Over at the YarnCraft podcast, we had an episode all about teaching kids to knit and crochet that got great response from our listeners. Sharyn, a 2nd grade teachers, shared with us these pictures of her students’ weavings.
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I listened with interest to your recent podcast regarding kids and yarn. I’m a second grade teacher. Everyday after lunch, while I’m reading to them, my students finger crochet chains and then weave the chains on simple cardboard looms to create wall hangings, doll blankets, etc. Some even sew the weavings together to create small blankets or purses.
Attached are some photos of their current works. We can’t seem to keep yarn in the classroom, so we weave with whatever is available, even plastic shopping bags. As you can tell by the “color scheme,” the students will use whatever yarn is available.
All my students weave, both boys and girls. This is a practical skill, where they make something “real.” They also develop the fine motor skills that they need for writing and keyboarding. Keeping their hands busy means that their hands are not being used for teasing other students!
I remember doing this activity back in elementary school too, and it’s why I still have a soft-spot for weaving and why I’m so happy to share Sharyn’s pictures with you!
Want to weave with your kids too? Grab a piece of cardboard (the piece leftover when you finish a notepad is a good thickness) and cut notches into it at even intervals, both at the top and bottom. Wrap yarn around the board, putting the strand into each notch, and secure the ends with a piece of tape on the back of the board. The kids can weave the yarn back and forth on a bobbin, or you can also just cut pieces of yarn that are the width of the board and let them weave each strand individually (this method leaves a fun fringe around the edges). When they’re done, you cut the strands across the back, and tie every two or three strands together, forming a fringe at the top and bottom.
For more ideas for using yarn with your kids, check out YarnCraft – we’ll be having another episode on the subject in a few weeks. The YarnCraft podcast is a 30 minute bi-weekly audio program that you can listen to online or download – learn how to subscribe here.
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Jackie Stone
I had my son do that when he was young and we were decorating for Christmas. He did a whole skein of worsted weight in green, red, and white with his fingers. I then braided the three colors together and still drape it as garland over a large entryway in our home. And the nice thing is it can be washed. You can use as many chains as you need for the thickness you want. Single strands of the red are used for edging my sheer curtains at Christmas. I just drape it over the curtain rod (or use an ornament hook to hold it) and tie it back with the drapes. Really festive.
Joan Apthorp
Spin-Off magazine (Interweave Press), Winter 1995 issue, had an admirable plan for weaving small pouches on pieces of cardboard. You actually weave round & round, so the weaving doesn’t get narrower as you go. The trick is in putting the warp on; perhaps Spin-Off can still provide these instructions. Admirable for beginners of all ages.
Lion Brand Notebook
[…] is such a great activity for anyone who loves textiles and textures. I remember weaving on a little cardboard loom in school as a kid. Now, for anyone who wants to have a real loom of their very own, we have the fantastic Cricket […]
valerie andrews
This is a great idea! I have foster children who are fascinated when they see me crocheting. Some of them can’t grasp the crocheting, but I’ll just bet weaving on a loom will be a great alternative. we already have used the Jiffy looms, so this should be a nice added adventure. Thanks