Male knitters are popping up more and more these days. It’s exciting to see boundaries being changed and people are being more open-minded about crafts. There’s a wonderful article at that looks at males in the knitting community. We also had an episode of YarnCraft featuring Men Who Knit & Crochet. As a male knitter myself, I got odd looks from subway passengers while knitting a scarf on my way to work. But it’s great to see that the number of males crafting is on the rise — one of the readers of the blog, Robert is working on the Tree of Life pattern right now, in fact. Also, one of my good friends, who’s a world-class rock climber was one of the last people I’d have expected to crochet, but he’s made some incredible things.
Are you a male knitter or crocheter? Speak up by commenting on this post and introducing yourself!
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Male knitters, maybe, but I was under the impression that all snowboarders, male or female, are fiendish crocheters.
i’m a male knitter who recently started crocheting. unfortunately i’d be far too self-conscious to do either on the subway.
Sally A
Guys, just remember that crochet, knitting and macrame were all common crafts of seamen who used them to make nets and clothing on long voyages. I believe women did most of the spinning as they were home with the animals and children. Of course they learned the crafts from their men and made them their own. Happy yarning!
I have been crocheting about 40 years. This year I am making “Hats for the Homeless”. A simple hat to make and I can use leftover yarn to make them. I have completed 35 hats but I need about 200 by winter. We are getting some help from local Church groups also.
Yesterday, I listened to Vickie Howell’s podcast in which she interviews Drew Emborsky who is coming out with a book he wrote titled “The Crochet Dude’s Designs for Guys.” It was quite interesting. Here’s the address if you want to check it out: (
I may not be a ,male knitter myself but I have taught my fiance (many years ago) and now my son (who is 17) to knit.
It is time men stopped limiting them selves to teh tool shed and the garden – well done for knitting and crocheting you men!
I really think it’s great that men knit and crochet.I have yet to meet any males who do either craft.There’s no shame in picking up a set of needles or a hook and enjoying what you create.My mom taught me how to crochet at a young age and to knit when I got older.I love doing both and have no problem working on projects when I’m out in public.I am currently knitting two needle socks for a charity project.Enjoy What You Create!Happy Knitting and Crocheting Everyone!
I’ve just learned to knit and crochet in the last year, but have thrown myself into it. I started because my wife wanted to learn to make granny square Christmas stockings like her mom made. She had a hard time picking up on it but while watching her learn, I thought “Hey, I could do that.” Being that I am a scientist and work with my hands daily, crochet was easy to pick up on, and thanks to the internet (especially I taught myself to knit. My 2 year old son loves to play with my yarn stash and I hope to teach him to knit and crochet someday as well. Right now I’m working on an entrelac afghan for him that I work on while watching the Red Sox.
My mother was more interested in showing off her skills than passing them on so my father eventaully gave in and taught me when i complained even my younger brother could knit better than me. I grew up with the understanding my father had been a bachelor before he married and if one wants to live without women, one learns to do the womans work. So it took me by surprise when i learnt my fiance dispite growing up with knitters only learnt sports and not crafts, because boys don’t knit. Whoever taught him that should be shot as when he did learn he showed what a lovely even tension he was was letting go to waste. He says now he knows how, but he has no interest in bachelorhood and doesn’t see the point if I can do it for him.
At least someone taught him to be grateful for handknitted gloves and sweaters and afghans! And a man who asks “Is it for me?” is better than a man who gasps in horror when they see the cost of my overflowing yarn stash.
Anne Fox
WONDERFUL hearing that both men and women and young kids are LETTING THEIR talents/gifts “BREAK OUT” in crochet/knitting, etc. = GREAT MENTAL health “COMES FORTH” from this!! YES!!!