Here’s how your image could be featured!

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Lion Brand Yarn

Here’s how your image could be featured!

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If you’re crafting with Lion Brand Yarn, we want to know. And if you’re sharing your projects on social media, we want to see! In addition to hashtagging #LionBrand when you post on Instagram or Twitter, another great way to get your image featured is to add it to our Community Gallery.

How to Join the Community Gallery

Our Community Gallery is located on our website, and it’s super easy to use! You’ll see a button on the right-hand side that says ‘Add a photo’. Choose where you’re sharing your photo from: your hard drive, Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube for videos. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be prompted to add a caption. You’ll need a free log-in to finalize your photo (this is the same log-in you use to access patterns & place orders on our website!). And that’s it!

Maximize Your Image

The Shape

To maximize the chances of your image being featured by us, make sure the image you’re uploading is a square. This is the format most commonly used for Instagram, and it guarantees we’ll be able to use your image without cropping any of the lovely details! It’s also the ideal format for the multiple ways we share images, so it’s more likely to catch our eye.

The Style

We love all different kinds of images of your projects, so don’t hesitate to make it your own! A few good rules of thumb: make sure the image is in focus, make sure the lighting is fairly even (not too dim, no harsh shadows!), and please refrain from using too many fancy filters. We want to see the details and the colors, just as they are!


@_dolela shared their yarn haul via Instagram

The Caption

Whether you’re sharing your image on social media or in our Community Gallery, the caption is key. Our crafters will always ask which yarn and pattern you’re using, so it’s very helpful to provide that information up front! Even if we’ve got a pile of WIPs of our own, it’s fun to get inspired and start something new when we’ve seen a great photo. Hashtagging #LionBrand will also help us find your image more easily.

Where We Might Use Your Image

While Instagram is definitely a place we share crafter’s images regularly, we use them in other ways, too! If you’ve uploaded an image to our Community Gallery, it might be chosen to be featured on our homepage. We also post WIP Wednesday weekly on Facebook, and love to feature projects-in-process made by Lion Brand crafters. In addition, we send a New Patterns Alert newsletter, which is another place your image could find a home.

Share with us!

We can’t wait to see what you’re working up with Lion Brand Yarns, so don’t be shy! It’s a pleasure to celebrate your projects, and amplify members of our crafting family. Whether you choose to add your photo to our Community Gallery, or hashtag us on social media, we appreciate you taking the time. Hope to see your projects soon!

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