenings. But smaller projects, anywhere (especially in the car on a trip).

  • I knit almost everyday, usually while my 2 year old is wrecking the house. I usually have deadlines for my work, so it has to get done. Also, we visit my in-laws every weekend and I get bored to death there, so I try to remember to bring whatever I am working on.

  • I knit wherever & whenever I can. I’ve knit in bars, on trains, at rock concerts, at knitting stores, in a parade, even right before my wedding! My favorite places are at home and at my LYS.

  • I knit and crochet anywhere I can! I do so while watching TV, riding in a car sitting outside or riding the bus.

  • I knit every place I go Doctors offices, in the car (husband is the driver) standing in line, even on walks I`m knitting. I also knit at home mostly in my bedroom, but I have knit while soaking in the bath tub, what can I say some people read in the tub I knit

  • ANYWHERE I can!!! You can find me at the doctor’s office to the airport with a crochet needle and some yarn! I never leave home without it!!!!

  • Sometimes I crochet in my livingroom or sitting on my porch swing on nice days. Many times I crochet in our pick up while waiting for my husband to come out of the casino ! Hospitals and DR. offices are good places too. I taught my son to crochet too and we have had many bonding hours in my living room crocheting and creating.

  • Gosh I knit at my Doctors Office when I go,car trips, Living room when it is family TV time, I knit at my friends house when we meet up, I knit camping out( thats way fun), I knit all over the place lol.I even took my knitting with me to my sleep study and I knitted about an hour before going to sleep lol.

  • In front of the TV, mostly. Keeps me from snacking too much. Also in the car on long trips. Back when I had a public-transit commute, I’d knit on the bus or train, but now that I have an 8-minute walk to work, there’s no time for that! I’ve also been known to knit while walking …

  • I knit or crochet anytime I have to wait or ride in the car (even if it is 10 minutes away!) plus I knit or crochet when watching TV or relaxing in the evening.

  • I knit or crochet during church services, committee meetings or while enjoying a coffee at the coffee shop. The activities helps me focus or just to free my mind from outside distractions and toughts.

  • Well I crochet everywhere. But favorite is when the weather is nice and I can crochet while my kids play in the backyard!

  • I knit, embroider and bead on my couch watching TV with my hubby. But I also take my knitting or embroidery with me to my two Book Clubs and get a lot done while talking about books!

  • In the car after walking the dogs, I keep a project or three with me for those small moments when I am waiting. It kept me very calm the day the dentist ran late……

  • We have a crocheting group at the local library – and of course I crochet at home while watching tv.

  • Finding time to crochet can be challenging while running a full-time online business and raising 3 children. I try to use up any extra time I can get my hands on!

    I look forward to doctor’s appointments and other waiting times just so I can crochet! I also sneak in a bit of stitching when attending any of my kid’s hockey games or watching them play outside. During the warmer months, I may bring something to sit on and stitch while waiting for the school bus to arrive and if there is any energy left in me by the end of the day, I love to curl up on the couch with my hook and yarn with the television on.

  • I crochet in my upstairs “project room” usually in the afternoon. I listen to books on CD while I crochet. I call this my “Books and Hooks” time. My favorite time of the day.

  • To Wanda (comment 121) – have the student sit in front of you and do exactly what *they* see. I suspect it will be easier for them to understand it that way than to try and mirror image it in their heads before execution.

  • I love to crochet r knit when watching TV r at a dctors office waiting to be seen, really just abut any place when I have free time or I am wating fr something or someone.

  • Anywhere and everywhere!! When I went to school I would bring my projects to class. Now I do a lot of crocheting/knitting at home and during church. I bring my projects practically everywhere with me and work on them when I have down time ^_^

  • On the sofa while watching television.
    At the orthodontist’s office while waiting for my children to get their braces checked.
    In the truck on a trip.
    In a lawn chair while my husband fishes.
    Those are my top four favorite places to crochet.

  • I knit in the car, on the plane, by the pool, on the couch, or in bed. I also take my knitting bag with me when I visit the Dr. and other appointments in case I have waiting time. As a mother of two young kids, I try to squeeze it in when ever I can 😉

  • I crochet while waiting for the bus, while watching baseball (both little league and major league), while sitting the car as a passenger for any length of time, while waiting at the doctor’s office. Basically, anywhere I can.

  • I do my crocheting and knitting while watching television and that is the only place that I do it. I can remember attending town meetings in New Hampshire, and many of the participants would knit throughout the meeting.

  • I usually do all my crafting at home but I also take them on vacation, camping, while waiting at doctors offices, anywhere when there is extra time. I have numerous things started and each one is in its own tote bag so depending on where I am going will decide which tote bag I will grab to take with me. I find it relaxing, and very satisfying.

  • I like to knit or crochet while i am watching tv, i also take it with me if my hubby goes fishing so he can enjoy fishing while i enjoy crafting.

  • I knit wherever I find a spare moment. At home. In the car (if I’m not driving). Waiting for my order in a restaurant. Waiting in lines. Waiting at airports. Waiting at the doctor’s office. I always have a project in my purse. The larger projects are at home by my chair.

  • I crochet practically anywhere: in planes, trains, automobiles, on vacation, or waiting in doctor’s offices. Especially on the bus or train, it’s a real conversation piece. I usually find people staring while I work and when they ask, “What are you knitting?” I tell them I’m CROCHETING a sweater, scarf, doily, whatever. If it’s portable, I’m taking it with me… I rarely leave home without a project!

  • I crochet and knit everywhere. Usually, I keep a small motif project in my bag to pull out whenever the mood strikes me. It is a great time filler while waiting for food in a restaurant, standing in line, and when my mind strays in an educational program keeping my hands busy helps to increase my focus.

  • I crochet a lot at home, but love Monday nights, because I get to meet with a bunch of AWESOME ladies at the local public library and we all catch up on each other’s stories from the weeks. We are the Knifty Neddlers 🙂

  • I crochet or knit just about anywhere. Inside, outside, in a chair, standing up, in meetings, in classes, in bed, in the car, at the kids games, while watching tv. I love to sit in my rocker whether it be inside or outside and crochet or knit. I will walk around with a project going in my hands.

  • I crochet every place I am able to take my crochet bag along with me! When I have to wait, or I need to relax, I don’t like to sit completely idle with nothing meaningful in my hands to create, or to read or think about, or to study in nature. Time is too precious and there’s too much fun to be had to just sit and not create. Life is especially good when your hands are crafting for the joy and comfort of someone else ~ making them feel that they matter in this life. It is a special feeling to know that someone else thought of you with every stitch they created?

  • Everywhere! I take projects baby afghan size or smaller or parts of projects with me always. I’m almost always asked what I’m making either knitting or crocheting. I’ll also work on projects while watching something, take them outside, to the pool (great for those 10-15 minute breaks), and if I’m really desprate for my children to leave me alone in bed.

  • I love to crochet at home during mine & hubby’s 30 minutes of downtime, but better than that is on roadtrips!! He drives & I crochet! It is wonderfully satisfying to get so much done!

  • My knitting and crocheting go everywhere. In the car, at home, on the bus, at church meetings, at the library where I wait for the computer to load up or download files. If there is a place for waiting the work comes out.

  • I knit while my husband is driving. Also, while watching tv.

  • I always have a basket with my knitting handy. For years, while my girls were in school, I took it along to basketball games,swim and track meets, and waiting in school parking lots until the bus from away games arrived. I take it to auctions, and knit steadily until The item I’m interested in comes up for bid; why waste a moment? I can finish a sock or even a pair at a day-long country auction. My husband’s truck broke down on a short trip one time; we ended up spending an hour in a repair station until a loaner vehicle could be arranged – thank goodness I had my knitting basket!!

  • I knit and/or crochet with a group of friends, “stitch and bitch” who come together weekly at a local coffee shop. We have the best time talking, knitting and helping each other with various projects. I’ve learned a lot from them. I also knit or crochet waiting in Dr.’s offices and when it is my husband’s turn to drive on long drives as well as while watching my favorite TV series a couple of nights a week.

  • I knit whenever and wherever I can! Commuting to/from work, lunch and break times, at home while watching TV or movies and try to do a 1/2 before bed to relax me.

  • At night when everyone is watching TV and when I have to go for an appointment that will require waiting time.

  • I crochet in the car, in front of TV, @ meetings — will be doing so at our Synod Assembly here in a few weeks…..outside on the deck…

  • I work 24 hour shifts as a nurse on a Medevac helicopter. When we aren’t flying and have some downtime, I take out my crochet! I always have a project that I am working on in the car.

  • I like to crochet on my couch, watching TV. My favorite show is Gilmore Girls, even if I’m only watching reruns!

  • I can crochet in a car, I can crochet at a bar. I crochet sitting by the pool, I crochet waiting at the school. Crochet goes with me to the doc, crochet goes with me ’round the clock. I crochet everywhere I am, I love these little threads of lamb.

  • I knit whenever and wherever I can: in the car travelling, on the couch watching TV or talking to friends or hubby, waiting for doctors, sometimes at business meetings, anywhere I need to keep my hands busy and feel productive. Have begun knitting for charities with ladies at church, too. It helps me relax.

  • I love reading all the comments about where people knit & crochet. My passion is knitting, whether at the car wash waiting for my car, the Dr’s office, in front of the TV, anytime I’m riding in the car. I have 4 projects in the making and will probably finish them all within the year (unless I add a few more!)

  • Our group meets at Starbucks weekly. Getting out of the house to knit/crochet with friends and coffee is my weekly welcomed retreat.

  • In the car when my husband is driving; while watching TV anytime; while waiting any where I am required to wait

  • I knit big projects at home on the couch in front of the TV, but I usually have a ‘carryalong’ project of sox or a scarf to go with me anywhere I might have to wait or just sit for awhile.

  • I love to knit at Panera’s with my knitting friends every Sunday afternoon. It’s our reward for making it through another busy week.

  • I have one end of my family room set up with my sewing machines and knitting machines. When hand knitting or crocheting I am usually in the living room in my lazy boy watching tv. My favorite place to knit or crochet is while sitting in front of the camp fire while camping.

  • Recliner, in front of TV, evenings.

  • I love to knit everywhere and anywhere. People who tell me that they just don’t have the time slay me. I knit waiting to pick up my kids from school, during swimming lessons (the kids are in the pool not me :)), during tv shows, inline at the grocery store, on the bus, generally anywhere where I am waiting. I think it is pure therapy, as there is nothing more wonderful when you realize that your time wasn’t wasted, you have a new sweater, a new scarf, or a gift for a friend!

  • EVERYWHERE!!!! I crochet in the car (when my older son is driving), at the doctor’s office, at work during my lunch hour, at home any chance I get! lol

  • I knit while watching TV on my computer. We’re expecting our first in October, so I have a couple blankets and several little projects going right now! I tend to knit the way I read… a few in progress at once.

  • One of my favorite things about crochet is it’s portability ~ I take it anywhere I’ll be sitting for a while with nothing in particular to do. It’s a great activity for at home movie watching!

  • I knit while sitting in my favorite chair watching TV or listening to music. I also knit at my local yarn shop, Cottage Knits, and I try to take my knitting with me whenever I know I will have some wait time and can work on my projects. I love knitting and I love the responses and comments I get from people who see me knitting! 🙂

  • I see, I’m not the only one who knits and crocheted in the car. Naturally, that’s my husband who drives. But I do it even when I see the television.

  • I love to knit mostly at home but also in the car on long trips, sometimes in waiting rooms for appointments.

  • Any where I can sit and in meetings of all kinds. I do not crochet in church service or Bible study. I have taken it there and crochet at the coffee cafe at the church. I did crochet in the college class room while others took a smoke break.

  • Since we are retired, most of my crocheting and knitting is done at home in my favorite recliner. I also take a small tote with me when we go anywhere. One of my daughters lives about 40 minutes away, so that’s a good time to get a few rows done. On Wed. evening I go to our church group- I-M-Hooked! We just finished up the year. We made baby blankets and newborn hats for the local pregnancy center.

  • Everywhere! I like to crochet while I’m listening to the TV or music, on the couch. I also like to take it outside on the porch with a cold beer in the summer. At the coffee shop, in the car, waiting rooms, the library… the list goes on. 🙂

  • Usually at home, always take a project when I go on a trip and if I’m going somewhere I know I’m going to have to sit and wait for more than 15 minutes.

  • Most often I knit in the same spot ~ on the couch in front of the TV set which is under the hanging lamp so I get the best light in the room.

    I also make it a point to take along my knitting when I go to the Drs’ office. Seems like I am always sitting & waiting in the lobby for what seems like forever…so as long as I have my knitting with me, I’m almost as comfortable & entertained as if I was home on the couch! 🙂

  • I knit at home, at my daughter’s dance practice, or anywhere I have to wait.

  • I mainly crochet at home in my living room.But anywhere.When my mom was in the hospital I took my crochet to the room.I was crocheting a dress for my granddaughter.Sometimes I even crochet on my breaks but I had to stop because coworkers loved to touch my work.Not good if you are making a baby blanket.I also crochet in the car and at Doctor appointments.

  • I either knit at work on my lunch hour or on my balcony in the evening so my kitten doesn’t try to help me 🙂 Of course, the balcony has to wait for warmer weather.

  • I usually knit or crochet in my recliner at home. my chair is surrounded by yarn and projects-to-be-done. I also have a “mindless” project going that I don’t need to have finished right away that I can take with me when I go to the doctor, or other appointments, because I can’t sit still. This way I don’t annoy other people with my fidgeting…LOL!

  • I crochet and knit everywhere… home, work at lunch time, in the car, at meetings, during intermission at the high school musical and plays, while fishing with the husband, just everywhere!!!

  • I like to crochet at church (prayer shawls), at home in front of the television, and in the car (but not while I am driving).

  • My favorite place to knit or crochet is in a quiet corner somewhere. Preferably where there is not a television. When I get home from work, I need some quiet time, so I find my spot and work for about 1/2 hour. After all my chores are done, I sit again with a cup of chamomile tea and my latest project and relax for a bit. That is my reward for a hectic day.

  • I crochet in my home in the living room. I just finished a bolero. I crochet in the evenings because I forget to take my project with me to when I go to appoinmtents. Any ideas for projects I am an intermmidate beginner on crocheting. I made a shawl in just two days which is a first for me.

  • I knit in the family room, dining room, bedroom, living room; in the car; at the baseball diamond when my kids are playing; in the doctor’s office; just about anywhere, especially if I have to wait. About the only place I DON’T knit is in my craft room!

  • I like to knit on Monday nights at the Imagiknit Shop in Hastings, Nebraska. Being new at knitting, if I make a mistake then someone can help me. I crochet at home in my chair watching tv. My husband died last year, so I cannot crochet or knit in the car anymore. That used to be my favorite place.

  • I knit backstage, while waiting to go on. Sometimes I knit mittens for poor young actors with freezing hands. I’ve even knitted onstage (Turning the Heel) and on-camera (Sentinal’s Flight). While substitute teaching while the students read quietly, take tests, or have study hall. I’m approachable, but not in their face. High school and middle school students seem to like that I knit. Some have even asked if I’ll teach them. While sitting by hospital bedsides is probably my least favorite, but it soothes me and passes the time.

  • I usually Knit at school, when I have free time. However, I’m starting a Knit/ Crochet club at school. That will probably be my favorite place to Knit. It’s fun to sit around and talk about Knitting while you’re Knitting.

  • I crochet while waiting to have my truck tuned-up or oil changed, also at the doctors office, usually get a small project finished, always carry my little baggie with hook and yarn in my purse.

  • I watch golf on the weekend. Both on the computer and TV. I have knit many, many prayer shawls, afghans for Warm Up America, and now I am doing the red scarves for Red Heart Women. I rationalize that I am not wasting time by watching tv if I knit up a storm.

  • I have knitted in many places, including drs waiting rooms, soccer, basketball, baseball games, pom pon competitions, dance classes & recitals; I knit when in the car when anyone else is driving, but not when I drive.
    The most unusal place I have knitted is while walking – I can knit dish clothes as I walk, I just stick the ball of yarn in a pocket.

    for those who also love reading, and want to enjoy both at once – put books on your iPod- 2 enjoyments at once!

  • I drive a school bus and when I am waiting for school to be over I Knit or Crochet.

  • I cannot watch tv without crocheting. I get lots of projects done every week. Plus, I get an hour for lunch and it takes less than 30 minutes to eat, so I sit in the lunchroom crocheting something.

  • While riding in the car, waiting in the drs office, where ever I may be waiting. But my favorite place are with the ladies of my Church ministry. We meet twice a week and knit, crochet, or quilt for those who are need or want of Community support by way of our comfort of prayers which are knitted, crocheted, or quilted by us in each item.

  • My favorite place to crochet is on the couch in my living room. Sometimes while I’m watching TV and sometimes just with the stereo on.

  • I crochet primarily at work, but also anywhere I know I will be waiting around for a while (doc’s office, etc). Some evenings at home I actually get to kick back and relax by crocheting as well – luv those evenings!

  • on the couch in my living room, watching dvd’s. also on break at work. and in the car, on long trips (but not while driving.) 🙂

  • Crochet, knit, cross-stitch, are all favorites for me, in the spare bedroom, while watching tv, at Drs’ offices, visiting friends, in back swing, while watching various birds at feeder while sitting at patio table.

  • I crochet while I watch tv, or listen to audio books. Plus, I get a lot of crocheting done whenever we go on a trip in the car.

  • I like to knit while I’m watching TV shows at night. Long car trips are great for getting a lot done. My husband drives and I knit as the miles whiz by. Sometimes I listen to recorded books while I knit – killing two birds with one stone!

  • i love to knit when there’s a long line…in the car on a long drive… i bring my knitting bag anywhere i go! i even forget my purse but my knitting is always in my hand when im walking out the door.

  • I ALWAYS have my knitting or crochet with me, and work on it whenever I have to wait. I’m retired, so if I’m in the dr. office with my mother, or at her house, or babysitting my grandchildren, or riding in the car with my husband, the crochet hook or knitting needles are out. I always have a large and a small project going and take along whichever I have room for.

  • I crochet at home on our free nights. Usually while my hubby is watching TV, or gaming. I sometimes can take it to my job and work on my projects during free time (I’m an aid in a special needs classroom). I also attend a knitting/crochet ministry at my church. That’s my favorite time. Sitting and chatting with my friends. 🙂

  • living room, bedroom, or in the car (as a passenger of course!)

  • Either while watching TV — makes me feel like I’m accomplishing something besides just sitting on the couch watching “the tube”. Also sitting on the swing on our patio when the weather is warm. What a joy to listen to all the birds while making something beautiful.

  • I crochet or knit while waiting at the dentist, doctors, or in my big easy chair while watching TV.

  • Anywhere & everywhere I can! In the bed, doctor offices, watching tv, you name it!

  • I knit at home in front of the tv

  • I crochet on long car/train/plane trips and I knit at home. Usually I knit more complicated patterns so I need room for my magnetic holder, paper/pen stitch holders etc. etc. I usually crochet strip afghans to use up my stash and raffle them for a charity. I have a difficult time holding a knitted afghan as they get too heavy so doing strips is easier in the car and faster too.

  • I love knitting while watching Fox news. I have a super recliner in the living room and get comfy there with the dog and we spend hours either knitting or crocheting. I love Lion Brand for my Chemo caps . Daughter is Hospice nurse and many of her patients need a bright cap. I love the Simply Soft.

  • I take my knitting everywhere I go I always say – “Have knitting needles will travel” (lol).

  • I knit where ever I can. I usually carry my projects with me in the car. If I have to wait, I can knit.

  • At home, knitting and crochet happens in the living room. I also take projects with me everywhere these days – I can knit and crochet in the car (not while driving), in my local Dunkin Donuts, the university student center (I find a quiet couch and I’m good to go), and with two different knitting groups when I can that meet at different coffee shops.

  • I knit at home, bus, train or car, and even at church.


  • By the computer in front of the TV is where I usually am sitting to knit or crochet. Always have a project I can do in meetings, too. I look forward to the days I volunteer in the hospital waiting room, because I can knit or crochet all day without feeling guilty.

  • I knit during the winter sitting on the couch in front of my favorite shows in the evening!

  • We do a lot of driving between LA and AZ – I pass the hours in the car knitting or crocheting – makes the miles go by a bit faster.

  • With two little ones, I usually get to knit and crochet only in the evening and watching tv. 😉

  • Usually on the couch while watching t.v. but I occasionally take my knitting with me to work.

  • I mostly crochet in my bedroom while my husband watches TV and when I pick up my son from school. I get to the school early and crochet while I wait.

  • I mostly crochet at home, but I also get a lot of crocheting done at church during the service.

  • My favorite place to knit is on my sectional surrounded by all my dogs.

  • I knit and crochet anywhere I can. I make my husband drive when we go anywhere so I can do it. My Mom is in a nursing home, so when I go there I knit or crochet. I also take it with me to the movies, doctor’s office, bus trips, plane trips. I usually take something to knit and crochet so when I get bored with one, I switch to the other. I switch back and forth often.

  • EVERYWHERE! 🙂 At work on my breaks mostly, sometimes at the car dealership waiting for my oil change, while visiting with the in-laws, any time I can sneak it in since I don’t have alot of free time to just sit on the couch and craft.

  • I knit and crochet every evening while watching my hubbys old movies collections. Keeps my hands busy and my eyes from dosing off!

  • I knit on the plane when traveling or just at home watching a good movie!

  • Anywhere I get a chance – I always have a project going, & whenever I have some down-time (watching TV, waiting in line, at parties, at meetings when permitted)it comes out & I work on it 🙂

  • I have a wonderful comfy chair-and-a-half in my family room that’s loaded with pillows. I love to nest into the pillows and knit. Having just become unemployed, I now have more time to indulge, so I’m making dish cloths with Lion Brand Cotton. Best of all is when my cats join me and cuddle while I’m working on my projects. It doesn’t get much better than that!

  • Always have a bag w/crochet to do while in the waiting room of a doctor…husband spends a lot of time and you know how waiting there goes…

  • I knit on the bus, train, in the car, at home and when my husband gambles at the casino. I have had many a comment and even some offers to purchase what I am making, but I only make gifts.

  • I knit almost anywhere! , On the bus on the train in the Dr.’s office. I just came back from Australia so I knit on planes, trains,
    trams and ferries. I knit with a group every Friday at a coffee shop. At home I have my own corner in the family room so I don’t miss anything that is going on.

  • If my husband is watching tv, then I like to knit on the sofa next to him. If my husband is driving around in the car running errands, then I like to knit in the passenger’s seat. If my husband is eating or reading at the dinner table then I like to knit in the chair next to him. If my husband is in the office working on the computer, then I like to knit in a recliner behind him. If my husband is in bed, then I will knit tomorrow.

  • I knit any time I don’t have anything else to do with my hands! My knitting goes with me on public transport, and to the supermarket (in case of long queues). And I knit when listening to the radio, talking to my husband &/or friends, or in waiting-rooms. I tend to have at least one “bus knitting” (no concentration required, portable) project on the go as well as any serious large-and-demanding project I may be working on. Sometimes I spin with my spindle instead.

  • Absolutely anywhere I can ~ kids’ soccer games, waiting at the doctor’s office, in the car ~ haven’t done it in church or at weddings or funerals… Yet.

  • I’m a college student and I crochet in class! I’ve never had a professor complain. In fact my philosophy teacher said she used to knit in class.

  • At home on the sofa, while watching TV. On transport: planes, ferries, car. At the beach. While waiting at the doctors, queuing at the airport, the supermarket. Anywhere where I sit long enough to whip out my crochet from my handbag.

  • i love to knit. crochet, or tat in the evening after dinner sitting in bed next to my sweetheart wile he reads or naps after dinner.

  • Since my studio is a converted bedroom I do my crafts there.

  • I knit in the living room in the winter….I know basically boring. In the summertime, in the backyard in my favorite chaise lounge or in any chair at the camper as long as it’s outside.

  • My absolute favorite place to knit is at my local YMCA in my karate outfit with my black belt waiting for class to start. I get the most wonderful comments and it’s deliciously ironic. But the statement I love the most about it is that I can do ANYTHING.


  • I only started knitting in the car in my old age – when I was younger I would have been car sick. But I just knitted half a sock in about a hundred miles. I love that sock yarn! Have also knitted an alligator scarf while in the car. Really cool! You can knit anywhere, especially in a stuck elevator. Calms the nerves!

  • I love to crochet while watching movies in the evenings. I use smaller projects to get me through time in the doctors’ office waiting rooms. I have been using a great deal of Homespun after finding some on sale. This yarn makes such nice afghans and the colors are beautiful. I also used it for some Prayer shawls for Christmas.

  • I enjoy knitting alone in the attic and sewing in the quiet

  • I get allergy shots every other week and must wait for 30 minutes before I can leave. I always bring my crochet with me to help the time go faster.

    I setup and run video for my church on a regular basis. After everything is setup I stay while the band rehearses so I know when to forward slides or start short videos. Most Sundays I need to stay next to the computer during our pastor’s sermon so I crochet. I listen to the message 3 times and usually end up finishing quite a few rows of my latest project.

  • I am just learning to crochet, so I have to pay a little closer attention. I like to crochet while watching baseball in the evenings. Because of baseball’s slower pace, I can keep up with the game while still keeping my eyes mostly on my project. Go Braves!

  • Everywhere…I always look like I’m running away from home because I carry a bag and my purse and sometimes my laptop to work. I usually keep one to two projects going at a time and will have about 4 different yarns with me. I found a pencil case for 98 cents that is the perfect size for my hooks and I keep my needles in scissors in a Altoid tin inside the case. I’m just trying to figure out what I can take on my business trip without it being taken by security. I HAVE to have a project with me when I go.

  • At roller derby practices, movies and plays with my light up needles and when I am waiting at the car repair places or aerobics classes when my husband teaches and I don’t want to workout in his class 🙂
    anyplace I have to wait, I always have a tote bag with a project, and it gives me a good story to tell people when I pull it out 🙂

  • I crochet while watching “The Rachel Maddow Show” and “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” each night. Before school got out last week I was seriously contemplating bringing a project with me to work on in Biology. We had finished the standards that Alabama required and we had about an hour of free time every day.

  • i like to crochet while my mom is driving ( i’m 10)and in my bedroom usually i stay up late and listen to my boombox crocheting. :p

  • Thanks for posting this great read. See my very own!

  • At home, at my grandmothers while visiting and talking, Anywhere really. I was knitting the other day in Halcyon Yarns. I am lucky enough to live close by.

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  • At the doctor’s office while waiting forever for my turn. You would be surprised the conversations started with other patients who now do the same. I guess I started a trend!

  • I have knitted at a play in local theater, on Jury duty, while traveling and always have needles in my hand! Any where with my knitting needles and yarn!

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