CNN Reports on Knitting (and Color) as a Path to Inner Peace

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CNN Reports on Knitting (and Color) as a Path to Inner Peace

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Visit for a great story on how a busy mom was able to better handle the stresses of life.

As the writer says in the article, “The sound of the needles had a metronomic quality, a calming pace that automatically slowed my thoughts. And the feel of the wool sliding through my fingers was almost like a caress”

And maybe it’s not just the knitting that helps to make you feel better. Here’s an article referenced in the CNN article that talks about how color can boost your mood.

How about you?  Is knitting, crochet or color a path to inner peace?

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  • I tried knitting yesterday at lunch because I was annoyed and worked up. That didn’t calm me, and I thought it was because I was learning to knit so I switched to the crochet project I had because well I know it and I am not learning. It helped a bit, so I would say if I am uber annoyed and worked up like yesterday then I need physical release like a walk or other exercise but it was raining and I was at work on my lunch hour so my options were limited.

    However after a normal day of annoyances and stuff crochet will let me rev down to a relaxed place. And color totally rocks…for that reason my bedroom is painted a nice blue green, blue for the calm effect as quoted in the article you point to and green for happiness. Whenever I walk into my bedroom it has an instant effect on me in a good way.

  • I am in constant back pain from degenerative disc disease. It is painful to stand, sit or walk for any period of time. But I cannot give up on life so I push myself. When I rest I pick up my knitting needles or crochet hook. There are several projects in process throughout the house. I find knitting and crochetting have a calming effect. It helps to change my focus and relaxes me so that I can get some relief from the pain. Completing a project provides me a sense of accomplishment. I have even developed a Knitting Bible Study which I share at my local church where we combine knitting with scripture.

  • Ah, knitting and crocheting, so restful. And it’s catching on with the younger crowd. I work at a university and the number of needling students is really growing– an inexpensive way to be with other folks but not have to talk, a way to create something unrelated to quantum physics, just a slice of time that can be enjoyed in small bites….

  • […] Color as a path to inner peace […]

  • I have knitted and crocheted since I was 14. I stopped when I was about 25, and I picked it up again when I was about 30. Then at age 50, my father passed away. My hospice counselor suggested knitting. I gave everyone a scarf that Christmas and loved the peace and satisfaction it gave me. I slowed down again when I was 52. Then I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Needless to say, I picked up my knitting again, and it helped me to change my focus and get through those long chemo treatments. It gave me peace, kept my mind busy on a positive project. I then began crocheting chemo hats for me and for the “free hat box” at the treatment center. I love knitting and crocheting and am always open to teach others this art.

  • It is truly so relaxing to crochet. The rhythm is tension relieving. I try to get some hook time in before I go to work (night shift) to mellow down. Color positively affects mood. Whether it is a beautiful yarn or a room.

  • I do beleive that color definitely has an effect on me. Gray days are a bit of a drag for example. And Knitting . . .what can I say . . .the ultimate in relaxing pursuits!

  • I grew up crochetting. I tried several times over my life to knit but just couldn’t do it. Finally, at the tender young age of 50, while recovering from an MS attack I tried again and it finally worked. I don’t know why, but now I always have a knittine project going, mostly charities as my children are grown and gone, and charities aren’t fussy, so I get practice that way, with no criticism involved. As for color, I try and use the brightest I can find, and mixing colors is my way of expressing myself.

  • my mother taught me to knit and crochet when I was a child and through the years I was always working on either a knitting or crocheting project. My children are now grown and I have a passle of grandkids and I’m still knitting. I really got into it with a vengeance when my yongest, at the age of 16, was diagnosed with cancer. He spent many days in the hospital over the course of the next 2 years and I stayed with him. The fun fur scarfs were very popular at that time so several skeins of yarn were always packed in my suitcase. Knitting not only helped me while away the time but also had a calming, relaxing effect which I desperately needed so that I could continue to support and encourage my son as he battled this illness. Unfortunately, in spite of his brave battle, he lost the war on January 14, 2004 at the 18 years of age. I kept on knitting, scarfs were a big thing for me as they worked up fast and there was instant gratification at having completed a project. Each year I donate the scarves to the Salvation Army for distribution to needy persons. I also began knitting for charity which has been extremely satisfying. I’m now encouraging my grand-daughters to try there hand at knitting.

  • At the age of 49 1/2 I still enjoy picking up the needles and wish I had stayed with knitting and wished I had learned crochet. I can do both but not to the extent I would like. I have been diagnosed with R.A. in my wrists and it is spreading to my right shoulder, hip and knee. I refuse to give up on my hobbies and walking my dogs. I use these as therapy and I also enjoy beadwork. I have not been able to get to my projects and I have been hurting but this weekend, like today, I am going to tidy up around here and get busy. I have tried my first attempt at a dog sweater. Has anyone out there got a nice and easy pattern for one of those?
    Keep clicking those needles together. Colour and fragrances are my thing.

  • I learn to crochet at the AGE of 10 from my Mom. Put down the needle in my twenties. Now I forty something with a stressful job I could’nt fine any this to relax me. So I picked up my crochet needle in December. I have completed a rug, a baby blanket, several scarves and just mailed 4 squares to Africa. IT FEELS GOOD!!!
    I am also teaching myself to knit.

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