Category Page

Express Yourself with Sock-Ease

My absolute favorite knitting project is socks. While I do enjoy solid socks, I really love combining colors with stripes and Fair Isle. When the new colors of Sock-Ease arrived, I decided to test out a few color combinations by knitting up some miniature socks! From left to right: Cotton Candy with Lemon Drop, Lemon…

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Share Yarncrafting with the Next Generation! Teach a Child to Crochet or Knit!

On Friday, I was crocheting some gauge swatches on the subway, which I take to get home after work. A few stops in, three little boys boarded the train with their father. One of them sat down in the empty seat next to me and called to his brother, “Look, she’s knitting! That’s cool!” Now,…

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Yarncrafting Fun in the Sun

Now that it’s summer, we at Lion Brand love to knit and crochet outside! PT shot this a short video of Jess, Zontee, and me working on our projects in the beautiful Madison Square Park. Jess and I are both knitting the Marigold Sweater from Interweave Knits in LB Collection Superwash Merino, and Zontee finished…

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Setting World Records at Citi Field…with Crochet!

This is a guest post from Mike D., whose last blog post was about our company bowling night. Have you ever seen 426 people simultaneously crocheting? If you are saying “yes,” then it could be that you were at Citi Field on June 5th for Stitch N Pitch. While I was not one of the…

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From Your Lips. . .

In this blog post on January 8th, we asked you to write about how knitting or crocheting make you better. Your comments were incredibly thoughtful and moving. We decided to take a selection of these comments, set them to music, and create a video, which we put on YouTube. In just a few days, over…

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Fun with Yarn at Maker Faire Bay Area 2010

We love to reach out to yarncrafters (and those who want to learn a yarncraft) here at Lion Brand, which is why we go to a bunch of different craft and yarn fairs throughout the year. So far in 2010, we’ve been to Stitches West and Stitches South, and we just got back from Maker…

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Washcloths: A Great Way To Satisfy The Urge To Knit and Crochet In Warmer Months

We have recently started our “washcloth of the week” series in our newsletter, The Weekly Stitch.  (If you don’t already get it, click here to get started signing up.) Just to give you an idea that washcloths can be an interesting and beautiful project, here are a two highly rated examples (click the photos to…

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Quick Poll: Where Do You Craft?

We’ve heard great stories about crafting at home and on the go. Where’s your favorite place to knit or crochet? Personally, I love to craft on the train to and from work. It’s great to be productive during my downtime, and it’s so fun to chat with other knitters and crocheters I meet on the…

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Beach Cardi Crochet-Along: Belt or Buttons and the Cardi is Finished!

Hello everyone! Well we’re finally here – the finishing steps of this cardi and then its ready to hit the beach 🙂 I hope that you are happy with your results so far, whether you went with long sleeve or short, collar or hood, and you are ready to get this sweater done and ready…

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Beach Cardi Crochet-Along: Hood or Collar? You Decide!

Hello! Hope you have all had a great week and your cardi has sleeves and is soooo close to being done! Did anyone else modify their sleeves (you can see my sleeves below)? How do they look? Please leave comments as to how your progress is going–I love hearing how else everyone is liking their…

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