6 DIY Crochet Hook & Knitting Needle Organizers

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6 DIY Crochet Hook & Knitting Needle Organizers

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Two weeks ago, I wrote about one of my new year’s resolutions being to organize my hooks, needles, and notions–something that most yarncrafters have to tackle at one point or another–and I got a response from Syd who asked if I could share some do-it-yourself ideas, since one of her resolutions was not to spend money when possible.

As knitters and crocheters (and generally crafty people), of course, there are some great ways to do this. I was happy to oblige, and so here are just a few patterns that will help you get your tools in order. (Click on the photos or titles for the patterns on LionBrand.com.)

Knit & Crochet Felted Hook & Needle Books Knit & Crochet Felted Hook & Needle Books

Designed specifically with knitters & crocheters in mind, these two patterns tell you to create slits in the felted (and therefore, strong and dense) material through which you can slide your hooks or needles. It’s a great way to keep your hooks and needles together, fitting hooks, straight needles, and double-pointed needles too.

Knit Felted Roll-Up Case Knit Felted Roll-Up Case

Shown here with pencils, this case would be great for crochet hooks or double-pointed needles. I love that it’s made with tweedy Fishermen’s Wool and that it has individual pockets sewn in. For another similar case that has a flap closure, click here.

Loom Woven, Knit & Crochet Eyeglass Cases Loom Woven, Knit & Crochet Eyeglass Cases

Okay, so these are meant for your glasses, but why not use them for your hooks or double-pointed needles? They’re the perfect length! We’ve got patterns for woven, knit, and crochet case patterns, so be sure to click on the photo or title above to see them.

Knit & Crochet Felted Coin Purses Knit & Crochet Felted Coin Purses

If you’re like me, you have tape measures, darning needles, stitch markers, and other notions to use in your knitting & crocheting projects. Keep track of them by making a little purse in which you can keep them all. Plus the little purse can be easily moved from project back to project bag.

Knit Lace Vase Cozy Knit Lace Vase Cozy

For knitters & crocheters who want to have their tools out, whether in a craft room or just for a decorative touch, consider putting them in a lovely vase. We hear from customers all the time, who tell us they display their needles and hooks in this way. While you’re at it, why not dress up your vase with a beautiful lace cozy?

Wrapped Desk Organizers Wrapped Desk Organizers

Along the same lines as the vase, consider recycling glass jars into desktop organizers by decorating them with–what else–yarn. You can use a taller jar for straight needles, a medium one for crochet hooks, and a little one for your T-pins, stitch markers, row counters, etc.

How do you store your needles & hooks? Leave a comment and share your tips!

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  • I have my hooks in the odd cups that I have, that no longer match what is in the kitchen, but I love too much to part with them 🙂 I use old mugs for various notions. Pretty much any container that I love but have no other use for.
    Though I have always wanted to make a hook roll, so I may actually get to it this year!

  • Evidently my favorite place for storing needles is in UFOs!  :)    I have a lot of needles since I wind up buying more to start new projects.  The easiest way to store them, I have found, is in these   
    http://www.staples.com/JM-Zipper-Ring-Binder-Pockets-8-x-10-1-2/product_497900  The pockets then go into a 3″ wide binder.  I have two, one for dpns and one for circulars.  My straight needles are in a collection of vases.  
    As for yarn storage, I recently discovered this http://www.amazon.com/Household-Essentials-536-Dinnerware-Storage/dp/B001FDZ4MU/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1327141825&sr=8-8  The box holds a sweater’s worth of yarn, it zips closed instead of  using the dreaded Velcro, and fits nicely on my storage shelf.  It also has a clear window so you can see what is in it.  It is a bit pricey, but so is that cashmere yarn I bought for a lovely sweater.  

  • I saw this post and got a link to a start stitch crochet hook roll pattern on the  same day.  I sat down with a remnant of yarn from a previous project and came up with a lovely way to store my aluminum and plastic hooks. I will have to make another for my steel ones and my afghan hooks.  

  • I store my needles in a wine bottle gift box, it is decorative and useful. My crochet hooks and notions go in a zippered pencil pouch that would go into a 3 ring binder.

  • I store my needles in a zippered case which was originally intended for storing men’s neckties which I bought at a yard sale.  

  • Needles can co in the tubes from those stackable potato chips – just make sure to degrease them first! I have a tall tea bag tin to use, also, but those are harder to come by…

    Beloved Husband made a couple of boxes from plastic canvas/needlepoint for crochet hooks and dp needles for me, and notions go in a cosmetic bag. Isn’t it great how we all re-purpose stuff for our needlework? Yay!

  • i store my hooks in a hot chocolate cantanier that i crocheted a cozy for. the small hooks and darning needles go on the outside of the can and the larger hooks go on the inside. so far this has worked well for me, but i may make a cozy for my knitting needles. 🙂

  • I know this may be heresy, by I made a counted cross stitch clutch for my small notions and sewed needle and hook cases out of scrap cloth leftover from larger projects. I keep all my needlework tools and supplies in a laptop briefcase that doesn’t fit my current laptop. It is neat, portable and lives on top of the filing cabinet my stash lives in. Beat of all, the slots and pockets in the case make convenient places to put different tools. And there is still room for my reference material/guides!

  • I have the art bin case for my big knitting needles but my double pointed needles and crochet hooks would fall out as soon as I unzipped it. I found that the little containers from instant tea, the kind that holds 4 or 5 pitcher size servings, work perfectly for my hooks and dpns. I have one for each. They can also hold a six inch ruler, small scissors, etc. They are small enough to put in your purse or bag and you don’t have worry about getting stabbed. Also, the zippered bags from sheets, blankets and pillow cases are perfect for holding my knitting and crocheting projects.

  • I store my hooks in toothbrush travel cases. I push a cotton ball inside each end so the hooks don’t slip out.

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