On Sunday, I had the most exhausting, exhilarating, crazy, fun- filled, AMAZING day ever! Of course, I’m talking of Lion Brand Yarn Studio’s first member-only preview day. At 10:30 am, the line had already started to form. By the time we opened the doors at noon, there were already sixty fantastic, loyal, excited Lion Brand Yarn fans waiting to get in. We opened the doors and the fun began. In the next five hours, over 500 Lion Brand customers passed through our doors.
It was so great to meet you all! What a remarkable bunch of yarn-crafters. I met someone who flew in from Washington DC, a woman who came in from Maryland, a man who drove from Pennsylvania. I guess it’s true what they say about us yarn lovers: if you build it (and fill it with yarn), we will come. I think my favorite part of the day was when I visited the back of the line to see how everyone was doing. I asked, “How’s everything going back here?” and a wonderful woman said, “Great, we’re all having fun and making friends.” I hope that will set the tone for our future.
Speaking of the future, we have lots of fun events coming up in the next few months. First, there’s the grand opening, November 18th. We will have free demos throughout the day and hourly raffles!
Check out our web page, LionBrandYarnStudio.com, for news and events, and be sure to sign up for the Studio e-mail list! If you are on the Lion Brand Yarn e-mail list, you still have to sign up separately for the Studio e-mail.
Today will be our second preview day, from 12 to 7 pm — we look forward to meeting even more of you!
Hope to see you all soon and often!
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What fun it looked liked. Yarn-pettable, touchable yarn. Lion Brand yarn. I hope to get there. It is wonderful. Stores can’t carry all the types of yarn in all the colors offered. Much luck to Lion Brand.
I went to the Preview on the 9th and had a great time I’m in the picture above. The studio is magnificent I would like to go to the grand opening but unfortunately I have to work. What are the hours for the grand opening?
The grand opening day, November 18th, will be 11:30 – 7:00 pm
I also attended the 11/9 preview day. What a wonderful time – well-organized, pleasant and a lot of fun!!
My pictures can be found at http://www.flickr.com/photos/kateycp2k/sets/72157608800219208/.
I look forward to many many visits, since you are a stone’s throw from my grad school, Pratt Institute. (And yes, I know about the Studio’s discount to Pratt students!