4 Ways To Learn To Knit Or Crochet

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4 Ways To Learn To Knit Or Crochet

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Wherever I go, when I mention I work for Lion Brand Yarn Company, people tell me they would love to learn to knit or crochet.  It’s not surprising that so many more people want to learn these crafts.  Not only do you see a lot of younger people and celebrities knitting in the last couple of years, but the stress busting and health benefits of doing these crafts are beginning to be recognized by more and more people.

For people who want to learn, I suggest first finding your ideal learning method.  In many cases that will be sitting side by side with a good teacher, but when that’s not possible, there are many other ways.  Here are my top four ways to learn–with and without a person by your side.

1. Learning through video

We have two YouTube playlists: one for learning to knit and one for learning to crochet.  Each playlist has 10 or 11 videos that are an average of a minute long.  Many people have told me they learned to knit from watching these videos.  They’re very clear and you can watch them over and over if you need to.  Even if you’re not a rank beginner, but haven’t knit or crochet in a while, you you may need a refresher on some of the skills like how to triple crochet or how to bind off.  Take a couple of minutes and learn something new.

Learn to Crochet Youtube Playlist. For our Learn to Knit Playlist, click here.

2. Learning through step-by-step illustrations

Some people are not comfortable with video but would rather study still images.  If you’d rather learn from step-by-step illustrations, you may want to try the detailed illustrations for how to knit and how to crochet on our website.

Once you’ve learned the basics of a craft, you’ll find YouTube videos for advanced techniques and videos that take you step-by-step through pattern.

3. Learning through in person classes

Lion Brand has two retail stores where classes are offered..  The Lion Brand Yarn Studio at 34 W. 15th Street in New York City has a large roster of classes and workshops.  Our teachers are highly trained and fun to learn from. You can take private classes, master classes or beginner classes.  To see the selection of classes click here.  The other great thing about our Studio is that they are always there to help you.  If you took a class and got stumped on a stitch when you got home, just stop in and you’ll get free help to make sure you can complete your project.

The Lion Brand Yarn Shop in Colonie, New York offers a growing list of classes.  To find out what’s available, call  518-464-9276 or talk to them via their Facebook page.

You’ll also find a variety of yarn crafting classes at major craft chains and many independent yarn shops.  Lion Brand often sponsors knit and crochet classes at craft chains.  Check with your local store to find out what the upcoming offerings are.

4. Online learning through Craftsy

We’ve partnered with Craftsy, the premiere online education site for knitters and crocheters, to produce classes that help you improve your knit and crochet skills.  Craftsy has really figured out how to take the in-person experience of knit and crochet classes and translate it to a personal, engaging class that you can take online at your own speed and own forever.  Here are the four classes we’ve developed so far:

My First Slip-Stitch Afghan My First Sweater
Exploration in Cables Improve Your Knitting

Putting it all together

When you’re learning a new skill, especially if you’re doing it on your own without a teacher, you may need to refer to several sources and different sources as you improve.  For free, easy to access teaching, try starting with the videos and illustrations.  When you’re ready to take the leap and get more serious about developing your skills, try a class–either online or off.

Combining several learning methods will help you reinforce and grow your skills. Why not get started or help someone you know who is interested in learning to knit or crochet?

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  • […] Need extra help? Lion Brand can show you other ways you can learn to knit or crochet. […]

  • YouTube link for learning to knit through video is invalid, only 6 days after original posting.

  • let me amend that. link in text is invalid. link under video is OK. still, would be nice for both links to work, just in case others have same issue as me. thanks!

  • Thanks for catching that Topher, should be ok now.

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