Share Yarncrafting with the Next Generation! Teach a Child to Crochet or Knit!

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Share Yarncrafting with the Next Generation! Teach a Child to Crochet or Knit!

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On Friday, I was crocheting some gauge swatches on the subway, which I take to get home after work. A few stops in, three little boys boarded the train with their father. One of them sat down in the empty seat next to me and called to his brother, “Look, she’s knitting! That’s cool!”

Now, I happen to be the kind of person who mostly keeps to myself on the subway, but I do like sharing my crafts with kids, so I turned to him and explained to him that actually I was crocheting, and that I’d be happy to show him the cardigan I just finished (look out for an upcoming blog post about it). He was impressed, and said, “That’s hot.”

Next, he and his brothers then asked me about what else I liked to make. I told them about my projects, and they told me that they had friends who crocheted both with hooks and by finger-crocheting (a good, kid-friendly technique, where they use their finger as the hook). They also told me that they too wanted to learn to crochet in art class so they could make slippers, hats, and gifts, and that they hoped someday they would be as fast as I was.

It was so fun to hear their enthusiasm, and it was a wonderful reminder that if you have the opportunity to teach an enrichment class at your local school district, church, or community center, or if you can support a local art teacher by donating yarn, tools, or your time, it’s a great opportunity to pass these great crafts onto the next generation.

Do you teach knitting, crochet, and/or other yarncrafts to children in your community? Tell us about your experiences by leaving a comment!

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  • A timely post for me! I forwarded the pattern for the red, white, and blue bangles that were on Craftzine to my 9 year old yesterday. She went on to look up Yarnplay, and other treasures on She’s been making the tassle treasures all morning!

  • When my children were in elementary school, I taught knitting during the lunch periods. Other moms would come in to brush up on their knitting so they, too, could help hold the hands of the little ones around the knitting needles. Now my 2 children are in middle school. Last spring I asked the principal if I could teach knitting in the student center during the 3 lunch periods. She was enthusiastic! Many knitting friends donated needles and yarn. Every Wednesday, a knitting friend and I push chairs into a circle and lay out needles with yarn already cast on ready to knit. Some students come every week. Others come for one or more times. Even teachers stop and pick up needles to knit a few stitches. The most fun is when the “jocks” show up to knit! Our “knitting club” has a whole page in this year’s yearbook! We give away yarn and needles, help with simple projects, and hope that we are a calm corner in their busy and sometimes stressful day. Of course, neither of my middle-schoolers knit. But they see me, and I see them and their friends every week, thanks to knitting.
    Carla Kepler
    Mercer Island, WA

  • I have taught knitting after school to 4th and 5th graders…all girls, so far…this past year. I plan on continuing next year and have had a 4th grade boy ask if he could join the group to which I gave him a very enthusiastic ‘yes’! I always have teachers come by to admire our work and say that they would like to learn, too, but so far no takers…maybe in the fall they will decide to join us!

  • I learned to crochet at vacation bible school 20 years ago and have been on a roll ever since! I share my love and pay it forward every chance I get with adults and children. I have taught a niece and a cousin as well as many adults. I think kids are often times better students, lol. Besides, you never know where taking a few moments to teach them a new skill will take them!

  • I taught everyone in a small Girl Scout troop to knit about 30 years ago. I also am teaching my granddaughter (9 yrs. old) to knit now. In addition, I teach knitting at my local public library, and have had a few teens in the group.

  • This post inspired me to blog about my experience learning to knit from my grandmother several years ago. I’d love for you to check it out:

    Thanks! 🙂

  • I teach knitting to a group of young offenders (13-18), they seem to enjoy it and get alot from it. One in particular has a real talent and is very enthusiastic which makes it all worth while

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