Always Wanted to Learn To Knit A Sweater?

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Always Wanted to Learn To Knit A Sweater?

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As you may know, Lion Brand has partnered with Craftsy, the premiere, online crafting education platform, to develop classes that will inspire you and take your yarn crafting skills to the next level.

One of the classes we wanted to develop first is a My First Sweater class.  Many of you have been knitting for years–20, 30 or more–yet there are some of you who’ve never felt confident enough to move from flat knitting (i.e. scarves and afghans) to garment knitting.  This class will give you the confidence to move to garment knitting.  You’ll learn to follow a pattern, breeze through the process of shaping and create what will likely be your favorite sweater.

When we were developing the class with instructor, Amy Ross, we realized that among our thousands of free patterns, there wasn’t one that was absolutely perfect for your first sweater project, so you’ll see that pattern on our website here.  You’ll learn to make a simple pullover, a cardigan, a cardigan with 3/4 sleeves, and a cardigan with a shawl collar in the class (see below for all the pattern variations).

And best of all, when you buy a Craftsy class, it’s yours to own.  No monthly fee to subscribe. Just buy it and watch it as often as you want.  You’ll also enjoy interactive questions and answers with Amy in case anything during the class isn’t clear.

We invite you to take your knitting to the next level. Order it now at $19.99 (original price of $29.99).*

My First Raglan Pullover My First Raglan Cardigan My First Raglan Cardigan, 3/4 Sleeve Variation My First Raglan Cardigan, Collared Variation

*Price is for a limited time only.

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